Chapter 10 Mao Mao Love Story 

"Festival?" Mao Mao tilted his head in bewilderment. It's true that there would be a festival tomorrow, mainly to celebrate the emperor's birthday. 

But...why this girl asked him? 

Fidgeting, Fen Wén squeezed her palm and spoke in a faint whisper, "T-that...w-will you go to the f-festival?" The girl lowered her head as she couldn't look straight at Mao Mao when she spoke. 

This is too nerve-wracking! 

Mao Mao saw Fen Wén's trembling shoulder and a sigh escaped his lips, "Well even if I want to, I won't be able to go, " he smiled bitterly, "I have a lot of work to do, as usual." 

One could hear the sadness in his voice as he spoke. Fen Wén who noticed this couldn't help but feel bad for him. The girl's heart ached for the young man in front of her. 

He was around her age, still young, still a teenager yet he didn't have a lot of free time because he was the youngest prime minister at their kingdom.