460. Meeting Family at Marketplace

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(A/N: The Map will be ready tomorrow so stay tuned!)

"From what the Orioles gathered for me my lord, she has a personal vendetta against the Ma Clan, and her presence will bolster our efforts in securing the loyalty of the people of Tianshui and its surroundings, which was useful in our future campaign against Cao Cao." Liu Ye said to Lie Fan as he read the content of the letter, acting surprised by what he read even though he already knew about this due to his past life.

Lie Fan nodded, appreciating the thorough assessment Liu Ye gave for him. "It seems we have gained valuable potential aides to be employed at my service, good work Ziyang. Arrange a meeting with them for me, I would like to welcome them personally and see how they can best contribute to our endeavors."

Liu Ye cupped his hand as he bowed to Lie Fan. "As you wish, my lord. I will make the arrangements immediately."As Liu Ye departed to make the necessary preparations, Lie Fan felt a surge of excitement.

The addition of these new talents to his administration would undoubtedly strengthen his government's efficiency. The addition of the rest of the Central Plains puts a large burden on his administration, and talents are needed to fill the hole that had been opened.

Fortunately, Liu Ye had the foresight to invite one of his friends. Even though he didn't know who Lu Qian was, a person that Liu Ye recommended must be a talented one and also brought great luck to him as Lu Qian brought two talented people indirectly to him.

As Lie Fan was pondering the importance of these new additions, Jia Xu and Xu Kai walked together after leaving the hall, engaged in a deep, whispered conversation. Xu Kai asked Jia Xu if it was alright that they hadn't told Lie Fan that they were the ones who saved Wang Yi and her followers and led them to Xiapi.

Jia Xu shook his head as he responded to Xu Kai's words. "There's no need to tell lord Lie Fan. It won't harm him, and it's better to let him judge Wang Yi by his own opinion. Besides, I want to see if our lord feels it's time to have a woman as a civil official."

Xu Kai was taken aback, not by the secrecy which he understood, as long as it didn't harm their lord but by Jia Xu's last statement. "A woman civil official? Such a thing would shake the land and challenge centuries-old traditions, Master Jia Xu."

They stopped walking, gazing at the garden in front of them. As he looked upon the garden, Jia Xu said his words, "You still don't fully understand Lord Lie Fan them Xu Kai. What we see as culture and tradition, he often views as a waste of talent and manpower. If there's a woman who shows more aptitude than many men in civil service, why waste her talent?"

Shocked by the revelation Jia Xu gave, Xu Kai was stupified for a while before retaining himself and asking, "How could you know such a thing, Master Jia Xu? Did Lord Lie Fan tell you personally?"

Jia Xu replied, "It's what I've inferred from his policies and the changes he's implemented and plans he had shared with us. Especially his plan to extend education to the entire populace, not just the nobility, scholars, and merchant caste." as he said so, Jia Xu took a leaf that had fallen down to the handrail in front of him and played with it.

Xu Kai nodded slowly, absorbing Jia Xu's words. "Our lord's vision is indeed revolutionary. It could change the very fabric of our society and centuries of belief and traditions."

Jia Xu smiled slightly and let the leaf he played with fly with the gush of wind that had come. "Yes, it could. But change is necessary for progress. That's why I pledged my allegiance to him, due to the vision he has and if anyone can navigate these turbulent times, it's Lord Lie Fan as he has many tools at his disposal."

The conversation between Jia Xu and Xu Kai continued as they resumed their walk, now discussing measures to improve the Oriole intelligence network and secure trusted information sources.

No one knew about the content of the conversation between the two, especially Lie Fan who became the main topic of their discussion.

Meanwhile, Lie Fan was on his way back to the Lie Clan estate with his bodyguard when he encountered Ying Yue, Chenchen, Yaoyao, and Wannian, accompanied by a small guard entourage as they passed through the marketplace.

Spotting them, Lie Fan smiled broadly and called out to them as he rode toward them unhurriedly. Hearing their names, the four of them turned around to see who was calling. When they saw it was Lie Fan, smiles lit up their faces.

Chenchen and Yao Yao, filled with joy, let out loud laughter and tried to run toward their father, but Wannian managed to hold them back just in time.

Lie Fan dismounted his horse as he reached them, and Wannian released both Chenchen and Yao Yao, allowing them to run into their father's arms. The children hugged him tightly, exclaiming how much they missed him.

Lie Fan responded warmly, kneeling down to embrace them and planting kisses on their foreheads, reassuring them that he missed them too, eliciting a giggle to come out from Chenchen and Yaoyao.

As the joyful reunion unfolded, Ying Yue and Wannian approached them, allowing their guard entourage to merge seamlessly with Lie Fan's bodyguard, ensuring their protection.

After several minutes passed by, Lie Fan stood up, holding his children's hands, and looked at Ying Yue and Wannian with a gentle smile. "It's good to see the two of you here, Yue'er & Wannian," he said warmly.

Ying Yue returned his smile, and she took out a napkin to wipe the sweat off Lie Fan's face while replying to Lie Fan's words. "Husband welcome back, we were just taking a walk and decided to visit the marketplace, when we heard that you had returned to Xiapi, we decided to go back home. I don't expect for us to meet here."

Wannian seeing the interaction between the two showed an envious smile, as she added to Ying Yue's words, "It's a good opportunity for Chenchen and Yaoyao to see more of Xiapi and learn about its people, that's why Sister Ying Yue brought them out Brother, and as for me I just tag along because it's boring staying at home."

Lie Fan nodded, appreciating the thoughtful approach shown by Ying Yue, and smiled at the antics of his sister. "That's a great idea Yue'er, let's do this with the others sometime, and Wannian you are too naughty aren't you maybe I should ask Ji'er to increase your classes."

Hearing that Lie Fan wanted to ask her sister in law to increase her class schedule and workload, Wannian immediately begs for forgiveness and acts coquettishly toward Lie Fan, causing both Lie Fan and Ying Yue to laugh at seeing her antics.

After that, they walked together through the marketplace, with the protection of Lie Fan's bodyguards and a small guard entourage.

Lie Fan took in the sights and sounds of the bustling area. Vendors called out their wares, children ran through the streets, and people went about their daily business to fulfill their daily necessities.

As they reached a quiet spot in the marketplace, Lie Fan turned to his family. "Let's take a moment here," he suggested, gesturing to a small tea shop. They entered the shop and found a comfortable corner where they could sit together.

The shopkeeper who was cleaning the tables, recognized Lie Fan, and quickly brought out the finest tea and snacks for him and his family, bowing respectfully to him after serving the tea and snacks.

Lie Fan thanked the shopkeeper and gave a bag of taels, as payment for the te and snacks. Ying Yue poured the tea onto each of the cups, and as she doing so she asked, "How are things progressing with the central plains, Husband? Are everything finished in there and that's why you returned?"

Lie Fan took a sip of the tea before answering, "Yes Yue'er, the campaign is finished with our victory over Cao Cao. Right now we are in the process of integrating Cao Cao's former domain, which of course will be handled by Jia Xu and the others."

Wannian who was eating some of the snacks, was ecstatic when she heard that her brother's duty was finished. "That's great! Since Big Brother's duty is finally finished, that means Sima Yi could finally meet with you!"

Hearing what Wannian had just said, both Lie Fan and Ying Yue were surprised. Lie Fan turned to look at Ying Yue, who also turned to look at him, and seeing the confusion etched on each other's faces they knew that it was not only they alone was confused.

Realizing what impulsive words she had just said, Wannian face immediately turned red. She scolded herself Inwardly while slapping her about softly.

Fortunately for her, Chenchen and Yao Yao listened intently to the conversation, with their eyes wide with curiosity and Chenchen asked Lie Fan, Ying Yue, and Wannian what they were talking about, which caused both Lie Fan and Ying Yue to focus turned to Chenchen.

Lie Fan turned to look at Chenchen and showed a warm smile as he passed his head, "When both Chenchen and Yaoyao have grown up one day, you both will understand what father, mother, and little aunt are talking about. Now Vhenchen and Yaoyao have to study hard and eat healthy foods so that the two of you can grow up quickly."

Listening to what their father is saying, both Chenchen and Yaoyao who sit beside Chenchen, absorb Lie Fan's words with a sense of seriousness nodding their head and promising to for up quickly so that they can understand what everyone is talking about.

Ying Yue seeing the interaction between her husband and her children showed a gentle and tender look on her face, hoping for this moment to continue and never stop.

After finishing their tea, they continued their walk through the marketplace, Lie Fan carrying Yao Yao on his shoulders while Chenchen held his hand. The sight of their lord and his family walking among them, enjoying a simple family outing, brought smiles to the faces of the people of Xiapi. Of course, none of them dared to get close, seeing Lie Fan's bodyguard and a small guard entourage surrounding Lie Fan and his family.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0