The Last Shadow.

In the blink of an eye, Leo stiffened his stance and froze at his spot. Shin who froze a meter away now stood in front of Leo. No one could even see him move but before they knew, Shin's index and middle finger were poking into Leo's throat.

"I am giving you 10 seconds to confess if you are lying and after that if you can't convince me with your words, I won't hesitate to demonstrate how a scar can be left on one's neck without killing him." Shin's words sounded sharp and distant with few hints of hope in them.

"No one entered Tristina after the disaster as you know. Explain how I found this then." Leo lifted his arm as he said "Katastima."

Two small energy squares appeared as they rotated in opposite direction and merged as they settled at ninety to degrees to each other. The octagon that was formed due to the squares being 90 degrees to each other let out a white light. Leo put his hand inside and took out a bracelet with a red gemstone on it's top and handed it to Shin.

"If I am not wrong, Evelyn still had this bracelet on her when we saw her the last time in front of the 4th Demon King's army in Kuro's memory. I know it was a gift from you Shin. Then tell me how did this bracelet fall in the hands of a merchant in the capital." Leo smiled as if he already proved to Shin that it is a sign that Evelyn left, telling him that she was still alive.

"How did it come to your possession?" Shin took the bracelet and confirmed that the bracelet wasn't a fake.

"That is because you gifted your girlfriend a very rare gemstone embedded in the strongest metal in this world. A merchant came to the palace in a hope that the royal family would buy it, but I was the one who bought it. People didn't know the truth yet, this happened only a few days after Tristina's fall." Leo said as he watched Shin's eyes lit up with hope and a will to live on.

"Did you ask him, where he got it?" Shin turned his eyes to look straight towards Leo's.

"I did, I would recognize that red gemstone with energy swirling inside it even among a thousand fake ones. There is only one of it in this world for people to see as no one except you were able to obtain it from the depths of Tartarus." Leo said with a sigh as if he was stating how reckless Shin used to be in the past.

"He said some girl with a hood on her with bruised hands came to him and sold it to him telling that it was the rarest gem embedded in the bracelet and it would fetch a great price if he sells it to the royal family. Ofcourse he wasn't dumb, he asked one of the many gem experts in the capital who lived across his shop to confirm the fact. He told me that she only asked him for a hundred gold coins in exchange making sure he could afford it." Leo supported himself against the wall as he said those words as if he solved a mystery.

"She wanted to inform you that she was alive while keeping the bracelet safe with you, huh?" Shin asked as he waited for confirmation.

"Yup, that must be it." Leo nodded confirming what Shin thought was true. Zeyner and the others just stood there looking at each other with an astounded face as they heard that Shin entered and came out of the depths of Tartarus alive.

"How is that even possible?" Shin looked with a question mark in his face.

"I suspect Kuro pulled out one last card from his sleeve, afterall he is your predecessor and your uncle, so don't underestimate him. I think his highness had a hand in it too. Remember how Kuro reacted as the king called his name before he turned into a void stone." Leo voiced his hypothesis to which Shin didn't react.

"Shin, you can find her and settle down like any other commoner but the whole world would be in flames if we don't control the darkness that lies within the great cities. Evelyn might be planning something if she didn't reveal herself openly. You know that she is one who wouldn't turn a blind eye while darkness and death are knocking the doors of innocent people. What are you going to do Shin? Sit here while your girlfriend protects the world or protect it with her." Leo tried to remind him of her character as he tried to persuade Shin back into the world.

"The shadow dragon is sealed away in the devil's layer deep in the Tartarus where no can reach. The Shadow's were the one who always saved the world when it had no chance of survival. You are the last one who was chosen as a Shadow by the 7th dragon, which proves that your way of dealing things is the same as any other Shadow in the past." Leo walked up to him as he stared at him sharp into his eyes.

"Shin, the shadow dragon spirit is lost forever. Remember your vows as a Shade when you were young. Remember the responsibilities you took on when you became the Shadow guardian. You might not have the dragon spirit but you are still a Shadow. Shin you are...'The Last Shadow' and the world needs you." Leo's voice stiffened as he declared.

Shin looked at the bracelet with the bright red gemstone as he jumped onto one of the spears etched onto the wall. He balance himself on the sphere as if he was reminiscing his past. The Shadows were very fast in contemplating and planning things, this ability was passed down in their genes. Shin took off his hood revealing his golden yellow hair as he let the light winds of Autumn caress his hair slowly. Shin closed his eyes after he took one look around him and saw everyone staring at him.

Silence filled the air as no one intended to interrupt his deep thoughts. The silence broke after fifteen minutes when Shin landed back onto the wall facing Leo.

"I never listened to anyone's words except Eshima's or Evelyn's and I am not intending to take orders from you even now." Erina who was beside Leo wanted to approach him but was immediately stopped by Shin's words.

"So I am going to deal with everything my way, just like before. I have a plan which could save this world from the impending darkness that will consume it if left alone."

"I am going to destroy the darkness inside the great cities and reform the shades. Leo, if you find anything about Evelyn, make sure I know it." Shin had a serious and determined look on his face.

"Everyone here will keep silent and no one will leak the information that I am still alive. I am going to end the darkness creeping in this shadows of the world and hunt the bastard who killed Eshima, but I can't do it alone this time." Leo's face lit up as he saw Shin's face expressions slowly reverting to how they used to be in the past rather than the dead fish look he had a few a moments ago.

"Just tell me how many men do you..." Leo's words were cut off by Shin.

"I know exactly who I want Leo and they are not your men. I know who I want and I am going to gather them one by one and plunge the darkness from the cities with their help." Shin's words reminded Leo of how Shin was in the past.

"Okay then." Leo nodded in agreement as he didn't have any options anyway.

"Izumi, Ken!" Shin looked towards the both as he called their names.

"You both are the first recruits. Welcome to the squad." Shin declared as he placed his hands on their shoulders. Ken and Izumi felt as if a bomb fell on them all of a sudden.

"Wait, what?!" As usual Ken put on his 'What's going on?' face.