
A Chinese guy walks into a bar. The bartender is black. The Chinese guy walks up and says, "Hey ni**er, get me a jigger."

The bartender is irritated by his language, but the customer is always right, so he makes the drink and gives it to him. The Chinese guy downs the drink, slams the glass on the bar and says again, "Hey ni**er, get me a jigger."

This really pisses off the bartender, but he doesn't want to make a scene, so he makes the second drink and places it in front of the Chinese guy. Again, he tosses the drink back, slams the empty glass down, and says, "Hey ni**er, get me a jigger!"

By this time, the bartender has had enough. So he says to the Chinese patron, "Look man, if you think this job is so easy, why don't you come back here and make me a drink!"

The Chinese guy agrees, and the two trade places. The black man sits down at the bar and says, vengefully, "Hey chink, make me a drink!"

The Chinese man replies: "Sorry, we don't serve ni**ers here."