A hefty price to pay.

All the demon armies except the 4th and the 2nd which were away from the rest of the five Demon King armies were flooded with the pure energy emitted by the Divine dragon. The five armies that were swamped by the energy started to turn to rocks, this was because the immense amounts of pure energy nullified the dark energy causing the upper layers of their materialised dark energy to turn into stone, deprived of any energy and remained neutral with no positive or negative energy. After loosing all the energy the divine dragon sped back into Reo's soul sword.

The second Demon King's army were headed towards the retreating citizens of Tristina. Shadow had no choice but to return to his post and protect the citizens from the impending darkness that was speeding towards them. The Shadow shot a look at Evelyn and Kuro only to lock his eyes towards Reo's direction as he dodged the 2nd Demon King with Kuro's help.

"Go!" That was the only word that escaped Reo's mouth as he held his sword etched deep into the ground.

The Shadow took one last glance at everyone before he landed a soft gaze on Evelyn who nodded him to leave with an awkward smile. He fled from the scene as Kiyoshi and Kuro stopped the second DK from following him.

Evelyn looked away with teary eyes as she made her way towards the 4th DK's army. She stood before the demon army which charged towards her even without any commander to lead them. Evelyn had almost no energy left in her to fight off the demon army or even seal them up.

"Final Stance!" Reo pulled his sword from the ground as he levitated a few meters from the ground. He clapped his hands together with a 'Bang' as he glared at the DKs as if he was hinting them that he was going to put them back to sleep. The energy wave turned into a sphere from a shapeless cluster of energy.

"Begone." Reo said in a slow voice as he descended onto the divine energy that trapped the Demon Kings inside it who were struggling to escape as they cursed Reo. He dived towards the energy sphere and sped to the speed of Mach 6 in the little distance between them. Reo struck his Soul sword deep into the energy sphere.

The Sphere of energy compressed itself into the size of a small cylinder with an increased density of energy per area while it held the DKs in it as it was sacked by the divine sword. The energy cylinder headed towards the ground with the Divine sword piercing through Yasha's chest as Reo held onto the hilt with both his words.

With a loud 'BAM' the cylinder hit the ground shaking the entire city of Tristina. A wave of dirt stormed through the city as the ground broke and shattered the plain ground of Tristina into a rocky terrain.

"DIVINE SEAL!" Reo stood on the energy cylinder which had less than one meter in height with his sword in Yasha's chest as one of his knees hit the ground. A golden energy circle with a hexagon inside it formed on the back of the cylinder as it absorbed the energy in the cylinder as well as the energy in Reo's body and Soul sword. Golden chains emerged out of the ground and binded all the six Demon Kings who cursed at Reo as they constantly struggled.

The Divine sword slowly turned to stone as Reo started to turn into a stone himself starting from his legs. The Demon Kings were pulled into the seal as Reo and his sword were deprived of all energy and turned into a void stone. The divine energy dissipated into thin air as it left a large scar, shaped in the form of the seal on the ground.

"Kuro..." That was the only thing that escaped Reo's mouth as he almost turned to stone entirely. Reo entirely turned into stone as he let out a small smile looking at the DKs entirely sealed away. Reo's body along with the divine sword totally turned into rock with a slight smile on his face without any sign of regret.

The 2nd Demon King witnessing that the DKs were sealed away, fled towards his army leaving an exhausted Kuro and Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi fell to the ground and fainted as he watched Arnus Edios flee.

Kuro looked at his Soul sword as he said "Go get him and give him everything." He said as he transmitted all his memories of the day into his sword. The dark sword shone brightly with a golden light as it contained his memories. Sanda Oukami, Kuro's spirit wolf came out of his sword and ran towards Shadow as fast as he could with whatever energy he had left.

It wasn't long after that the Shadow who was guarding the rear end of the citizens, sensed that Akaiitou and Kumorigachi, the 5th and the 6th dragon spirits left Tristina and sped towards their resting place. The dragon spirits took the Soul gears with them as no other Soul weapon could be used as a container for them at the moment. They would fall into a deep slumber with no compatible protector to bond with.

Shadow knew what it meant. It meant that Kiyoshi and Evelyn were no more. The shadow was only a few miles away as the citizens couldn't move at the same speed as of that of the protectors. He sensed the 2nd Demon King not so far away who caught up to his army who marched towards them. The dark wolf spirit of Kuro made it's way to him as he passed by the army undetected as he emitted a dark aura even with the golden coloured energy which had Kuro's memories within it.

The Shadow took in the memories of Kuro from the shadow wolf spirit. The Shadow wolf in front of him disappeared suddenly which could only mean that everyone left him including Kuro.

The 2nd Demon King arrived in front of him with his army on his back as he grinned at an exhausted Shadow.

"I will make sure that they can't follow you. Run as fast and far as you can, don't look back and brace for impact when you hear it." The Shadow shouted as he looked at Allen who was leading the protectors and the citizens.

"You see the problem is, I don't go back on my words and I have to fulfill my vows to protect everyone against the darkness." He said in a high pitched tone as he looked at the 2nd Demon King. He lifted his sword and started striking the space in front of him fiercely, every strike left a glowing scar in the space around him. One could say that he was dancing with his sword. But it was a dance that courted death.

"Now go back to sleep, ARNUS EDIOS...!" He shouted as he struck his sword deep into the ground.

The scars in the space around him reformed into a dark energy circle with a pentagon inscribed in it, appeared in front of him. It was an energy circle that no would dare to summon. He knew he would almost certainly die, but he had to do what had to be done.

"Take my Sword and if it isn't enough, take my life." He said without an inch of concern for his life. He mustered all his energy one last time, every nook of his energy. He recalled everything that happened in his life.

"Shadow Blood Seal!" He released all his energy into the seal in one instance.

The seal sucked in all the energy in an instant and there lasted a moment of peace in the air. The seal released enormous amount of dark energy that covered a great radius around it, even a Rank-S Protector would tremble in such a sight. It sucked in everything living which used darkness to survive, sealing one of the seven demon kings, the 2nd Demon King, Arnus Edios and his army back in the underworld.

A great crowd braced for impact as Shadow, one of the seven guardians has instructed them to, every single person knelt in his honour, assuming that he was no more.