My new model Part3

When Su Lin got back home, she helped settle Runyan upstairs in her room. The poor woman was still unconscious from the trauma.

Su Lin tucked her in, and walked downstairs.

She flopped on the couch holding her head in her hands.

Contrary to her plan, things around her were progressing quite quickly. 

Su Lin pensively gazed at the wall ahead of her, as she pondered her future plans.

Playing around with starting a company was well and good, but it seemed she needed to focus more on regaining her strength soon.

Today, just one of the men held a handgun and she was able to manage the situation.

Tomorrow, what is all of them have one pointed at her? Would she still be able to manage that situation?

This was not actually a tough problem to overcome. Her soul core was currently at stage 1 spiritual qi condensation state.

If she could somehow improve her cultivation base to stage 2, her body would be much stronger and easily bulletproof.

She even had enough money to go around the world and take care of this business.

So Su Lin mentally decided to arrange for everything and leave this city in a couple of months, though it might not be the most convenient option for her.

As she lounged on the couch, resting and scheming, a faint knock sounded on the door.

She only slightly had to extend her spiritual sense to guess the owner of the knock.

"God damn it. Why are you here again?!" Su Lin furiously banged open the door.

Her gaze fell on the man in front of her, looking hesitant and embarrassed to meet her eyes.

The handsome rogue was most probably feeling guilty about their last encounter. She concurred.

From the outside, the guy didn't seem like he was serious about anything and appeared very jovial and casual, without any motive or intention.

Tsk… Tsk… If only it was that simple... Su Lin sighed. 

Something told her that it was not going to be an easy task to get rid of him...

Su Lin glared at Luther for a whole minute, before letting him inside the house.

Since the man didn't jump in through a window, as usual, she decided on a whim to be more courteous to him.

Oh, and there was that matter of the suddenly manifested millions of dollars in her bank account.

The devilishly handsome man walked in with a slightly confused expression on his face. 

He had been pretty sure that he was going to be sent away with a slap on his face or worse from what he had just witnessed.

And this gentle kind gesture seemed very unusual coming from the unruly woman of his dreams.

Su Lin watched the reluctantly sit down and finally lift his head up to meet her eyes. 

His perfect cheekbones, his adorable eyes, his broad shoulders… decorated by that atrocious scar…

The man had a ridiculously handsome face that would make anyone want to stare at him without blinking.

Shit… Stepping out of her trance, Su Lin brought her focus back to the present.

As she was gazing at the man, suddenly something clicked in her brain. 

This man right here… sitting right in front of her was literally a walking solution to all her problems!!! 

Su Lin revealed a beaming smile as everything fell into place in her mind.

Luther looked at the woman with his eyes full of disbelief. Why is she smiling at me? He couldn't help but shudder.

He had actually just wanted to see her one more time, before leaving this place. 

Maybe even warn her that someone called Tang Yue had ordered a hit against her.

And so while Monkey was grumbling and cleaning up the shit show of a crime scene, Luther slipped away and came here to meet with Su Lin.

But… Every time he saw her, his mind wavered and his resolution faded.

And now… she was actually smiling at him?

Why the sudden mood change? Luther was curious. He had prepared an entire 5-page dramatic apology and what not. But this?

"Come sit down." Su Lin softly mumbled with a mysterious attitude and an authoritative voice like a queen.

Luther chuckled amusedly and walked in, sitting comfortably on the couch opposite to Su Lin.

Good thing no one else was present here. 

What would happen to his reputation as a crime syndicate boss, if he was being ordered around by a small little cutie.

"You… I know why you keep circling around me!" Su Lin looked at him confidently and muttered as she drank the man's changing expressions.

"You do?"

Luther was surprised. She already knew Tang Yue had sent out a hit job on her?

Ignoring his confused eyes, Su Lin crossed her legs in a haughty manner, like a loan shark forgiving someone's debt, and spoke with a gentle and generous tone.

"I saved your life back in the mountains and now you feel like you owe me."

"Your entire life belongs to me. You are all mine. You are madly in love with me. You just want to stay near me. And so on and so forth. Am I right?" 

Su Lin confidently asked. 

Why else would this guy be still circling around her and even go to the extent of giving her his entire wealth and then some more?


Luther was trying his best to control the laughter which was erupting in his mind. Girl, you are so full of yourself!!!

Using every bit of self-control he had, he composed himself and spoke.

"Yup. Let's say just for the fun of it that it is indeed something like that. So?"