Chapter 75 Xi Xue Love story 

The couples that just came in had a stunning appearance from head to toe. They looked like the Firaun of Egypt, so majestic and domineering. 

"They are..." Bíng Huo whispered to Xi Xue, and the guy nodded. He looked at Bíng Huo with concerned eyes. 

"They are a Griffin and a sphinx. Don't make them mad, okay? Even I won't be able to protect you if they get offended." 

'Of course, there's no way these two will get easily offended.' 

But Xi Xue didn't tell this to Bíng Huo. So, the girl instantly tensed up. She looked at the tanned-skin couples coming her way with a rigid face.

"Yo, isn't this Xi Xue." The male one, with shoulder-length black hair patted Xi Xue's shoulder with quite a strength. 

The smile on his face looked like a thug for a second.