Chapter 1: Blood, sweat and tears

Screams of despair and agony could be heard within a several mile radius. This was mixed in with the abundant sound of twisted laughter. On the grey tarmac opening stood children from infant ages towards the late teens. Tears rolled down their eyes and frowns creased across their foreheads. The scene filled with violence, malice and oppression.

"Please have mercy on us!" screamed a blonde haired teen, her voice filled with desperation and sadness. She was garbed in brown overalls that only left the skin of her arms exposed. The same scant clothing was present on all the teenagers, except each contained a minute difference. A red number stitched into the center of the cloth was clearly evident, with each teen having a different number on them. The blonde teen had the number three embroidered onto hers.

In front of the blonde teen stood a man who had an abundance of stubble on his face. A sickly smile grew on his countenance, reaching from one ear to the other as he heard the pleas of the young girl before him.