Chapter 3: Family Matters

The black haired, blue eyed teen commenced his journey home. He swung his slightly torn rucksack over one shoulder and took a long stride out the school gates. His pace was calm and unhurried compared to that of the students around him.

Jake's trek home if, observed by any individual who didn't know any better, would give the impression that he was a tourist or new resident, seeing as it consisted of many double turns and unnecessary alleyways. However, Jake's unruffled and serene conduct expressed otherwise. His pace lessened whilst approaching a certain house.

Although the house mainly consisted of red coloured bricks, similar to the houses around it, what differentiated it from the common houses were some yellow bricks arranged in diamond formations.

Jake slowly began to drag his feet to the welcome mat situated before the door. His hand mechanically dove into his pocket, and dug out a pair of keys. As though the act had been rehearsed he picked out a certain key, no features defining it from the rest. He then inserted it into the key hole and turned, this was then followed by a 'click'.

Step by step he entered the home. 'Ah!' Jake screamed out in slightly exaggerated pain as a small individual who reached up to his hips welcomed him in a tight and abrupt embrace. This caused a smile to grow on Jake's face.

"Nick, how was your day today?" Jake asked addressing the small individual before him. Nick looked up at Jake's face. He then released his grasp and took a few steps back. He took a huge gulp of air, as though he intended to run a marathon.

"They suspended me again!" Nick screamed from the top of his lungs, causing veins to become clearly visible on his neck. This caused a look of confusion to become apparent on Jake's face. Just as Jake was going to inquire further into the matter, another individual walked into the hallway.

The individual was slightly taller than Jake and was female. She had hazel brown eyes and a complexion that embedded kindness. She glanced and the scene before her, this caused worry lines to transfix upon her forehead.

"Jake, could you please knock some sense into younger brother! This is his second time getting suspended! One more time and it will be an expulsion!" The woman argued, her tone stern but filled with love. Jake glanced at the women than back at Nick. His face frozen in a look of deep contemplation. After a few moments had passed, he then looked back up at the women who had instructed him.

"Mother, I'm sure Nick is just going through a ph-"

"Another excuse, why do you keep making excuses for him Jake! It just encourages and promotes him to behave this way." Jake's mother said, which was followed by a look of exhaustion and fatigue.

Jake then stared at the child, his completion still gentle. He signalled to him to go towards the direction of his bedroom, and they both walked towards his room.

"I hope Jake can get through to him this time." She muttered under her breath.