Chapter 6 Xi Xue Love Story 

Xi Xue went silent all the time. The cave was somehow peaceful until one could hear each other heartbeat. There's no sound in the cave beside from Bíng Huo's steady breath. 

Once in a while, one would hear a beast roar or the sound of flying-type beast flapped its wings, but that's it. 

The silence surrounding the little vampire made the guy fidgeted. His blood cave, his house before was also silent but it wasn't this quiet. 

'Uhhh when will she finish??' Xi Xue glanced at Bíng Huo face from time to time until 30 minutes passed by and Bíng Huo finished her contract. 

! Finally! 

"Are you done?" Xi Xue instantly asked. His eyes were gleaming with hope. 

'Since this girl is noisy, the cave won't be silent.' Xi Xue rubbed his hands excitedly. 

"Ah, yeah. I'm done." Bíng Huo nodded. "Huffft...that was quite hard!" Bíng Huo let out a big sigh and stretched. She slowly stood up and looked at Xi Xue.