512. House Hostage

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Cao Cao was a tactical genius, holding the heart of the Han Dynasty and the Emperor under his sway, with his capital at now at Luoyang after his defeat at Kie Fan's hand. Liu Zhang, while perhaps the weakest of the three, held a critical stronghold in the Yi Province region, which was defensively challenging and difficult to assault. The danger these three men posed to his ambitions was undeniable, but Lie Fan knew that the real question was whether he could manipulate the Sun Clan in the south into swearing their allegiance to him or not play a large role as well.

The Sun Clan, previously under the leadership of Sun Jian, and now Sun Ce, had been his longest ally and close friend to him. Their domain was positioned in a strategically important area, it's a low possibility due to the close relations he had with the Sun Clan but if they sided with Yuan Shao or Cao Cao, Lie Fan's southern borders would be exposed.

Securing their neutrality or allegiance was a top priority, as it would allow him to focus on the northern threats without worrying about attacks from the rear. Sun Ce and his family while had a reputation for being independent and ambitious, they were also practical and knew when to repay favor and uphold their loyalty to friendship.

Lie Fan believed that a diplomatic combined with a deeply personal connections approach, offering them favorable terms and autonomy, will be able to sway them to his side and swear their allegiance to him or at the end just remain neutral.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Lie Fan allowed himself a moment to step back, cooling his burning ambition with the icy logic that had served him so well in the past. Announcing his imperial aspirations too soon would be a fatal mistake. There were still too many pieces on the board, too many uncertainties to manage. He needed more time, more control over the situation.

The Goguryeo deal had been a significant victory, but it was only one part of his grand strategy. By successfully manipulating Goguryeo into submission, Lie Fan had demonstrated his diplomatic prowess and strengthened his resource base, but he knew this would only be a temporary reprieve.

The land was in turmoil, and many warlords would look upon his growing influence with suspicion. His next moves would have to be carefully orchestrated, executed with precision and ruthlessness.

As the cool evening breeze brushed against his face, Lie Fan began to mentally outline his plan. It was a delicate, multi-layered approach that would see him gradually build his power, weaken his rivals, and ultimately position himself as the undisputed ruler of the land. The first step in this plan would be to deal with the Sun Clan.

To the south, the Sun family held a precarious balance of power. Their strength lay in their naval capabilities, and their shared control of the Yangtze River basin alongside him which allowed them to dominate half of the trade and maintain an effective defense against both northern and southern threats.

Once the south was secure, Lie Fan's attention would turn to the north, where the real challenge lay. Yuan Shao was the most immediate threat. His control over the northern provinces gave him vast resources, and his prestige as a noble family made him a rallying point for those who still believed in the old aristocratic order. However, Yuan Shao's arrogance and tendency to underestimate his opponents could be his downfall.

Lie Fan had already begun subtle efforts to weaken Yuan Shao's internal government. He had agents working to sow discord among Yuan Shao's officials and generals, planting seeds of doubt and mistrust. A fractured command structure could cripple Yuan Shao's ability to mount a coordinated defense when the time came for Lie Fan to strike.

Cao Cao, however, was a different matter entirely. Unlike Yuan Shao, Cao Cao was not bound by outdated notions of nobility or family prestige. He was a man of vision and strategy, much like Lie Fan himself.

Cao Cao's strength lay in his ability to attract talent, and his grip on the central plains made him a formidable adversary. But Cao Cao was also pragmatic, and Lie Fan suspected that he could be reasoned with—or at least delayed—through diplomacy.

The idea of an alliance with Cao Cao crossed Lie Fan's mind. If he could convince Cao Cao that Yuan Shao was the greater threat, they might join forces temporarily to eliminate the northern warlord.

Once Yuan Shao was defeated, Lie Fan could turn his full attention to Cao Cao. It would be a delicate game of deception and manipulation, but Lie Fan was confident in his ability to outmaneuver even the shrewdest of opponents.

And then there was Liu Bei, the wandering warlord who always seemed to rise from the ashes. Liu Bei had little in the way of territory or resources, but his ability to attract loyalty and inspire his followers made him dangerous.

Lie Fan viewed Liu Bei as a cockroach—hard to kill and always managing to survive despite overwhelming odds. Ousting Liu Bei from Jing Province would be critical to securing his southern and central borders.

Unlike the other warlords, Liu Bei's strength lay in his moral appeal and his virtuous acting. He ha managed to make himself seen by many as the last vestige of Han legitimacy, a man of virtue in a world consumed by ambition and greed.

But Lie Fan knew that Liu Bei's virtue acting alone could not help him win wars, and Liu Bei's lack of strong military backing made him vulnerable. Eliminating Liu Bei would require careful timing, as any misstep could rally popular support for him.

As Lie Fan stood on the balcony, his mind turning over these plans, he felt a sense of clarity. The path to the throne was fraught with danger, but he now had a roadmap. The Sun Clan would be made to swear their allegiance or pacified, Yuan Shao would be isolated and crushed, and Liu Bei would be eliminated before he could become a rallying point for opposition.

When the time was right, Lie Fan would make his move. He would announce his intentions to become Emperor, but only once the major threats to his rule had been somewhat neutralized, leaving only Cao Cao and Liu Zhang as the only strong contender against him who had incorporated large amount of lands.

By then, he would have gathered enough power and support to make his claim undeniable. The Han Dynasty was already a ghost of its former self, and all that was left was to give it the final push into the abyss.

But until that moment came, Lie Fan would continue to play the game of politics, subtly positioning himself for victory while his enemies remained unaware of the full extent of his plans.

As the night deepened and the lights of Xiapi flickered like stars below him, Lie Fan allowed himself a rare smile. The future was his for the taking, and soon, the world would know his true ambition. The whole of China would be his soon and realize his dream of changing the course of history.

Meanwhile, Hyejin, alongside the other Goguryeo hostages, was shown to the rooms assigned to them. Mi Fang, who had been tasked with escorting the hostages, led them to a medium-sized mansion near the Governor's Castle. It was not just any ordinary mansion, but one that signified a certain level of importance.

The mansion, surrounded by lush gardens and fortified with high walls, was well-guarded, with Mi Fang's elite soldiers stationed conspicuously at all entrances. However, what the hostages didn't know was that an even more insidious form of surveillance lurked beneath the surface.

While Mi Fang's battalion maintained a visible presence, Jia Xu, Lie Fan's trusted advisor and master of intrigue, had dispatched his Oriole agents to secretly monitor every move the hostages made.

These veteran agents were experts in eavesdropping, espionage, and infiltration. Their mission was clear: ensure no message or letter escaped the mansion, prevent any foreign agents from making contact with the hostages, and above all, gather as much intelligence as possible on the psychological state and intentions of their captives. Lie Fan wanted to know if the hostages had truly accepted their fate or if rebellion still simmered beneath the surface.

As Mi Fang led them through the grand entrance hall of the mansion, Hyejin's sharp eyes took in every detail. The interior was lavishly decorated with intricate wood carvings and paintings depicting scenes of victory and prosperity.

It was an odd place to house hostages, Hyejin thought. The mansion's opulence seemed at odds with their status as political prisoners, though she understood that Lie Fan had a keen sense of manipulation. A gilded cage was still a cage.

Once Mi Fang had shown them to their rooms, he politely excused himself, leaving behind a small contingent of guards at the mansion's front entrance. He had performed his duty well, and now it was up to the Oriole agents to carry out their covert surveillance.

Mi Fang could sense that the hostages, despite their outward cooperation, were filled with questions and uncertainty. He left the mansion with a final glance back, knowing that while the hostages were being treated with care, their every word and movement would be monitored.

Inside the mansion, Hyejin and the other hostages found themselves in an atmosphere that felt both oppressive and bewildering. Their quarters were luxurious by any standard, with finely woven tapestries, comfortable beds, and enough food to keep them well-fed.

But despite the outward comforts, the tension among them was palpable. As the door closed behind Mi Fang, sealing them off from the outside world, the group of hostages gathered in the main sitting room, their faces filled with uncertainty.

Hyejin, ever composed and calculating, sat quietly by the window, gazing out at the moonlit garden. She was the de facto leader of the group, and the others looked to her for guidance. The silence that filled the room was soon broken by one of the younger hostages, a nobleman named Kang-ho, who could no longer hold his tongue.

"Why do they treat us like this?" Kang-ho asked, his voice edged with frustration. "Are we not prisoners? Why such kindness when we are clearly their captives?"

Another hostage, an elder noble named Byung-su, shook his head. "This is no act of kindness, Kang-ho. Lie Fan is a cunning man. He wants us to lower our guard. He seeks to win our trust or at least create confusion. We must not fall for his tricks."

Hyejin turned her head slightly, her gaze still fixed on the garden outside. "You are both correct," she said, her voice calm but firm. "This is no act of mercy, but a calculated move. Lie Fan is trying to weaken our resolve by offering us comfort. He wishes to create division among us, to make us doubt our purpose."

The others listened intently as Hyejin spoke, her voice commanding their attention. "We are here because Goguryeo is weak in his eyes. By sending us as hostages, our leaders have acknowledged his dominance, if only for now. But make no mistake—our purpose has not changed. We are not merely prisoners; we are tools in a larger game."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 32 (199 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0