Unreachable Flower

There is a momentary silence, in which everyone in the room froze—save for the sleeping Wen Po, of course.

With his nerves on edge, Xu Jiyu is the one to speak up first: "S-Sect Leader Qin Jin, that's…!"

But Qin Jin raises a hand, a gesture of telling Xu Jiyu to be silent. When the Sect Leader becomes serious like this, who would dare defy him?

Seeing this, Xu Jiyu immediately shuts his mouth, biting his bottom lip down. The Sect Leader wouldn't banish Qi Shun back to the Spirit Realm, would he…? Right now, it doesn't appear that the world is is immediate peril… there is no need to send him back! Not… not yet.

Qi Shun silently stares at the Sect Leader, platinum eyes narrowing dangerously. He takes a step forward, and Xu Jiyu's heart feels as if it's about to burst out of his chest.

'Don't do anything stupid, please…!!' The youth's mind yells, praying to whatever God there is up in the Heavens above that the King of Spirits would not provoke the Sect Leader.

Qi Shun opens his mouth while looking over at the youth, and Xu Jiyu holds his breath—

"That is correct. I am the King of Spirits. What business do you have with me?" Qi Shun speaks in a rather polite tone, and doesn't cause a fuss.

Xu Jiyu lets out the breath he was holding, relieved. At the very least, it seems like the King is very obedient…

"..." Qin Jin stares directly at the King with an unreadable expression. Then, he turns on his heels, his robes fluttering behind him. "We will talk elsewhere. Let Wen Po rest."

Another glance at Xu Jiyu, before the King hesitantly responds with an: "...En."

Then, Qi Shun proceeds to follow after the Sect Leader. However, the moment Xu Jiyu took a step forward to follow, Qin Jin turns around and stops in his tracks: "We will speak alone. Xu Jiyu, you stay here."

Xu Jiyu pauses. Qi Shun would definitely not be alright alone!! What if they started fighting?! There are so many opportunities to get rid of the King of Spirits when they're alone… this absolutely cannot happen!

Xu Jiyu hastily replies, "Sect Leader, must you go alone…?"

Qin Jin's glare is enough to scare the wits out of Xu Jiyu. He had believed that Qin Jin was a light-hearted fool who would do anything to make him call the immortal man 'gege'... but it seems that he really isn't joking right now.

"We are going alone. Be good, Xu Jiyu." Qin Jin replies, before nodding over at Qi Shun, gesturing him to follow.

"...En." The King of Spirits naturally follows after the man, taking one last glance at Xu Jiyu.

"Qi Shun…" Xu Jiyu whispers worriedly, eyebrows furrowed.

While passing by the youth, Qi Shun bends down and brushes the hair out of Xu Jiyu's eyes. Then, he leans down and plants a warm, reassuring kiss upon his forehead. A rare smile is placated upon his lips as he pulls away. "Be good, Xu Jiyu… I will be back."

Xu Jiyu's face had unknowingly flushed a bright crimson, and he nods in a daze. "Be… Be safe."

He, of course, trusts the King of Spirits to not cause trouble; in fact, he trusts him with anything.

So the youth watches as Qi Shun and Qin Jin leave the room, before the doors are closed and it is silent once more.

Xu Jiyu quietly peers down at the unconscious Wen Po.

"Oh… right. Senior brother Wen Po…" Xu Jiyu murmurs softly, before getting a towel and dipping it in cold water. He wrenches it before folding the towel neatly upon the merchant's forehead in a daze.

"...Oh." Xu Jiyu places his hand on his own forehead, his blush had never left his rosy cheeks.

It was only a kiss on the forehead, but it had affected him this much!! His heart is still pounding a million beats per minute!!

He proceeds to slap his cheeks, shaking his head. 'Calm the heart, and calm the mind…'


"Did the King say how long the array will be in effect for?" Fang Lei questions, settling himself on top of the spiritual array.

Wang Zhihao naturally replies, "No, he didn't say a specific number, but he did say 'a couple hours'..." As he sits down next to Fang Lei.

Fang Lei pokes the talismans on the floor, "Are we allowed to leave this place while he's away?"

"No, he gave specific instructions not to leave this room until he returns." Wang Zhihao only watches Fang Lei, a smile playing upon his lips. Although they had been friends for so many years, he had never gotten tired of looking at Fang Lei.

Fang Lei, to him, was an unreachable flower—one that one can admire, but never touch. It would make sense, after all… they were both spirits, they could not feel anything like 'warmth' or 'pain' even if they did touch.

A spirit being in love with another spirit? That is something quite pitiful to think about. Love does not exist in the Spirit Realm, but yet…

Wang Zhihao feels so attracted to this youth—why is that so?

Is it because he remembers his past life as a human, that he craves for those kinds of things? While Fang Lei had forgotten about his own past and never thought highly of humans…

Thus, he had never spoken of his feelings to the young male, lest he rejects him. So he can only stay by Fang Lei's side as a trustworthy, close friend and watch over him to make sure he is safe.

"His Majesty sure is taking his time." Fang Lei replies grumpily, before straightening his posture and glancing over at Wang Zhihao, their eyes meeting halfway.

Wang Zhihao's smile doesn't falter. "His Majesty always does as he pleases."

"...That's true, but what are you looking at?" The youthful spirit asks, raising an eyebrow. He reaches over and pokes at Wang Zhihao's forehead, expression full of amusement.

Wang Zhihao calmly reaches up and grabs Fang Lei's hand, before pulling the startled spirit closer. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart: "Can't I look at you at this angle?"

In fact, this was something they had always done, so usually, it wouldn't be a big deal… but the naive Fang Lei had finally experienced the human realm, and therefore this kind of action was—!!

Fang Lei immediately pulls himself away, before standing up and taking ten steps backwards. If he were in his human body right now, then surely his face would be flushed red in embarrassment. It was an incredibly amusing and cute action that caused Wang Zhihao to chuckle.

"What's wrong, junior brother Lei?" Wang Zhihao questions, chuckling as he does so. "Don't tell me that you're afraid of me now, are you? I'm hurt!"

Fang Lei shakes his head, feeling as if he had truly over-exaggerated… after all, he was already familiar with Wang Zhihao's close proximity, but yet…

"As… As if I'd be afraid of someone like you! I just… haven't been here for a while, is all." The youth finally answers stubbornly, before bravely returning to Wang Zhihao's side.

'...Cute, very cute!' Is all Wang Zhihao's mind is full of. He swears to himself that he will protect Fang Lei no matter what!

Wang Zhihao laughs, and says, "Right, right, whatever you say."

...While Fang Lei once again sits down next to Wang Zhihao, he can't help but think about Wen Po.

Before he was pulled back to the Spirit Realm, he and Wen Po's faces were also so close… if he hadn't returned here, then what would've happened…?

...And just why is he so flustered just by doing this with Wang Zhihao now?! It wasn't like this in the past, ahhhhh!!!