A person who knows everything.

"Miss Izumi sure is running late today, she is usually here before you come back from your walk, Shin." Ryu complained as he glanced towards the entrance of their workshop.

"Shin, leave it at that and tend to this sword, we have to deliver it in two days." Ryu ordered Shin as he placed a sword on the anvil.

"Got it, Mr. Takahashi." Shin left the other work and started to tend towards the sword Ryu placed on the anvil.

"Dad....brother Shin...." Ken came rushing into the workshop.

"I heard that the seal on one of the DK's army is going to be broken soon, Areon would be their first prey if they are free....and I heard something else..."

"What is it?" Ryu asked as Shin and Ryu diverted their attention towards Ken.

"I heard a rumor that even though it's only one of the DK's army, he is coming himself to deal with it." Ken sounded as if he wished it was true.

"I do hope what you are saying is true. How long do you think before he arrives here?" Ryu sighed as his hopes of survival rose.

"I heard he is going to start out in a few weeks and arrive within 4 days after he starts out." Ken sat down as he uttered the whole rumor.

Back in the city Protector's office, Zeyner who always looked calm had a face with mixed emotions. He was walking to and fro at a slow pace in his office.

"You called for me, sir?" Izumi entered Zeyner's office, fully aware of the reason why she was called.

"You already know the rumors and the reason why I called you, don't you...?" Zeyner questioned her as he made his way towards his table.

"I have a rough idea, sir." Izumi had a serious face on her as she agreed.

"Take a look at it..." Zeyner handed Izumi a letter that was on his table.

Izumi read the letter and confirmed that what she heard was true. She sighed as her face displayed mixed emotions that were similar to Zeyner's at that moment.

"Sir, him coming here is a good thing, he will make sure that the people and city are safe...after all, he is the Commander of the protectors, next in charge of the kingdom after the prime minister an his highness."

Izumi exclaimed as she tried to calm down Zeyner.

"Izumi don't stop talking after telling me the good that happens if he comes here, continue with what you think is the reason for him to come here... you already know it..." Zeyner sat down after tiring his legs down walking to and fro for a while.

"I suppose the reason might be because he anticipates that one of the DK's army is going to be free from it's seal." Izumi's face darkened as she uttered those words.

"Exactly my point...you know what Izumi, what the psychopath said a few days ago isn't entirely wrong. No one can seal back the Demon Kings except the seven guardians or the overseer with the Divine spirit, his highness. But only three guardians remain and we don't know what happened with the king." Zeyner stated as he calmed down.

"I guess it's time for the people to know the truth. I am sure, the commander knows the whole story, after all he is the commander and is famous for his nickname 'A person who knows everything.'." Izumi said as she leaned over the wall with her legs crossed.

"Let's just hope what you say is true and wish his highness is alright. Izumi, shift your focus towards providing things for the protector's army and the commander, put the other case on hold. The commander and the army will be here in three weeks at max." Zeyner had a grim look on his face.

"Roger that, sir." Izumi nodded her head as she left to prepare for the incoming company.

"The commander, 'Leonard Edgar'...are you sure he is coming here Ken?" Shin asked as his face turned grim. This was the first time that Shin even put up a face other than his usual poker face.

"I don't know brother Shin...the rumor was just buzzing all around the city. Probably, Miss Izumi would know the truth, let's ask her when she comes for the transfer." Ken spoke in an indifferent manner not noticing the look on Shin as he started to tend to the shop.

"No...it is not some random rumor anymore you men, we are going to go public about it today. We need the people in the city to help out with many things to support and supply the army with any and all their necessities." Izumi stated as she walked in slowly into the workshop.

"Sorry for being late. The chief asked me to come in to get briefed of the situation. Mr. Takahashi it looks like your business is going to start booming. You are the best blacksmith in the city and the army has a real need of a blacksmith for maintenance of their weapons as well as their Soul gears." Izumi reported as she stared at Ryu.

"Good times for our business always means that the world is having a bad time. It will always be the same way for any smith who forges weapons." Ryu said as he signaled towards Shin and Ken to start preparing for the transfer.

"As much as I want to disagree, it is true though....Master Ryu." Izumi sighed as she prepared for the transfer.

The four were done with the transfer after five long hours. Izumi almost collapsed because she didn't have enough time to recover as she was running around the city preparing for the army's arrival.

"Ken...close the shop for today, I am exhausted today for some reason." Ryu said as he panted heavily looking at Ken.

"Ken...I will take Miss Izumi home today, wrap up things here for today." Shin signaled Ken to take care of the rest as he walked out with Izumi.

As the two took a few turns, the atmosphere turned colder around them. "Did you know about the Psychopath's incident a few days ago?" Izumi put on a serious face, she didn't want to beat around the bushes. She knew there was no way for her to investigate Shin anymore. She would probably be moved away again soon to a more suitable place for her as Areon would be heavily guarded and fortified making it the barricade between the light and dark worlds.

"Yes, I do. I rushed to the incident with the chief that day." Shin answered indifferently as ever.

"Yes, I saw you come rushing in, but do you know how he was taken down?"

"I heard that some protector hit him with an energized stone from a long distance." Shin answered without any enthusiasm.

"It wasn't a protector who threw the stone. I saw you walk away into the same direction, the rock came from that day. Do you happen to know anything about where the stone came from?" The atmosphere tensed up as Izumi asked him as if she was accusing Shin.

"I am sorry but I have no idea about what you are talking about." Shin said with his usual poker face.

"Be careful, someone powerful enough to pull a stunt like that is roaming the streets and even going for afternoon strolls probably. The protectors will capture him for further inquiry of who he is and who authorized him to use such energy in the city as he wishes?" Izumi had a grim look on her face as she glared at shin.

"Got it, vice chief."

"We are almost there, you can leave now." Izumi didn't want to show Shin, her residence as she felt insecure for some reason.

Shin started walking back as he murmured to himself "There are a few things in this world which can only be seen but cannot be touched by normal people or the protectors Miss Izumi and no one are supposed to mess with them."