557. The Sun Clan's Court Meeting

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"Recently as you know, my father and I alongside our family traveled to Xiapi, where we met with Lie Fan, who invited us to the Grand Celebration of a new Xiapi. During our stay there, He extended an offer of cooperation for us, where the relationship between our two clans wouldn't be just an alliance anymore, but one of lord and subject where he wanted the Sun Clan to swear allegiance to him, in exchange we would still be an independent force but needed to relinquish control of our military command."

Sun Ce's declaration echoed through the hall, and the silence that followed was brief. As realization dawned on his supporters, retainers, and advisors, murmurs turned to exclamations. Shocked voices erupted throughout the room, with several retainers exclaiming indignantly, as they struggled to comprehend why their leader would even entertain such an offer.

One of the veteran generals of the Sun Clan, the hot headed Huang Gai, who had fought alongside Sun Jian in countless battles, was the first to raise his voice. "Lord Sun Ce! How could Lie Fan make such a proposition to our clan, as if we were merely his vassals? The Sun Clan has fought hard to claim Jiangdong and carve our place in these lands. This offer feels like an insult as if we were insignificant!"

His words resonated with many of the generals and retainers, and soon similar sentiments were voiced, filling the hall with a cacophony of objections. Supporters of the Sun Clan spoke passionately about their pride and loyalty, and how Jiangdong's independence should not be compromised, especially by submitting to an outsider, no matter how powerful.

Amid the uproar, Sun Ce held his composure, letting his retainers vent their initial frustrations. Huan Jie, Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Hong exchanged looks of concern and disbelief.

Each of these trusted advisors had risen alongside the Sun family, helping to stabilize and expand their power in Jiangdong. The idea of submitting to another warlord, even one as capable as Lie Fan, was difficult for them to accept, and they immediately sensed the gravity of what this meeting implied.

Zhang Zhao, the main diplomatic advisor and the leader of the 'Four Pillars', was the first of the trio to speak. He stepped forward, bowing respectfully. "Lord Sun Ce, Lord Sun Jian," he began, his voice calm but firm, "might I respectfully ask whether you have carefully considered all implications of such an agreement?"

"The Sun Clan has garnered the respect and loyalty of Jiangdong because of our independence, which was created by the two of you, my lords. Such a cooperation or should I say a vassalition risks undoing that trust, placing our people under the dominion of a power beyond our lands."

Zhang Hong, who agreed with what Zhang Hong had said and wanted autonomy for the Sun Clan, quickly added, "My lords, we have recently achieved full stability in Jiangdong after our conquest several years ago, and there is still potential for large growth. If we continue to expand eastward defeating Liu Bei and southeastern by defeating Shi Xie, we could secure and increase our own resources and territory without needing to subject ourselves to Lie Fan. Should we not discuss other options before yielding our command?"

Huan Jie remained silent for a moment, his thoughtful gaze resting on Sun Ce and Sun Jian. He had been a wise counselor for the Sun Clan for years, already been with Sun Jian since day one. Finally, he said, "I am certain that Lie Fan's strength is formidable, but the Sun Clan is also strong. We could consolidate power here, secure our alliances kike having one with Liu Zhang, and resist external pressures. If Lie Fan's ambition grows, we can strengthen our defenses and rise to meet him in time. There is no need for haste."

Sun Jian listened, his gaze unwavering. He understood the concerns of his advisors; in many ways, he had expected this reaction. The Sun Clan had built their reputation on resilience and pride, and the idea of sacrificing their autonomy, and becoming part of a strategic vassal in some sense for Lie Fan, struck deeply at their identity.

But both he and Sun Ce recognized the new reality of the land, a reality where isolation would make survival difficult as the powerful figures of this era, like Lie Fan and Cao Cao, moved toward consolidation and he knew that the Sun Clan could never achieve that because they were too honorable.

Sun Jian raised his hand, and the room slowly fell silent. In a clear, steady voice, he addressed the concerns that had been voiced. "We have all fought side by side to protect our lands, and I understand the value of our independence as much as anyone here. Our family's name and legacy mean everything to me. But there is a shift happening in the land, a shift toward unity under powerful leadership."

" Unlike in the past, We are no longer dealing with scattered warlords; the ambitions of men like Lie Fan and Cao Cao stretch across the entire country. To resist such power alone would be a grave risk, considering the number of soldiers they had under them, and how they never attacked each other but expanded elsewhere."

Zhou Yu, who had remained silent through the discussions, finally stepped forward. His expression was calm, but his voice carried conviction. "My lords and friends, this is indeed a difficult choice. But I trust in Lord Sun Ce's and Lord Sun Jian's judgment."

"They do not take such decisions lightly. Lie Fan is no ordinary warlord. His vision for a unified land is compelling, and his respect for the Sun Clan is sincere, even treating our lords like they were his own brothers. Under his rule, we could ensure that Jiangdong remains a thriving power, shielded from the chaos that would inevitably arise in many years if we stood alone."

The room was quiet once more as Zhou Yu's words settled in. Even Huan Jie, Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Hong, who still harbored doubts, sensed the wisdom in what he said. Lie Fan was a formidable force, and the Sun Clan, while strong, would face monumental challenges if they attempted to oppose him in the long term. But the question remained, was cooperation of vassalition truly their only path forward?

Seeing the internal conflict among his closest advisors, Sun Ce took a deep breath and addressed the room, his voice firm. "I understand your concerns, all of you. This decision weighs heavily on my heart, as it does on my father's. Lie Fan does not seek to weaken us but to integrate Jiangdong as a strong partner under his rule."

"He values the Sun Clan's strength and reputation, and he wishes to unify the land with us as one of his key allies. Under his leadership, we would have opportunities to grow, and I believe he respects our family and would honor Jiangdong's distinct identity as an independent force but with lesser autonomy."

Sun Ce continued, his tone resolute, "But I will not make this decision alone. You have all stood by our side through trials and triumphs. If you feel that Jiangdong would be better served by retaining full independence, then I will not force this upon you. But know that Lie Fan's offer stands, and that he would make a strong ally against the chaos that threatens us all."

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong exchanged glances, recognizing the sincerity in Sun Ce's words. While the decision was not easy, they saw that Sun Ce's leadership had been tested and proven true. Perhaps there was wisdom in aligning with Lie Fan, if only to safeguard the future they had all fought so hard to build.

Zhang Hong finally stepped forward, addressing Sun Ce with a bow. "Lord Sun Ce, if you truly believe this cooperation of vassalition would benefit Jiangdong and the Aun Clan, then I will trust your judgment. We will not forget our independence, but perhaps this move with Lie Fan is a step that Jiangdong must take to ensure its survival."

Huan Jie and Zhang Zhao nodded in agreement, though they remained cautious. In their hearts, they would always champion Jiangdong's autonomy, but they saw that a cooperative vassaliton could bring advantages they could not attain alone.

Sun Jian, observing his advisors' acceptance, felt a sense of relief. He had long believed in adapting to the times, and he knew this choice, while controversial, was necessary. He looked to Sun Ce with pride, recognizing that his son's wisdom and leadership had matured greatly.

Sun Ce, seeing the support of his trusted advisors and the approval of the gathered retainers, felt his confidence solidify. "Then it is decided. We shall accept Lie Fan's offer of cooperation and allegiance, but we will ensure that Jiangdong's spirit remains unbroken. As long as I am your leader, I promise that the Sun Clan's legacy will endure, and Jiangdong's prosperity will be our guiding purpose."

The hall resounded with murmurs of reluctant agreement, but there was an undeniable unity in the decision. With the support of his retainers and the wisdom of his advisors, Sun Ce felt ready to face the path ahead, knowing that Jiangdong's strength would carry forward into this new era, united under Lie Fan's vision, but holding fiercely to its independence and identity.

After the initial relief, both Sun Ce and Sun Jian shared a cautious glance, knowing well that agreement among the court today did not signify complete acceptance. There would be simmering doubts and potential dissenters within the ranks, hidden like wolves among the sheep. They understood that they could not afford to let their guard down; instead, vigilance was essential, especially as they tread toward such an unprecedented decision.

As the room quieted, Sun Ce addressed his loyal retainers once more, announcing the specific terms Lie Fan had proposed. The terms were both bold and unexpected: the entire military command of the Sun Clan's army would eventually be placed under Lie Fan's authority whenever he required it.

However, the Sun Clan would retain a sizable, yet smaller, defensive force to protect their domain and maintain internal security. Sun Ce paused, letting the weight of this concession settle over the crowd.

But there was more. Sun Ce then shared that Lie Fan, recognizing the Sun Clan's distinct stature, was open to accepting certain conditions from them in return for their allegiance. This concession caught the room by surprise. Not only was Lie Fan requesting significant military control, but he was also willing to compromise to honor the Sun Clan's legacy and autonomy. This revitalized the spirits of those gathered.

A subtle spark of hope flickered in the eyes of Sun Ce's generals and advisors, who had been grappling with the idea of surrendering their independence. The room, once heavy with the weight of loss, was now filled with a renewed sense of possibility. If they were to consider conditions that Lie Fan might accept, they could find a path that would allow them to retain a meaningful measure of dignity and power.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 32 (199 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0