Chapter Seven : Welcome

Mondays are the potholes in the road of life. Today was Monday and it was enough reason for Tora to be grumpy.

Sun was shining brightly smiling for an another adventurous day.

"Tora, hurry up everyone is already gone. We're already late", Tora's mum shouted from downstairs.

"You guys go, I'll join you in few minutes", she replied.

"Alright, lock the door properly", her mum stated and left with her dad.

Tora was excited to see royals in her town. It'll be first time they are visiting this place. She was curious to know why they're here. Why they come all the way from London to this small town? Why have they called meeting for all the Community members? With all these thoughts running in her head she was taking her time to get ready.

After having a final look of herself in the mirror she ventured to the Community Hall. She kept her look simple by wearing a basic tee and blue jeans with white sneakers. Kept her make up natural.

Everyone was already seated and talking to each other in low tone waiting for the royals to appear. Tora roamed in the hall looking for Gordon. Only he can provide answers to all questions which were running in her head. She spotted him near the stage talking to a guy. He was dressed in formals. He was looking charming and handsome. She giggled and waved her hand at him. He didn't notice her. She whispered his name and again waved her hand and finally he saw her. He looked confused and she signalled him to come here. He excused himself and marched in her direction.

"What", he asked in bored manner. She punched him in his arm. "Don't talk in this tone", she demanded faking a sad face and then she giggled. He asked raising his right eyebrow, " Why you're all chirpy and giggling today? "Because I'm going to see a prince in real life. I'm tired seeing them in Disney movies. ", She laughed. "Well! You were with a prince from your childhood if you didn't notice it yet", he said with a cocky face. "Yeah! Yeah! A crabby prince," she said with a evil smile.

Suddenly there was pin drop silence in the hall. Everyone got up. Tora hurried to take a seat beside her parents. Gordon went near the stage. He announced that Royals have arrived. From the right entrance came a tall man in black suit with his hands around a lady. He walked like an army man; Back totally straight and stiff posture. He looked like he is in his mid 50's, tall, muscular. He was quite handsome. By the looks he seems like a disciplined and strict man. Well what do you expect a royal to be? They were raised to be like this. The lady with him was very pretty and graceful. Blonde hair, perfect features and she in a black coat dress that cinched at her waist and finished with an A-line skirt. She paired the coat with a nude clutch and matching pointed-toe pumps, accessorised with drop earrings. "Seems like these guys coordinated their outfit today," Tora thought to herself. Behind them were Gordon's parents. Bodyguards were standing at the entrance.

They stood at the middle of the stage. "Good morning everyone," the man in the suit said. Everyone in the hall bowed. "Please everyone take your seats," he replied with a small smile. He and the lady also took their seat. "I hope everyone is doing fine here. And for those who doesn't know us I'm Alexander Steinkuhler and this is my wife Loren Steinkuhler. Thank you for this warm welcome. You guys must be wondering why we are here? Well let me make this clear we're here to stay. There are some matters I've to look after. So I hope everyone will cooperate with us. In order know each other more my wife is throwing a ball at our place on sunday I hope you all will join us.

Lastly thank you for giving your precious time to us." he nodded at the crowd and left with his wife. Bodyguards went behind them.

Gordon's father came forward. Now everyone's attention was on him. " So as you people know they are here now. I hope everyone will do their best to make them happy. If they'll be happy we all will be happy. I hope you understood everything. Have a nice day", he said and ended the meeting.

Tora excused herself from her parents and went to Gordon behind the stage who was on a call. Gordon turned and faced Tora. "What now", he asked. "Where is the prince? I wanted to meet him", she said pouting. He chuckled. "Come at the ball, you can meet him there. He was busy so he couldn't made it today," he replied slapping her on the head. "Ouch," she yelled. "Toodles dumbo see you in college," he waved at her and left.

Whole town was excited to attend the ball yet everyone was still afraid by the presence of royals in their town. It must be a big reason for why they're here. But no one has the guts to talk about it. Nobody wants to get in their bad books. Everyone was well aware of their powers. So everyone was behaving normally. This was best for everyone. Nobody knew what is coming next.

Invitations for ball were sent to every prominent people of the town in the evening. It was royal's way to know who will be profitable to them while they're staying. For other town members it was just a normal ball thrown by new member for the town. They weren't aware of the real motive behind it. Still everyone was looking forward for ball. The ball was now the new talk of the town followed by entry of new rich members joining their town. Everyone was curious to attend it.