The Rabbi and the Pope's Unconventional Debate

Outraged, the Jewish community call for a chance to debate the Pope and fight to stay.

They elect their best Rabbi and he travels to the Vatican to sit down with the Pope and plead for the Jews right to stay in Rome.

Since the Pope only speaks Latin and the Rabbi only speaks Yiddish, they sit across from a long table staring at each other in silence.

Finally, the Pope stands and makes the sign of the holy cross, touching his head, heart and shoulders.

The Rabbi stands up and points to the ground. The Pope then waves his finger around his head in circles, and the Rabbi holds up one finger. The Pope pulls out communion bread, and the Rabbi pulls out an apple. At that point the Pope slams his hands on the table and yells "THE JEWS CAN STAY!"

In his papal quarters, the cardinals were asking the Pope what the Rabbi said that convinced him to let the Jews stay in Rome...

The Pope said: "First, I showed the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost to remind him how our God is in different forms. The Rabbi responded with one finger, reminding us that there is only one God"

"Next," the Pope said, "I waved my finger around to say that the one true God is all around us. Then, the Rabbi pointed to the ground, reminding us that God is also right here with us."

"ahh, good point!" said one of the cardinals.

"Next," the Pope said, "I pulled out the communion biscuit to remind them how Jesus died and forgave us for our sins. Then the Rabbi pulled out an apple, reminding us of the original sin. At that time, I knew he had a point so I decided the Jews can stay!"

Back at the Synagogue, a crowd of Jews were all surrounding the Rabbi and asking what happened in the debate room.

"First," the Rabbi started, "the Pope held his hands up saying 'all you jews from the north, south, east, and west get outta my city!" so I pointed to the ground saying "We ain't going anywhere!"

"Next the Pop held up 3 fingers telling us we have 3 days to get out. I showed him my middle finger to say 'FUCK YOU BUDDY' we're not going anywhere"

With everyone hanging at the edge of their seat, a voice from the back calls out "and then what happened next?!?!"

The Rabbi replied "....who knows, we broke for lunch?"