623. The Trio Meets Lie Fan

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The guard's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Zhuge Liang's name. Word of Zhuge Liang's brilliance as part of the first trip who had graduated from Xiapi's Academy in Xiapi had not been forgotten, and his reputation had only grown during his absence. The guard quickly signaled another soldier to relay the message to the Governor's Castle.

"Please wait here while we confirm your request," the guard said, his tone noticeably more polite.

As they waited, Zhuge Liang continued to observe the city. His sharp mind noted the changes, the completed outer wall, the division between the outer and inner city, and the clear signs of careful urban planning. The city's growth was not chaotic but deliberate, every aspect reflecting a grand design.

Pang Tong leaned closer, lowering his voice. "If this is the level of prosperity under Lie Fan's rule, it's little wonder so many have flocked to his banner. He's created a haven in a land plagued by chaos."

Xu Shu added, "And yet, such success often breeds enemies. We must be cautious. Even the mightiest walls cannot protect against internal strife."

Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement. "Wise words, Yuanzhi. We must evaluate not just the city but the man behind it. His character will determine whether this prosperity is sustainable or merely a fleeting illusion."

Within his office at Xiapi's Governor Castle, Lie Fan sat at his desk, surrounded by stacks of documents. The responsibilities of governance were unrelenting, but today, his mood was uncharacteristically light. For weeks, he had received reports from the Oriole Agents detailing Zhuge Liang's journey and the unexpected addition of Pang Tong and Xu Shu.

Lie Fan' had always known about Zhuge Liang's potential and since he set foot out of Xiapi, he sent his Oriole agents to keep an eye on him.

But the fact that Zhuge Liang's masters had sent not only just him but their other two protégés, Xu Shu and Pang Tong, whom he also wanted to have in his hand in the future, spoke volumes about some sort of trust they at least had in him.

As he stamped yet another document, a faint rustling near the window caught his attention. An Oriole Agent stepped through, his movements were as silent as a shadow. He knelt briefly before speaking.

"My lord," the agent reported, "Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu have arrived at the city gates. They await your summons."

Lie Fan's expression brightened. Setting aside his work, he stood and adjusted his robes. "Excellent news. Have them escorted to the castle immediately. Ensure they are treated with the utmost respect."

The agent bowed and disappeared as quickly as he had come. Lie Fan allowed himself a moment to collect his thoughts. The arrival of these three brilliant minds was a significant milestone in his plans. If he could secure their loyalty, they would become invaluable assets in his quest to unify the land.

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu were soon escorted through the bustling streets of Xiapi's inner city. The contrast between the outer and inner city was striking. While the outer city was vibrant and lively, the inner city exuded an air of sophistication and order.

As they approached the Governor's Castle, the sheer scale of the structure became apparent. It was a fortress and administrative hub in one, designed to project power while maintaining functionality. Except for Zhuge Liang who had seen it before, Xu Shu and Pang Tong exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of admiration and curiosity.

Inside the castle, they were led to a spacious audience chamber. Lie Fan stood at the far end, dressed in regal yet practical attire, his demeanor both welcoming and authoritative.

"Zhuge Liang," Lie Fan said warmly, stepping forward to greet them. "It brings me great joy to see you return to Xiapi. And you have brought esteemed company."

Zhuge Liang bowed deeply. "My lord, it is an honor to stand before you once more. Allow me to introduce Pang Tong and Xu Shu, both brilliant scholars and dear friends. Together, we have come to assess how we might serve your cause for us and for our masters."

Pang Tong and Xu Shu also bowed, their sharp eyes taking in every detail of the man before them.

Lie Fan gestured for them to rise. "There is no need for such formality among kindred spirits. You are most welcome here. Come, let us sit and speak freely."

As they settled into a more informal setting, servants brought tea and refreshments. Lie Fan wasted no time addressing the elephant in the room.

"I know that trust must be earned," he began. "You have come here not only to offer your wisdom but also to judge my character and my ambitions. I welcome your scrutiny. Ask me anything, and I will answer with honesty."

The room fell silent as Zhuge Liang studied Lie Fan. Finally, he spoke. "My lord, your achievements are undeniable. Xiapi stands as a beacon of prosperity and order in a chaotic world. But prosperity alone cannot unify the land. What is your ultimate vision for this realm?"

Lie Fan's gaze was steady as he replied. "My vision is to create a land where the people can live without fear, where governance is just, and where the strong do not prey upon the weak. To achieve this, we must first bring an end to the divisions that plague the land. Only through unity can we build a lasting peace."

Pang Tong leaned forward, his sharp wit evident. "And what of power, my lord? Unity often comes at a cost. How will you ensure that power does not corrupt?"

Lie Fan smiled faintly. "By surrounding myself with those who will hold me accountable. Men like the three of you, brilliant, principled, unafraid to speak the truth. That is why I have sought your counsel."

Xu Shu, who had been listening intently, finally spoke. "If your words are true, my lord, then you have our respect. But respect must be earned through actions, not words. Allow us to observe your rule, and if we find your vision aligns with ours, we will serve you wholeheartedly."

Lie Fan nodded. "Fair enough. Stay as long as you need. Xiapi is your home now, and you will find that my actions speak louder than any words ever could."

As the meeting concluded, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu left the chamber with much to consider. Meanwhile, Lie Fan returned to his work, confident that he had made a strong impression.

As Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu exited the Governor's Castle, the lively hum of Xiapi's inner city filled the air around them. The grandeur of the city was undeniable, and for Pang Tong and Xu Shu, this first impression carried a weight that matched the reputation they had heard of Lie Fan.

Pang Tong, ever curious and direct, glanced at Zhuge Liang as they walked through the polished stone corridors of the castle's administrative wing. "Kongming," he began, his tone tinged with both amusement and intrigue, "the way you and Lord Lie Fan spoke back there, it felt as though you were old acquaintances. Is there something you've kept from us?"

Zhuge Liang's composed expression softened slightly, and he nodded. "You're perceptive, Shiyuan. Yes, I do know Lord Lie Fan, though it has been more than a year or two since we last saw one another."

Pang Tong and Xu Shu exchanged surprised looks. "And how did this come to be?" Xu Shu pressed, his voice tinged with curiosity. "You've never mentioned him to us."

Zhuge Liang smiled faintly, his gaze wandering as if recalling a distant memory. "It was during a time of great uncertainty. My grand uncle, Zhuge Xuan, and I sought refuge in Xiapi after Yuan Shu's reckless declaration of himself as emperor. Lie Fan, despite his growing responsibilities and the challenges of his rule, welcomed us without hesitation."

Zhuge Liang paused, his eyes scanning the bustling city visible through a nearby window. "It was here that I witnessed his vision firsthand. Lie Fan not only gave us shelter but also established the Xiapi Academy. My grand uncle served as its principal, and I had the privilege of studying there."

Pang Tong's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. "You studied here? Under Lie Fan's watch? And you never thought to tell us?"

Xu Shu added with a bemused shake of his head, "It's unlike you to withhold such significant information, Kongming."

Zhuge Liang's smile deepened, but his tone remained light. "You never asked."

The response, simple as it was, caught Pang Tong and Xu Shu off guard. They exchanged incredulous glances, realizing that Zhuge Liang, as always, was technically correct. They had never thought to inquire about his past beyond the confines of their shared studies and discussions in Longzhong.

Pang Tong folded his arms, an exaggerated look of indignation on his face. "Well, Kongming, it seems we have much to learn about your time here. Perhaps you could enlighten us further."

Zhuge Liang inclined his head slightly. "In due time, Shiyuan. For now, let us focus on the task at hand. Our purpose here is to evaluate whether Lie Fan remains the leader he once aspired to be."

Xu Shu nodded thoughtfully. "If what you say is true, we have an advantage. Your familiarity with both the man and the city will provide us with a clearer lens through which to judge him."

As they walked through the city's streets, Zhuge Liang pointed out various landmarks, some familiar from his previous time in Xiapi, others new and reflective of Lie Fan's continued efforts to improve the city. The bustling markets, clean streets, and smiling faces of citizens all spoke to a city flourishing under capable leadership.

However, as Xu Shu had wisely noted earlier, even the mightiest walls and the brightest prosperity could conceal internal fractures. Their mission was not merely to admire Xiapi's exterior but to understand its foundation and the man responsible for it.

Back in the Governor's Castle, Lie Fan resumed his work with a sense of satisfaction. The first meeting had gone well, but he knew it was only the beginning.

While Zhuge Liang's loyalty to him was unquestionable since he was originally returning to Xiapi, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu were not men to be easily swayed by words or surface appearances. Their loyalty, if earned, would be rooted in a genuine belief in his vision and actions.

The Oriole Agents stationed throughout the city reported back to him regularly, ensuring that he was aware of his guests' movements and observations. Lie Fan welcomed their scrutiny. He knew that transparency was vital to earning their trust, especially when dealing with minds as sharp as theirs.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 32 (199 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0