Chapter Eleven : Hello

Xia's POV

I opened my eyes and a headache hit me very hard. It felt like I was sleeping for centuries. My head was spinning and I couldn't recall where I was. I got up and saw I was in a bed. I couldn't open my eyes properly for few seconds. When I opened my eyes everything in the room looked so unfamiliar. The bed was too big in size with so many big pillows. There was no photo frames on the wall or table to figure out whose house is this. Walls, curtains and even the sofa too was monochrome in colour.

It took 4-5 minutes to realize I was not in my room. Then where was I? What am I doing here? Last thing I remembered that I was running on the road like a lunatic but what happened after that light struck at me?

I got up from the bed and tried to run to the door but my legs didn't cooperate and I fell on the floor. I cried my legs were hurting. I heard footsteps approaching towards this room. Oh god please no! I can't be kidnapped! This is ridiculous!!

I hid myself under the bed and closed my eyes with my hands. I was shivering in fear. Why the hell I wanted to go to that stupid ball. Now this ball is costing my life. The door of the room opened. I tried to keep myself calm but all the efforts were vain but I was scared to death right now. Peeked through my fingers and saw two legs walking towards the bed. I shut my eyes closed. I can hear footsteps circling the bed and after few minutes it stopped.  I wondered what has happened and peeked through my fingers.

"Are we playing hide and seek?", said the man who was staring at me without blinking.

His face was expressionless which was kinda scary. He put his hand forward and asked me to come out. I don't know I was feeling that I know him. It was a strange feeling but it was strong. I was trying to recall where I've met him. In meanwhile he grabbed my hand and took me out.

After staring him for few minutes and observing his height, face, eyes, complexion and hair . The fact hit me like a bucket of ice. This was him. That stranger whom I tried to save! He is alive..which means my efforts were not vain!!.

"I can't believe you're alive", I shouted like a child who just got his Christmas present.

"You're breathing! I can't believe my eyes! I'm so glad you're alive," I said cheerfully.

He was staring at me like I'm some kind of crack mind. He looked stunned for few seconds and then he quickly composed his calm.

He sighed "Well I guess this was my dialogue and I'm glad that you're still breathing", he said in a relaxed tone.

"What do you mean?," I was confused now. "So you don't remember?", he asked.

I said no.

"Okay then listen devil knows why but you were running on the road like a lunatic and came in front of my car before I could apply the brakes you were hit. I didn't want you to die because of me so I brought you here," he said in a calm tone.

"First of all I'm not a lunatic it's totally your fault. You could have blown horn but no why would you! You own the roads right?," I said annoyingly.

"And secondly?," He smirked.

"You're a lunatic for not being safe," I said.

"What do you mean?," he looked me the eyes and asked.

Should I tell him or not? I was in a great dilemma. I don't know why those people threw him in the sea. What if he is a bad guy?? But he saved my life how can he be a bad guy? But what if he saved my life and kidnapped me now? I don't know what to say!

"Knock knock. You were saying something?", he said raising his left eye brow.

"First you tell me where are we", I asked him.

He told me we were in his farmhouse which was in the outskirts of the town. He assured me I'm safe here and he means no harm. I guess he is a nice guy, if not why would he take the pain of bringing me here?

"I suppose you were saying that I'm a lunatic because of what?" He asked again looking serious.

"I'll tell you but you've to promise you won't tell anyone about it. It'll stay between us as a secret?", I stated.

I can't risk exposing my identity or my people's. But also I wanted to talk about that night. That night still haunted me so I really needed to talk about that and who else can be the best person to talk than this guy standing here?

He laughed, "you want me to promise?", he asked looking amused.

"Yes!," I stated.

"Alright! Pinky promise. Now say.", he replied.

"Wait a second! Whose clothes I am wearing? And most importantly who changed my clothes???", I asked angrily looking myself in the mirror which was behind that guy.

I walked somehow to the mirror and saw bandage on head,right arm and both knees.

"Will you tell me whose clothes are these? It looks like they belong to a dinosaur! They are so large. I don't like it", I said in annoyed tone.

He turned to look at the mirror. I can clearly see he was trying to hide his smile. "Don't you dare to laugh at me!", I warned him.

"Well you see these clothes don't belongs to a dinosaur. They are mine and for the fact these clothes aren't big, you are too small. Plus you don't have to worry clothes were changed by a nurse," he answered.

How I wish I would have left him in that sea.


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