Chapter 32 Xi Xue love story 

Xi Xue turned smaller this time. His body was so small that his height only reached Bing Huo's chest even when the girl was already sitting. 

His black hair was still long, scattered on the bed. His red eyes blinked innocently. This scene instantly shot an arrow to Bíng Huo's heart. 

KYAAAK why are you so cute?? 

"Xi Xue. Is this really you?" Bíng Huo gulped. She looked at the small child in front of her and had the urge to hug him tight. 

Xi Xue's cheeks were so chubby that one won't be able to resist him. That pair of watery eyes just evoked pity on adults. 

"Yes….this is me." Xi Xue blinked gently. His voice sounded so cute and high-pitched, definitely the voice of a child. 

" should stay this way. Okay?" Bíng Huo scratched her hand and subconsciously squeezed the man's cheek. "So cute."