Chapter One : Birthday Princess

My morning alarm started buzzing and I was left with no other option but to wake up. Actually I am not a morning person, I hate waking up early.

Heard my mum yelling from the kitchen "Honey! Get up! You have to go to college remember??."

I jumped from my bed and screamed looking at clock. It's 7:30 I'm hell late for college today. I rushed into bathroom quickly brushed my teeth and took shower in few nanoseconds I guess. Padding my way back to my room in lavender towel I rushed into my walk in closet. I picked a floral blue maxi and get myself changed. Doing my black wavy hair in messy and putting winged eyeliner, I quickly shove my feet into nude flats and ran to staircase.

While entering kitchen I saw mum baking my favorite pancakes. Before I could turn I found myself in a big bear hug.

"Good morning Dad," I greeted him while he placed a kiss on my cheek.

He reached mum and they both started singing birthday song in unison.

I was so happy seeing them merrily singing, I ran towards them and we did family hug. Door bell rang, I opened the door and saw someone standing there with a bundle of big colorful balloons and gift boxes. I know who this could be.

"Tora!! Thanks for these cute balloons. I love you for this," I said and she quickly ran inside and placed gift boxes on the table and I took balloons. I just love balloons.

My love for balloon is known to all my dear ones.

"Happy Birthday Little Miss Sunshine. May god bless you," she wished and hugged me tightly.

Her grip on me tightened and I was suffocating.

I somehow managed to gasp "Tora I-I-Cant-breath-e."

She giggled and released me from her arms.

Mum came with a beautiful cake and placed it on the middle of the table. The living area was beautifully decorated with lots of balloons, ribbons, colorful stars and moons. Now I know why they were forcing me to sleep early. I'm very lucky to have them in my life .

After the cake cutting ceremony and having breakfast, we rushed outside.

"Xia, you forgot your keys baby girl," dad said throwing keys to me. As I walked outside, I couldn't believe my eyes. Right now in front of me was Mercedes SLR McLaren 722!!!!!! "Omg!!omg!!," I was shouting in excitement.

I hugged dad and he placed a kiss on my forehead and winked "All yours now my princess."

Today I, Xia Andrews turned 20. I'm 5'6, with slim body frame,pale skin with blue eyes and black wavy hair. I am studying in my town's one of the best college, doing graduation from science stream. I am nerdy, good in academics but very poor in athletics.

My family consist of my dad, Chris Andrews who is CEO of a pharmaceutical company and my mum, Pearl Andrews who is an interior designer. I was there only child so they shower all their love on me in abundance.

Tora, my bestest friend. We have known each other from pre school. Tora Cruz, with brown wavy hair, hazel eyes and a healthy body, is a pretty girl. I love her for her bubbly nature.

After driving for 10 minutes, "We are here," Tora announced. Turning into the parking lot I found a parking space and drove in.

Parking the car into a good enough spot, we got out of the car and began walking towards the college.We walked into the class the loud and obnoxious whisper floating around the classroom and we made our way to the vacant last desks. Placing my bag on the desk, I settled down. Suddenly I felt a knock on my head I frowned and looked up, saw a smirking Gordon towering me.

"What was that? You hippo!! Is this a way to greet a birthday girl??" I pouted.

He chuckled lightly "This was for being late."

"Ahhh I'm always late, not a new thing." I stuck my tongue out at him,"Go die man."

He sighed," Talking to you itself is death."

I wiped fake tears, he sighed again "Shameless creature."

"Here! Take it, this is for you monkey." He said handing me a gift box, I grinned and snatched that box.

"Thanks hippo" I mumbled. He sighed putting his head down on the desk.

"Good morning class, how are you all?," Mrs Jones came into appearance and all the whispers came to halt and now pin drop silence was in the class.

All eyes were on Mrs Jones.

"Alright then, submit your assignment quickly. I'll give you grades on the basis of this assignment," she stated.

I sighed in relief, perks of being studios. I submitted my assignment. Mrs Jones smiled at me and I gave her a small smile in return.

She was teaching us about evolution, it was an interesting topic I must say.

Finally class was over now, we moved outside.

Tora went to attend her maths class, Gordon and I went to chemistry Lab. Wearing our lab coat we all settled near our tables. Mr Anderson, our chemistry teacher came into class smiling.

"Xia where is your lab partner?," He asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled slowly.

"Okay class today we will do titration get ready," he said in loud tone.

I was setting the apparatus and saw a smirking Reese standing at the door.

"May I come in sir?" he asked and Mr Anderson nodded.

He rushed and came beside me. I elbowed him in stomach and he chuckled.

"Sorry, I'll be on time from now." I nodded.

"Both of you are always late" Gordon sighed, he was standing next to us with his lab partner Rosetta.

Reese and I began doing our experiment carefully. After calculation we were done.We completed our experiment, Mr Anderson came and saw the solution.

"Very good kids," he said showing us thumbs up. Both of us smiled.

After the class, three of us I, Reese and Gordon went to cafeteria. I was damn hungry. We saw Tora standing at the counter.

"Hey Tora!," I shouted.

She came towards us holding her tray. We all sat on a empty table, Tora was eating burger, Gordon was having French fries while Reese and I were having noodles.

" So how was your maths class Tora?."

To be continued....