Chapter 48 Jiu Wei Love Story

Something burst to Qi Tou's heart, warming his whole body but at the same time squeezing his tears. Droplets of pure water came flowing from his golden eyes dripping to his cheek. The man immediately lowered his head refusing to look at Jiu Wei with his current state. 

He never cried before, really. But...the day Jiu Wei died, he cried. He couldn't sleep for a few years ever since Jiu Wei's death. He blamed himself for not being able to save Jiu Wei. He's useless. That's why he went on a journey to strengthen himself. 

Now 3000 years passed by, this fox suddenly came out of the blue and said that he's still alive! 

Qi Tou wanted to punch Jiu Wei but the excitement prevented him from doing so. The man could only turn around and sobbed quietly, crying like a baby. 

Baihu Sei who knew that Qi Tou was actually such a soft person, couldn't help but pat the man's back. She kept patting Qi Tou's back as she looked at Jiu Wei.