591. Shi Xie's Army Defeated

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Zhang Fei, still nursing the wounds of his punishment, nodded in agreement. "I agree second brother, we've come too far to turn back now. But we can't afford another misstep." The officers murmured their assent, and the meeting dissolved into preparations for the final push. As Liu Bei's army prepared for the confrontation ahead, the forces of Zhou Yu and the Sun Clan continued to push their attack on Shi Xie's army which was on the brink of defeat.

Zhang Jian, once a confident and fierce commander, now sat in his tent amidst the remnants of what was once a mighty force of 200,000 soldiers. After suffering a devastating attack from the Sun Clan's reinforcements, his forces had been reduced to a mere 80,000. The scale of the losses weighed heavily on him, and the once-bold plans of conquest had turned into a desperate struggle for survival.

The camp was a scene of despair. Soldiers, their spirits crushed, sat in small groups whispering about the inevitable defeat. Many were wounded, their bandages hastily tied, and the lack of adequate medical supplies only added to their suffering.

The ration supplies, which had already been dwindling, were now critically low. Hunger gnawed at the men, and even the officers could barely maintain order. Zhang Jian knew that if morale broke completely, his remaining forces would scatter like leaves in a storm.

Inside Lingling, Zhou Yu convened with Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Zhou Tai in the city's main hall. The group shared brief but warm greetings; despite the urgency, there was a palpable sense of relief and camaraderie among them.

"Master Zhou Yu," Cheng Pu said, his tone laced with admiration, "your defense of Lingling was nothing short of genius. Without your efforts, the Sun Clan reinforcements would have arrived to find a city already lost."

Zhou Yu nodded, his expression calm but intense. "We have won a battle, but not yet the war. Shi Xie's army is on the brink of collapse, but they are not yet defeated. If we give him time to regroup or retreat, it will complicate matters when Liu Bei's army arrives."

Han Dang leaned forward, studying the map spread across the table. "With Shi Xie's forces weakened and disorganized, now is the time to strike decisively. We should coordinate an assault that leaves no room for escape."

Zhou Tai added, his voice steady, "The remaining troops of Shi Xie are unlikely to fight with the same determination as before. If we target their supply lines and continue to press their flanks, we can force a complete surrender or annihilation."

Zhou Yu raised a hand, signaling for calm. "I agree. But we must also consider the larger picture. While Shi Xie's army is a threat, Liu Bei's army looms to the north. Their arrival will complicate the battlefield. We must end this swiftly and consolidate our forces before they reach us."

The generals nodded in agreement. Zhou Yu outlined a multi-pronged attack, Cheng Pu would lead a frontal assault to keep Zhang Jian's forces pinned down, while Zhou Tai and Han Dang would flank the enemy, cutting off escape routes and supply lines. Zhou Yu himself would lead a reserve force, ready to exploit any opening or reinforce weak points.

The plan was set into motion that very night. As the moon cast its pale light over the battlefield, the Sun Clan's army moved with precision and discipline.

Zhang Jian's camp, already in disarray, was thrown into chaos as Cheng Pu's forces launched a relentless frontal assault at dawn. The Sun Clan's soldiers, bolstered by their recent victories, advanced with unwavering confidence. Shields locked and spears bristling, they moved like a single, unstoppable entity.

Zhang Jian scrambled to organize a defense, but his remaining troops were too demoralized to put up meaningful resistance. Many simply abandoned their positions, retreating further into the camp or deserting outright.

On the flanks, Zhou Tai and Han Dang executed their roles to perfection. Zhou Tai's cavalry swept through the left flank, their disciplined formations breaking through scattered resistance with ease. Han Dang's infantry targeted the right, systematically dismantling what little structure remained in Zhang Jian's lines.

Zhang Jian himself rode out to rally his men, his voice hoarse from shouting commands. "Hold your ground! Fight, or we will all perish here!" he bellowed, but his words fell on deaf ears. The sight of the Sun Clan's banners advancing from all directions shattered what little resolve his soldiers had left.

By midday, the camp was a battlefield of chaos and despair. Fires raged as supply carts were set ablaze, and screams filled the air as Zhang Jian's men were cut down or captured. Zhou Yu, watching from the reserve line, gave the final order.

"Press forward," he commanded. "Do not let a single enemy escape. Today, we end Shi Xie's useless and stupid campaign."

The Sun Clan's forces surged, overwhelming the last vestiges of resistance. Zhang Jian, seeing the inevitable, attempted to flee with a small group of loyal guards. But Zhou Tai intercepted them, his cavalry cutting off their retreat.

Zhou Tai dismounted and approached Zhang Jian, his sword drawn. "Surrender, and your life will be spared," he declared.

Zhang Jian hesitated, his pride warring with his survival instincts. But as he looked around and saw the utter devastation of his forces, he realized there was no hope. With a heavy heart, he dropped his sword and knelt in surrender and the battle was over.

Inside Lingling, Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Zhou Tai regrouped to assess their next steps. With Zhang Jian's army annihilated and their leader captured, the immediate threat was neutralized.

"Zhang Jian will be kept alive for now," Zhou Yu announced. "He may prove useful in negotiating with Shi Xie or in gathering intelligence about Shi Xie's domain."

Cheng Pu nodded. "But we cannot rest. Liu Bei's army is still advancing, and they will be far more disciplined than what we've faced so far."

"Indeed," Zhou Yu replied. "Our forces must be at full strength when they arrive. Send scouts to monitor their progress, and begin fortifying the city further. We will meet Liu Bei's army on our terms, not theirs."

Han Dang and Zhou Tai left to oversee the preparations, while Zhou Yu lingered with Cheng Pu.

"Do you think Liu Bei will seek negotiation or battle?" Cheng Pu asked.

Zhou Yu's expression was unreadable. "Liu Bei is a man of honor, but he is also ambitious. He will weigh his options carefully. If he believes he can take Lingling, he will attack. Our task is to ensure that belief never takes root."

Meanwhile, Liu Bei's army continued its slow and troubled march southward. The sabotage and assassinations orchestrated by Jia Xu's Oriole agents had taken a heavy toll. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei worked tirelessly to maintain order, but the strain was evident.

As Liu Bei's army trudged through the thick fog of despair brought on by sabotage and assassinations, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei worked tirelessly to ensure their troops remained battle-ready. The brothers, despite their contrasting personalities, complemented each other perfectly.

Guan Yu, calm and calculated, addressed logistical concerns, ensuring food and equipment reached even the most demoralized soldiers. Zhang Fei, despite nursing his wounds, infused vigor into the ranks, his booming voice rousing men from their lethargy. Together, they transformed the chaos into something resembling order, preparing the army for the looming siege of Lingling.

The soldiers, though weary, held onto hope, not only because of the leadership of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei but because of their loyalty to Liu Bei. They knew their leader fought for more than territory or power; he fought for the people, for justice.

This belief, though tested by hardships, gave them strength as they marched closer to Lingling. Supplies were adequate, weapons sharpened, and the men's spirits, though fragile, began to solidify under the unwavering dedication of their commanders.

Far to the north, at Zhongshan, the atmosphere was starkly different. Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, battered and humiliated, trudged into the Governor's Castle.

Their defeat at Luoyang had shattered the remnants of Yuan Shao's once-great army, leaving their forces reduced to a paltry 50,000 men. The disastrous campaign had not only cost them the lives of thousands of soldiers but also the loyalty of key generals. The death of Wen Chou, a trusted pillar of their army, weighed heavily on the surviving troops.

As they entered the main hall, the sight of their father struck them. Yuan Shao, once a towering figure of strength and ambition, appeared diminished. The weight of endless wars, betrayals, and family discord had aged him prematurely. His once-proud bearing was replaced by a haggard visage, his eyes sunken and his posture stooped.

The moment Yuan Shao saw his sons, his weariness gave way to fury. Rising from his chair, he pointed an accusatory finger at them. "You return to me not as sons, but as failures! Disgraces! How many times must I tell you to stop bickering and work together?" His voice was hoarse but filled with rage.

Yuan Tan opened his mouth to speak, but Yuan Shao cut him off. "Do you think I need your excuses? Do you think I don't know? If only you two hadn't overwhelmed Wen Chou with your petty arguments, this disaster at Luoyang could have been avoided and you would have pushed through Luoyang before Lie Fan took all of our towns down!"

Yuan Shang, ever the more hot-headed of the two, bristled at the reprimand. "Father, if you had listened to my advice instead of favoring Yuan Tan's foolish plans, we would not have lost Luoyang in the first place!"

Yuan Tan's face darkened. "Your advice? It was your reckless ambition that weakened our position! You—"

"Enough!" Yuan Shao's roar silenced them both. He slammed his fist onto the armrest of his chair, his voice trembling with frustration. "How can I expect you to defeat Cao Cao when you cannot even stand each other? Cao Cao's strength lies not just in his army, but in his unity. His men follow him without question. And here I am, burdened with sons who would rather destroy each other than our enemy!"

The hall fell silent, the tension palpable. Yuan Shao slumped back into his chair, the weight of his disappointment pressing down on him. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice softer but no less biting.

"If you cannot unite, then I will strip you both of command. I will find someone, anyone, more competent to lead our armies and become our successor." He looked at them with a mixture of anger and sorrow. "You are my sons, but you are also my greatest shame." Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang exchanged glances, their animosity momentarily overshadowed by the sting of their father's words. For the first time, they saw not just a leader, but a man broken by their failures.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 32 (199 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0