Chapter Thirteen : Thank You

Xia's POV

I was waiting for him to come. Sitting on the bed I gazed at the mirror. I was wearing extra large black T-shirt and black shorts looking like a cat in a big sack. My hair were looking horrible. This whole time I was looking like a ugly duckling and I didn't even realize it. Now I understand why he was trying to hide his smile. He must be thinking what a cartoon I'm. I sighed and turned my back.

Door opened and he came in the room. I turned to face him. Earlier he was wearing denim jogger and casual t-shirt but now he was wearing formals, grey suit. I had to admitted he was site to behold. He cleared his throat, I guess he noticed I was stalking him. God knows how many times I'll be embarrassed in front of him.


"Hello,". He was looking at me with intense gaze. Now I noticed he has a British accent. Well, it's not that I'm complaining.

"Um! Actually my friends are coming to take me so they need address of this place," I said sheepishly.

"Well! That won't be a problem I'm going out anyway. I can drop you ," he answered.

"No no! It's okay. I can manage,".

"I was not asking for your permission," he turned to leave the room. "I can go by myself," I scoffed. "Yeah I can see that's why you were dancing on the middle of the road," he replied and left.

I somehow managed to walk in the bathroom quickly washed my face and combed my hair. A messy bun was more comfortable than the witch waves look. A maid came to take me to downstairs. She helped me going down the stairs. I glanced at the living area of the house, colour pattern was similar to the room where I was. It was not some regular house. Everything was different from regular here.

The maid helped me getting in the car. We were on our way when Tora texted me for the address.

"Oh god."

"What"? he asked with confused look.

"I forgot to text Tora that I'm coming with you."

"Text her you will be there in thirty minutes."


We were sitting in silence. Like dead silence. I couldn't bear this silence anymore moreover I was having so many questions to ask about what happened. So I decided to break the silence.

" Do you remember what happened that day on the road?," I asked looking outside the window.

"Yeah. I was on my way to meet some friends but suddenly a lunatic came in front of my car," he chuckled and his eyes twinkled.

"I'm not a lunatic okay! I couldn't see anything properly because of that stupid strom," I scoffed. I heard him chuckling.

"Why didn't you take me to hospital?," I asked. He spoke after few seconds, " I thought it'll be best to take you home because at hospital I had to give answers to thousands of questions and I am trying to avoid getting in troubles these days." His voice was so husky and enchanting. I have never noticed someone's voice like his but his voice was different.

I was looking outside the window. This view was not familiar to me. I have no idea where we were. The scenery was very beautiful calm and soothing. Tall trees, dense forest like area with birds chippering and butterflies flying around wild flowers.

"May I know why you were dancing on the middle of the road?," he asked.

"Will you stop putting it in this way?," I was getting irritated now.

"Okay okay!," he laughed.

"My best friend and I went for shopping for a stupid ball but an important matter came up and she had to rush. I was left alone and couldn't find any cab. Worst of all there was no network in my phone. So I decided to walk and stroke joined me on my way ," I said with grumpy face.

I heard him laughing. I punched him on his shoulder. "Stop laughing you monkey," I yelled.

"Monkey dance on the middle of the road which is clearly not me," he said with playfulness in his tone.

"Shut up," I punched him again.

"Hey! You want to fracture your legs?," he asked.

"No," I replied".

"Good! Now sit quietly and let me drive," he said with serious face. "Okay," I mumbled.

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Tora saying I have to come to Gordon's place. I told my driver guy the address of Gordon's home.

Generally one feels scared and uncomfortable with strangers but I don't know why I was relaxed. Maybe because he treated me good at his house. At first I thought he is a serious guy but now I can see his fun side too, which I am not liking because he is having at my expense.

Rest of the way we both were minding our own business. I was looking outside and trying to recall if I have ever been here. It seems like we were very far from the town, countryside maybe. There was greenery everywhere. Roadsides were covered with wild plants and wild flowers. I was feeling relaxed. I closed my eyes and felt the air passing through my face.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead," I felt a knock on my head. "What," I groaned. I adjusted my self to sit properly and saw we are already here. We both came out of car. I rushed to ring the doorbell but felt a sharp pain in my knee. "Careful," he helped me. "It will take few days to heal the wounds properly. He rang the bell and door opened in lighting speed. Tora came and hugged me tightly.

"Can't breath."

She giggled and then punched me in the arm. "Ouch, I'm hurt you idiot," I made sad face. "And we were scared to death you lunatic," she yelled.

"Tora let them come inside," Gordon's voice came from the door. "Oh sorry! Please come come,"Tora said smilingly.

We three sat on the sofa. Gordon arrived with sandwiches and water. "These are my friends Tora and Gordon,". I introduced. "Thank you so much for taking care of her," Tora replied with a smile. "It's perfectly alright," he smiled. " You don't know how worried we were. She can't even cross a road on here own so we were dead sick about her. She is kinda scared of traffic," Tora said. "I see," he replied. "Tora will you please shut up," I gave her a death glare.

"You didn't inform you're here," Gordon asked him. " I came to meet you at school but couldn't find you," he replied. "Wait! You guys know each other?," I was confused now. "Yeah. He is my cousin," Gordon stated.

" You were the one who saved us that day?," Tora chippered. Now everyone was confused. "Guys! He submitted our assignment that day! Remember?," Tora explained. Oh yeah! Mrs Nate said Gordon's brother submitted our assignment. "Thank you once again," Tora said. "Xia, you should eat something. Tora see she eats everything. My brother and I have something to discuss," Gordon said and moved to upstairs.



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