You are too important to this world.

Yamato, the second in command came running towards Leo as he held a report from a scout in his hands.

"What is it Yamato?" Leo didn't spare a look at Yamato as he continued to review one of the many papers in front of him.

"Sir, a runner came from a fort nearby which is only around 140 miles from here. He came to report that the commander of the fort and the lord of a small city around it were killed by some one and escaped from the city. They are asking for our help, should we send someone to help investigate things?" Yamato reported calmly and gave his opinion as he looked at Leo whose corners of mouth lifted slowly.

"No need of that, I was the one who sent that person to kill them. Those two turned to the dark side and started doing shady businesses together, so I asked someone to eliminate the both." Leo looked at Yamato with a grinning face as he thought 'Let the game begin'.

"Sir, when did you send someone so powerful that could singly take down the both and escape so easily. Who was it anyway?" Yamato lifted a brow as he looked at Leo in confusion.

"It was someone who I trust completely, so just cool down and don't think about it too much. Tell the runner to head back and order them to stop investigating cause we will be handling the case." Leo got up from his seat and faced the window which viewed a setting sun with a crimson sky filled with the warmth of the sun.

"Yes, sir." Yamato turned back and left to carry out Leo's orders.

Leo held up his right hand while a blue band of energy started to shine on his wrist. The blue band turned into a map of the world with red, black, grey and many other coloured spots on it. Leo flicked a grey spot on the map which disappeared after the flick.

"Hunt them all down as you see fit Shadow." After Leo murmured these words to himself as he turned to his seat and went back to what he was doing.


"Shin, where are we going? We have been running for two days camping here and there. Can't you at least tell us where we are going?" Izumi asked with a sigh forgetting the fact that she was no longer speaking formally. Ken and Shin smiled as they looked at each other as Shin let out a small smile as if saying 'See, didn't I tell you that after the first mission, she would loosen up'.

"I am going to teach you both how to attack next. I only trained you both how to avoid an attack but not how to attack. We are going to go deep into the forest and train there for a few weeks and then return to our actual mission." Shin looked at Izumi from the corner of his right eye as he said those words.

"We are going to be there for a while. We will leave only after I am satisfied with your improvements. We will be there in a few more hours, so stop complaining." Shin turned his face back towards the path as he whispered to himself "You are too important to this world, so I am going to teach you everything you need to know before that time comes."

Date: 05/10/753 Time: 8:00 PM.

The trio reached a grassy plain with a small lake surrounded by hills and forest. "We will be staying here for a while, so just build a tent or something for you to sleep and take out your things. We still have some food left from the morning's hunt, so let's just eat it for our dinner and call it a day. I will start training you both starting from tomorrow." Shin looked at Ken and Izumi as he signalled them to relax a bit.

Shin built a small tent for himself within minutes as he was used to camping outside whenever he went out on missions. Izumi and Ken on the other side struggled to put up a tent and only succeeded after half an hour.

Shin had already collected some fire wood and set up fire. He started roasting the meat of a few animals they hunted in the morning while they travelled.

"Come up guys, dinner's ready." Shin invited the two to join him and start eating. Ken and Izumi ate like there was no tomorrow after running for two days.

Shin laid down on the grass after he removed his long dark coat and threw it on the ground as he stared at the starry clear sky. Ken and Izumi finished up their dinner and put out the fire. Izumi looked at a Shin who had a calm complexion on his face as he forgot everything and stared at the clear sky sparkling with stars.

"You mind if we join you, Shin." Izumi asked slowly as she looked at Shin to which he replied with a smile.

"Feel free to enjoy this beauty." Shin didn't avert his eyes from the starry sky as he said those words.

Izumi laid down beside Shin while Ken followed her and laid down on the other side of Ken. Izumi and Ken suddenly saw that the starry sky looked much different from this angle and it felt surprisingly refreshing. Izumi's and Ken's face turned calm and refreshed which was similar to that of Shin's at the moment.

"Shin…can I ask you something?" Izumi asked Shin in a slow voice as she continued to stare towards the starry sky.

"Ask away. You are my best friends after all." Shin answered casually as he joked around by reminding them how he played them at the fort using the 'best friends' line.

"Please don't say that casually even if it becomes true in the future. It gives me a weird chilly vibe up the spine. You almost got us killed!" Ken didn't raise his voice too much afraid of ruining the nice atmosphere.

"Coming back to my question." Izumi sighed as she said.

"How old are you? I am pretty sure you are around my age." Izumi's tone was serious as if she had many more question's based on his answer.

"I am 23. why?" Shin knew that she had many other questions as he answered slowly.

"If I am not wrong the last Shadow guardian gave up his position and you were made the Shadow guardian four years ago, right after the four Demon Kings who woke up were sealed away again, right?" Izumi turned her head slowly to look at Shin.

"Yes. I became the Shadow guardian four years ago. What is it that's bugging you, Izumi?" Shin asked her calmly without any intentions of averting his eyes from the sky.

"Then you were 19 when you became the Shadow guardian. Normally a guardian gives up his position after he trains another successor till the time he comes to around 25-30 years of age before he gives up the dragon spirit, right? Then how did you become the Shadow guardian at the age of 19." Izumi was glaring at Shin expecting an answer which would settle her anxiety.

"About that ha…" Shin sighed as he felt a chilly breeze.