Ten Capable Men of the Pacific Tribe

According to the Talking Book, the fish can be easily caught without matching the swimming abilities of fish. Men can never match the speed of fish under water so how can a man catch a fish?

Apo Isko was amazed but still not fully convinced, unless it happened in front of his eyes.

Once again, he gathered the 10 capable men of the Pacific Tribe.

Liksi was the fastest among them, Lakas is the strongest, Tapang is the bravest, Tibay is the toughest, Dahas is very fierce and brutal, Tikas is very manly, Likot is full of vigor, Kulit is so stubborn, Husay is talented and fast learner, and last one is Tala who's brainy and mysterious.

Though they weren't that tall and bulging with muscles, they were all fit with ripped muscles, flexible, and nimble.

They have brown complexion, black hair, and brown eyes. Their height is a bit more than 5 ft. and Tibay is the tallest which is close to 6 ft.

They were natural born swimmers and divers, they were also good on climbing trees, but they lack fighting abilities.

They were all close with each other because they grew up together. They're the young adult group which is around 20 years old. Just a glance with each other, when one of them smiled, then the rest of them will laugh as if they already knew what the other one thinks.

A nod, raising eyebrows, smile, smirk, and other simple gesture already explained their thought.

They know every nook and cranny of each other's bodies. Birthmarks, scars, and every embarrassing and remarkable moments, they all shared it together.

As solid as rock, their bond is unbreakable. Oh what a genuine camaraderie!

After the first hunt, they were tasked to gather a dozen of bamboo with uniform sizes.

Each bamboo should have a hole larger than fist.

For a group without tools, it was very hard to get bamboos.

They used sharp edged rocks to crush the foundations of bamboos. 8 of them immediately carried the bamboos, except for Tala and Husay. They both gathered menthol leaves or eucalyptus leaves before carrying the bamboos. They crushed and rubbed it on their shoulders and arms before carrying the bamboos.

When they reached the river where Apo Isko is waiting, the 7 of them immediately jumped to the river due to their swollen skin. Bamboo thorns can cause itchiness when it scratches your skin. Tala and Husay both know this so they used crushed eucalyptus leaves to prevent it.

Tibay, despite the itchiness. He only scratched his skin and ignored it. He's toughness or pain tolerance is above average , that's why he can ignore it.

Dahas punched Husay and whined, "why you didn't warn us before we carry the bamboos?"

Tala laughed, "Hahahahaha, I told him not to tell you guys, you're all rush and you look so funny carrying bamboos like stupid kids!"

Husay added, "Look at Tibay, he didn't even budge when he also carried bamboos!"

Tapang and Tikas nodded, "Stop it Dahas, we deserved it! We're idi*ts and we're not kids anymore! Man up!"

Kulit and Likot showed their butts to lighten up the atmosphere, then they all laughed together as if nothing happened!

Apo Isko also smiled and whispered to himself 'They'll probably go a long way.'

Then he returned to his glassy-eyed temperament, and he started telling them the plan.