Chapter 3 Xi Xue Love Story

The little vampire didn't know that the girl was wearing a transformation ring, completely hide her gender and that disguise could only be seen by people with power on par with a sacred beast. 

It's natural that her friends didn't know. Even the young man opposing her also didn't know. 

Xi Xue tilted his head in confusion, ignoring the shout of the girl. 

Seeing the young man ignored her, the blue-haired girl snapped. 

"Hey! Did you just ignore me??" The girl stomped and was about to grab Xi Xue collar when the vampire finally replied. 

"Oops, sorry, sorry I didn't mean to." He nimbly dodged, escaping the girl just an inch away from her hand. 

The way he casually dodged actually startled the group. The young man with arrow had his jaw dropped while the girl's eyes widened in shock. 

She was sure that she was fast enough and that man earlier looked like he's in a daze so how…

How could he escape?