621. Strolling & The Discussions At The Secluded Village

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Lie Fan leaned back, his eyes sharp with determination. "Then we must craft a strategy that addresses these concerns. The academy could initially focus on practical skills, agriculture, trade, and basic literacy, areas that do not directly threaten the nobles and scholarly elite. Over time, as its success becomes evident, we can gradually expand its scope."

Zhuge Xuan, impressed by Lie Fan's foresight, nodded approvingly. "Such a phased approach could indeed mitigate resistance, my lord. Moreover, we could involve the scholars in this endeavor, positioning them as advisors and instructors. This would make them stakeholders rather than adversaries."

Cai Yong's expression softened as he considered the implications. "If executed well, this could indeed transform our society. It would foster loyalty among the common people and ensure a steady flow of talent for the administration. However, funding such an initiative would require substantial resources."

Lie Fan smiled, having anticipated this concern. "The initial funding can come from the surplus we've generated through efficient governance and trade. Additionally, we can introduce a system of voluntary contributions, encouraging the wealthy to invest in the future of our domain. Once the academy demonstrates its value, more resources will naturally flow into it."

Lu Zhi, finally convinced, leaned forward. "My lord, your vision is truly extraordinary. If we proceed with wisdom and patience, this public academy could become a beacon of progress. I am honored to contribute to its realization."

The room buzzed with a renewed sense of purpose as the scholars exchanged ideas on how to bring this vision to life. By the time the meal concluded, they had sketched out the initial framework for the academy, identifying key challenges and potential solutions.

After lunch, Lie Fan decided to take a stroll through Xiapi, accompanied by his trusted bodyguards. The streets were alive with activity, a testament to the prosperity his leadership had brought to the region. Merchants called out their wares, children laughed as they played in the alleyways, and citizens greeted their lord with smiles and bows.

As he walked, Lie Fan observed the people closely, noting their expressions and interactions. The vibrancy of the marketplace, the orderly rows of shops, and the sense of security in the air filled him with pride.

Yet, he was acutely aware that not everyone shared in this prosperity. The poor and uneducated, while fewer in number than before, still faced significant hardships.

Stopping at a small tea stall, Lie Fan gestured for the owner, an elderly man with kind eyes, to join him. "How has life been for you and your family, elder?"

The man bowed deeply before responding. "Thanks to your governance, my lord, we live in peace and have enough to eat. But…if I may speak freely, education remains a distant dream for families like mine. My grandchildren are bright, but they have no means to learn beyond what I can teach them."

Lie Fan placed a reassuring hand on the man's shoulder. "Your words are heard, elder. Change is coming, and I promise you, it will reach every corner of this domain."

The man's eyes filled with gratitude as he bowed again. "Thank you, my lord. May the heaven bless you."

Lie Fan smiled warmly at the elderly tea stall owner as he reached into his pocket, pulling out several hundred taels. He held the money out to the man, whose eyes widened in shock and gratitude.

"My lord," the man stammered, taking a step back and waving his hands. "This is far too much. I cannot accept it."

Lie Fan shook his head gently, his tone firm but kind. "It is not charity, elder. Think of it as an investment in your family's future. Use it to ease your burdens and give your grandchildren what they need to thrive."

The old man hesitated, his hands trembling as he finally accepted the money. Tears welled in his eyes as he bowed deeply. "Thank you, my lord. You are truly a blessing to us all. May heaven watch over you and your family."

Lie Fan placed a reassuring hand on the man's shoulder one last time before continuing his stroll through the bustling streets of Xiapi. The sights and sounds of his prosperous domain filled him with satisfaction, but he remained ever mindful of the work that still lay ahead.

As he returned to the Lie Clan residence later that day, his thoughts lingered on the elder's words and the responsibility he bore as a leader.

Far to the south of Xiapi, nestled in the misty mountains of Jing Province, the quiet village of Longzhong stirred with early morning activity. Zhuge Liang, stood inside his modest hut, meticulously checking his belongings.

Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. He would leave this serene village to return to his grand uncle Zhuge Xuan in Xiapi and also pledge his service to Lie Fan, who was his and his grand uncle's benefactor, while also a Lord whom he felt the best for him to serve under.

Outside the hut, Zhuge Liang's close friends Xu Shu and Pang Tong waited patiently. The two men exchanged knowing smiles as Zhuge Liang finally stepped out, his travel pack slung over his shoulder. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of pine and the faint rustle of leaves.

Xu Shu clapped Zhuge Liang on the shoulder. "Kongming, the world awaits your brilliance. Don't forget us when you become a great minister."

Pang Tong, who always had a sharp tongued wit, chuckled. "And when you do, remember to send a messenger to remind us of your success. Otherwise, we might think you've forgotten how to write!"

Zhuge Liang laughed softly, his eyes betraying a hint of melancholy. "You both flatter me too much. My journey is uncertain, but I promise to keep in touch. Our bond as brothers will never waver, no matter where life takes us."

The three shared a heartfelt moment, their camaraderie evident in their expressions. Just as Zhuge Liang was about to bid his final farewell, a familiar voice called out behind them.

"Kongming, wait!"

Turning around, Zhuge Liang saw his three masters, Sima Hui, Pang Degong, and Huang Chengyan, approaching with purposeful strides. Their presence immediately commanded attention, and even Pang Tong's usual smirk gave way to a respectful demeanor.

Sima Hui, the venerable scholar known who was known as the "Water Mirror," spoke first. "Kongming, before you leave, we must discuss a matter of great importance. You, Shiyuan, and Yuanzhi must hear this."

Zhuge Liang nodded solemnly, sensing the gravity of the situation. The five men retreated to a shaded grove near the village, where a small stone table and stools provided a quiet place for conversation. As they sat, Sima Hui began to speak, his tone measured and deliberate.

Sima Hui's gaze was steady as he began recounting the events of several months ago. His calm demeanor was contrasted by the weight of the story he unfolded.

"A few months back," Sima Hui said, "Pang Degong, Huang Chengyan, and I received a rather unexpected letter of invitation. It came from Lie Fan, who, as it turns out, has known about our secluded village for some time and it was unknown how."

Zhuge Liang's expression remained stoic, though his sharp mind was already processing the implications of this revelation. Pang Tong, however, leaned forward with a look of astonishment. Xu Shu's eyes widened, his surprise evident as he exchanged a glance with Pang Tong.

"An invitation?" Xu Shu asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "How did it reach you, and why were we not informed until now, Masters?"

Pang Degong took over, his tone measured but grave. "The letter was delivered by two men dressed entirely in black, wearing straw hats with veils that concealed their faces. Their appearance was unnerving, but their demeanor was polite. They handed over the invitation, promising that no harm would come to the village or its people. Then, without waiting for a reply, they disappeared into the forest as silently as they had arrived."

He paused, letting the weight of his words settle over the group.

"They didn't provide a deadline," Pang Degong continued. "The invitation simply stated that Lie Fan invited our presence in Xiapi. He believed our knowledge and experience could contribute to his vision for a more stable and prosperous future of the land."

Huang Chengyan interjected, his voice thoughtful. "We debated among ourselves for months whether to accept this invitation. Lie Fan's reputation as a benevolent and capable leader preceded him, but there were concerns. If we declined, would he react with hostility? And if he chose to act against us, what would happen to the people of this village, who have lived in peace for generations?"

Pang Tong, who had been listening intently, frowned. "It's a precarious situation," he said. "Lie Fan's invitation is flattering, but his knowledge of our location raises questions. How long has he known? And why send such mysterious emissaries?"

Xu Shu nodded in agreement. "The lack of a deadline implies patience, but it could also be a subtle warning. He knows where we are and could choose to act at any time."

Zhuge Liang, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, finally spoke, his voice calm but firm. "Masters, what conclusion did you reach during your deliberations?"

Sima Hui sighed, his gaze drifting to the trees swaying gently in the breeze. "That is precisely why we called you here, Kongming, along with Shiyuan and Yuanzhi. After months of discussion, we were unable to reach a unanimous decision. The risks and rewards are evenly balanced, and we felt it necessary to involve you three in this matter. Your perspectives may help us see what we have overlooked."

The younger men exchanged thoughtful glances.

Pang Tong was the first to speak. "Lie Fan is an exceptional leader, that much is clear. His governance over his domain has been nothing short of remarkable. If his invitation is genuine, aligning with him could provide us with the means to influence the course of the land positively. However, we must ensure that we are not simply pawns in a larger game, by this becoming his pawns."

Xu Shu nodded, his brow furrowed. "True. If we decide to accept, it must be on terms that align with our principles. Our wisdom and skills are not tools to be wielded carelessly."

Zhuge Liang's expression grew pensive. He clasped his hands together, his sharp mind weighing every word that had been spoken. "Masters," he said finally, "Lie Fan is a man of vision, but even the best intentions can falter without the right counsel. If we choose to align ourselves with him, it would not only be an opportunity to guide him but also to ensure that his power is wielded responsibly."


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 32 (199 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0