My Birthday

In the morning, when I woke up, my room was all decorated. I thought I woke up in the wrong room (lol). My father was standing with Jim and Zoe, waiting to say happy birthday. Mom wasn't there because she was making the cake and I could already smell it. When I woke up the first thing I saw was stacks and piles of cards and card and MORE CARDS. I just refused it and went downstairs for breakfast. My birthday breakfast to be honest was the best one I have had in years. There was waffle covered in choclate syrup and confetti and cream stuffed cupcakes. While we were eating breakfast, dad said that I got a ton of mail from a girl named....Chloe.....?!?!....I freaked out. I asked dad where all the mail we're and he said it was in my room . I suppose that was the huge stack if cards piled in the corner of my room. after I finished breakfast, I immediately ran into my room to open the mail. I had no idea from where to start, so I randomly picked one mail and opened it and it was written "haha try another one". so i tryed another one and opened it, to my surprise the same thing was written, I thought it was a mistake so I opened another card and the same thing was written AGAIN. I was so annoyed. So I was randomly moving the cards and I found a card covered in red paper. I was a little nervous but, it's worth a try. So I opened the card and this was written:-

Dear Julia,

I see u finally found the correct card....wasn't it a nice start on opening your birthday cards??....anyways, as u can see this is ur friend Chloe :) Happy Birthday.

I am proud to see my friend turning 13...So, since u r a teenager now, I want to give you a very special but, peculiar present :) u can receive it tommorow at school

With lots of unhappiness,


I was kind of excited to go to school tomorrow. In the afternoon, I cut my birthday cake with all my friends and family. It was such a memorable moment, I turned 13!