Chapter 9 Xi Xue Love Story 

Bíng Huo hurriedly called her owl, "Tou! Come here!" 

The white owl immediately flew toward the girl and landed on her shoulder while tilting its head. 

"Get bigger, I want to sleep in your embrace." Bíng Huo let the owl flew to the ground and waited until it turned back to its original size. 

Once it was ready, Bíng Huo motioned the owl to lay down before she approached it. 

Bíng Huo slowly caressed the owl's tummy and her eyes instantly brightened. "So soft!" she shouted in excitement. 

The girl then slowly laid down on its tummy while the owl used its large wings to cover Bíng Huo's body. 

His feather was really warm and soft, immediately made Bíng Huo comfortable in no time. The girl didn't even glance at Xi Xue anymore and just slowly fell into a deep sleep. 

"...." Xi Xue stared at Bíng Huo's sleeping face and silently sighed.