6-See that mysterious man again

Man who Rosalind saw yesterday night, came to visit her mother Lily. She asked Lily mom who is this? Her mother replied he is Adonis, when your dad is in army they were best friends. She greet the person saying Hans greets Mr. Adonis and cupped her hand near her heart but didn't lower her head . He asked out curiously why do you greet me in this manner? You are just a small kid right. Rosalind said Yoon said you should greet the person in army like this only. Don't offend them in any way and I said I'll offend them if they dare to offend me. Both Adonis and Lily stunned by the little rose's words of offence. Lily said my princess do you know what your aunty Jane's nick name while she is a military chief, its "queen of offence and defence". Rosalind smile at this and said I know momma. Adonis said you're going to inherent the best quality of your aunty Jane kiddo I'm curious to witness that. Jane came on time, she was so happy hearing the little rose words and comments she received from the beginning . Jane said You're brave enough to offend my army man my baby girl even though he didn't offend you in any way. Rosalind chuckle at the words of her aunty she ran to her arms and kissed her and said I really miss you so much aunty.
While she talks to her aunty, three figure showed in front of the little girl.She asked her aunty do you know them? Adonis introduced them as his wife and two sons. His wife's name is Angelina, his first son's name is Gerald and his second son's name is Ryan. She greeted them. Behind them who is some what same age as him came slowly. Behind them came the person she saw yesterday, she was so curious to know who is he, still she doesn't show it in her face. Adrian introduced he is also like my son. He is actually my brother's son, but unfortunately his parents died, So I adopted Adrian. Since childhood he grew up with us . Little rose now understand why he was so angry and helpless. She thought to herself he must have humiliated by his brothers. She sighed and went near Adrian and said I'm Michaela Rosalind Hans, you can call me rose,Miss. Hans, or anything as you wish. Well,.. I hope you will treat me as your friend.. 🤝🤝Adrian also shake hands
with little rose and said we can be friends beautiful rose, I think that suits you best. Both smile at each other. They soon become best friends. By seeing this Ryan and Gerald got so angry and jealous of their brother's new companion. They know the fact that she(rose) was actually an adopted daughter of Lily and Jacob since Adonis was a good friend of Stephen and Mira. So they thought and planned to themselves that adopted daughter and adopted son is a nice pair we can humiliate them when ever we want.
At the time Jacob came back from court and William and Yuan came back from school. Now whole family together thought little Rose is so strange to talk to unknown person, not only she talks to Adrian she actually shaken her hands with him. So you take him as your friend right, Yuan asked. Little rose said mm I like him so I think he can be my friend. Then she shifts her head towards Lily and said I want to go and play with my new friend mom can I go, please.?Everyone said you can go. But Yuan said in low voice that only the little rose can hear "are you planning to go and practice martial arts with him. Mm interesting. So he is capable one to impress you. Fine for now I'm allow you to go, but don't overdo yourself." Then Yuan said aloud Eat then go. Everyone feel like something is going on with bro and sis. But they don't care, since they all know Yuan won't let the little kid suffer from anyone. If any one bullies her they're dead meat.
When little rose went inside to eat, Yuan knocked Adrian and said to him, if he dares to bully his little sister, he will make him pay for it. After hearing that Adrian knocked Yuan and said do you think I'm dumb to bully your lovely sis and get kill by her. I may seem to be not affected by her, but the fact is If I touch her I'm dead. I may offend anyone but not her I like her so much. Yuan said you... How shameless you are... You are just a fifteen -year old kid and more over you dare to say you love my sister in front of me. While they talk to each other, little rose came, both of them became normal and said to each other we can be friends. 😅😅😈😠Their mouth only say so but their eyes said otherwise. They glared at each other.
Little rose unknown of their change in behaviour, she ran out to play with Adrian. Every one in the hall's eyes fell on Yuan , he just laughed awkwardly and said that while he and rose practice to climb the mountain they saw Adrian for the first time. Yuan said when he meets with Adrian again for some reason, Adrian said I love your little sister she's so cute,.. Thus he explained to everyone in the hall. They all happy with that matter. Yuan also said I'm also happy with this unless he doesn't cross his line and hurt my sister like other men do. If he dares to do something like that I'll make his life miserable. Every one laughed and at the same time jealous over little rose for having such a great brothers. Yuan sighed but don't say anything about it. Yoon glared at but Yuan unaffected by his gaze said my sister won't let anyone make her life miserable she will choose right person who won't wave from the feeling he had for my sister by god's grace. Thus the conversation ends with satisfaction. Mrs. Adonis also said if my son's love for your sister still intact even after few years we can tie them up with marriage. Yuan interrupted her by saying unless my sister loves your son I won't let anyone force my sister to marry your son even if it is my mom and dad. I promised her I'll protect her from this wicked world no matter what comes. That's why I am trying to get stronger and more powerful person. Well as you said our little princess being friends with that Adrian only because she wants to learn about martial arts which I can teach her myself.