#A_Pure_Vampire 🐾
Theme : Prepare For War!!!
"Now give me one reason why I shouldn't banish your miserable soul to The Hallow" Zara sneered.
Jace felt fear running cold through his veins. Out of all the possibilities he'd run through his mind beforehand this is something he never expected to happen. Zara is the necromancer and worse she killed him. He stared down at his lifeless body in complete shock. This is terrible. Beyond that actually. What is he to do now? He failed to help Ana and now he couldn't even help himself.
"Well if you have nothing to say then it's time to go" Zara spoke again breaking his trance.
"Wait! Zara please, you can't just kill me and get away with it. My grandmother and Cora will find out" Jace argued. Zara simply rolled her eyes.
"Your grandmother doesn't scare me." She replied defiantly.
Jace didn't know what to say to that. Hell he is already dead and any minute now he would be spending eternity in The Hallow. The shock of the situation kept him from screaming and freaking out. Now he wished he would have never followed through with Cassius request. It cost his life. Im dead. Jace thought. Zara just killed me . He stared at his unmoving body on the floor again still not believing what just happened. There has to be a way out of this.
"Why Zara? And how? How did you hide for this long and with Cora to help you?" Jace questioned. He figured at least knowing would complete the puzzle in his head. And also buy him some time to think of something.
Zara tilted her head studying him for a moment. And then she laughed. A high pitched laugh that brought a chill to his soul. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. You're dead and you want to know about my history? Are you kidding?! You must be which makes you very funny" she giggled.
Jace stared perplexed at the little girl who so easily took his life. Big eyes and innocent face made it hard to believe she is a necromancer over a thousand years old. Probably the last of her kind.
"Why kill me?" He croaked. Sure he has a million other questions but the main thing he didn't understand is why she killed him. It seemed extreme considering he didn't hurt her. And she didn't know about his plan with Cassius.
Zara eyed him curiously before casually shrugging her small shoulders.
"You know who I am and for that alone I couldn't let you live. Guess since you're dead I can get out of this body for a minute." Zara announced.
Before Jace could respond the little girl dropped to her knees and began savagely coughing. The sound is dry and hard. Zara leans forward bracing herself with her hands, hacking. She pauses, opening her mouth as wide as it would go.
Suddenly long hair brown legs crept from her mouth. Jace jumped back startled by it. At first he thought it was an animal she was throwing up but once the head popped out and he saw the eight eyes he knew it was actually a spider. The biggest spider he'd ever seen. Even bigger than the tarantulas he's seen on TV.
Slowly the arachnid dropped to the floor. Jace couldn't help but stare at the massive creature but not because its legs were easily three feet long and its body was the size of dinner plate. But because its belly was huge, transparent and glowing with a swirl of white, gold and black colors inside.
Zara resumed coughing until a cloud of white thick smoke poured out of her mouth like waves onto the floor. The smoke coming out is so thick and puffy it reminded him of clouds on a summer day. It funneled itself up spinning rapidly until it disappeared leaving a woman standing in its place.
She is tall and lean. A few inches over his six feet. Her hair is thin and wispy; the color at first glance appeared white but closer inspection proves it be a light lilac color that stops just past her chin. The hood of her heavy gray cloak hides most of her face from view.
In her right hand is a long scythe like weapon. The handle looks like it's made of bone and the top is a skull with two long pointed horns on top. There is no doubt in his mind this necromancer could do much more than just take his soul.
"That's better. It's cramped in there" She referred to Zara's body while rolling her neck. Zara's tiny frame laid still on ground. Jace rushed to the girl's side carefully avoiding the spider. "Oh don't worry about her. You have bigger problems" The necromancer implied. Jace watched as she picked up the spider cooing and kissing it like a loved pet.
"Listen, I won't tell anyone who you are just please put my soul back" Jace pleaded. She ignored him and continued to coo to her spider and rub its fat glowing belly not even bothering to look up at him when she finally replied.
"This is my baby Charlotte the Goliath. I love her because she's so valuable to me. These swirling colors inside her are my special collection of souls. Souls that mean too much to me to send them to the Hallow and too little for me to let them live" she paused and slowly pulled her hood back revealing her beaming gray eyes. Her skin waved as what looked like tiny spiders crawled underneath it.
The rest of her facial features were small and mousy. The slant of her eyes and light tone of her skin made her look like she was of Asian descent. She still had a childlike face and barely looked sixteen years old. "My point being I only care about things of value to me. And you Jace have none" With that she tapped her trident on the ground. The eyes of the skull glowed red as the floor beneath him fell away. Jace hurriedly latched onto the leg of a heavy old chair nearby as the black hole hungrily tried to suck him in.
"PLEASE! I CAN BE OF VALUE TO YOU! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! ANYTHING!" He screamed. Jace fingers were barely holding. And being dead he didn't have access to magic. It was only a matter of time he'd be able to hold on. It surprised him the chair wasn't being pulled with him but then he realized the black hole pulling him must only draw in souls.
"Hmm. Anything? Make me a trade. Offer me a soul I'd rather have than yours. But it can't be just anyone. It has to be someone you share a connection and they must be supernatural. Tick tock Jace" the necromancer taunted.
She stood on top of the giant hole as if it were solid ground. Black shadowy hands crawled up her exposed legs. The necromancer tapped her trident again. The darkness vying for him doubled its effort. Now only two of his fingers were gripped around the chair as his soul began to lift off the ground. His body is being pulled so tightly he felt as if his skin would be ripped off any second. Amid all of this he couldn't for the life of him think of anyone he could offer to her.
"SEB! TAKE SEB! HE'S A WEREWOLF" he shouted desperately. He didn't know why he said Seb's name but it was the only thing that came to mind.
"Ooh as tempting as that sounds I can't take his soul because he has the soul of a werewolf alpha. Alpha souls don't die they move on to the next strongest in the pack. So sad too, I would enjoy having his soul in my collection especially after seeing the way he attacked you outside. Too bad your grandmother ruined all the fun" She giggled petting her spider that now sat on her shoulder.
Another of Jace's fingers gave way to the suction of the dark entrance of The Hallow. He knew that once he went under he'd never come back. And his soul would be tortured forever. He couldn't let that happen. Just then another name floated to his mind.
Guess now....
Common guess!!!!
Story continues
Just then another name floated to his mind.
"CASSIUS! HE-HE'S THE VAMPIRE PRINCE!" Desperation doesn't describe the heart wrenching agony in his voice. He stared as his last finger as it lost its grip on the chair. "NOO!" he screamed feeling himself being pulled into the terror that is The Hallow. He closed his eyes tightly feeling the hands of the shadowed souls grabbing his legs pulling him further into the darkness.
"Deal" the soft words of the necromancer brought him more instant relief than a cold glass of ice water in hell. Not sure he heard her correctly Jace popped his eyes open. The hole in the floor is gone and he realized that he is also back in his body. He shot to his feet looking around for his just to be certain he's whole again.
"If you tell anyone who I am the deal is off" she added. Jace faced her noticing she is also back in Zara's body. The trident and spider long gone. Thinking about the way the spider came out he's glad he didn't have to watch it go back in.
Zara held out her tiny hand expectantly. Timidly he took it. A sense of dread overcame him as soon as their hands touched.
"Break our deal and your soul is up for grabs again" She teased skipping out of the room.
Jace's mind reeled over everything that just happened. A migraine is coming on strong and his vison is starting to blur.
"Wait!" he called out to her. Zara stopped just at the entrance. There were so many questions he wanted to ask her. How did she survive a thousand years? Does Cora know who she is? Does his grandmother? And why did she take the deal for Cassius? All of them and more rattled through his mind.
"Why are you here? What are you planning?" He asked instead. Jace knew it couldn't be a coincidence that this necromancer ended up with Cora, one of the most gifted witches and close friend of the crone.
Zara didn't turn but he could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke "That's for me to know and you to find out" she giggled jumping from the attic not bothering with the stairs.
No matter how childish her words were he knows she is serious. As if things weren't bad enough now he got himself caught up with a thousand year old child like necromancer.
Jace felt a wave of fatigue overcome him. His body wobbled and he tried to stay standing. A second later he lost the fight of conscious. His body pummeled to ground as his mind went dark.
"He's late" I grumbled impatiently kicking a rock in the driveway.
Today is the day Cassius and his army are coming to prepare for the big showdown with Ferox tomorrow.
And I'm irritated.
Not only do we have less than 24 hours to strategize but I have a bad feeling about this. I really don't want my friends to be involved but they wouldn't even consider sitting this out. Except for Bobby but he's not a friend any way. I was surprised he stuck around as long as he did.
"He'll be here. He's a prince it's very fashionable for him to be late" Lily replied stepping up beside me. She's smiling like usual and I have to wonder again where her natural upbeat energy comes from. Especially after what happened last night.
Seb and I were on our way out when we heard the last bit of Lily and Bobby's conversation. I have to admit it made me proud to see her stand up for herself that way. Had it been me I don't think I could have done it.
"Hey about last night-"
Lily put a hand up to stop me "Don't worry about me I'm fine. I've dealt with pricks like him before" She laughed but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Deep down I knew it still hurt her.
"I know but I wanted to say it took a lot of courage to do what you did. And seeing you kick my old tormentor in the nuts was awesome! You're like my hero" I laughed and she laughed with me. This time genuinely.
I turned my attention back to the yard where Seb and Marie were trying to teach poor Simon some defensive moves. My dear friend lacked coordination. He kept falling instead of blocking when Seb came after him. In his defense Seb is pretty huge and intimidating.
Every time he fell Seb or Marie would help him and try again. Never once did either of them appear annoyed or frustrated by his lack of fighting skills. It reminded me of all the long hours Seb spent training me under Marcos orders. Now my captor is dead and the vampire that's responsible for it is coming after me. So much has changed it almost seems unreal. Almost.
"Have you seen Jace today?' I asked Lily. I hadn't seen him since yesterday which is strange since we are all in the same house. But Seb and I did wake up early to run, hunt and train so it's possible we just didn't cross paths yet.
"Yeah early this morning. He was coming from the attic looking all weird. I asked him about it and he said he passed out up there. He mumbled something about a headache, I don't know, dude is acting strange but he did say he was going to make something to help in the fight tomorrow" Lily shrugged before dashing off to join the others practicing while I took in her words.
Jace did seem off yesterday but a lot was happening. I couldn't help but feel there is more going on with him that he's not telling. Like he would tell me anyway after I broke his heart. Hopefully after this is all over he and I can build some sort of a friendship. After all he is Simon's friend.
Deciding I should help my friends train instead of watch I jogged off to meet them in the yard.
Two hours later Cassius and his group finally showed up. Lily and Simon were thankful for the break. Apparently I'm not as easy going in training than Seb and Marie. Next time I'll just sit out.
Seeing a thousand vampires surround the front of the house is alarming. They are all decked out in similar chainmail and armor as the elite guards who took me. My guard went up and instantly I became defensive. Seb and Marie tensed as well. Lily fluffed up her hair and Simon stood by Marie trying to look tough but I could hear his heart hammering in his chest.
"Hello Analise. I told you Id find you" Cassius smirked stepping away from the vampires and approaching me. He's dressed in black slacks and royal blue dress shirt looking as if he doesn't have a care in the world.
"There goes my hoping I'd killed you" I snapped back. I don't trust Cassius and I won't play like I do. Jace got us involved with him, not me, and if this arrangement turns bad all of us are in added danger. Cassius only laughed at my comment.
Jace came walking up, finally gracing us with his presence. He face looked pale and his eyes looked tired. Over all he looked worried and exhausted. A pang of guilt hit me hard. He wouldn't be involved in any of this if hadn't been mated to me.
"Takes a lot more to kill me than that love" Cassius smiled. Seb growled and I not so discreetly grabbed his hand. We agreed last night not to tell Cassius and his men Seb is a werewolf. The element of surprise needed to stay on our side if we were going to win this.
Thanks for ur Love and support so far Reelers.
During the time of crisis when the group was hacked till we were able to retrieve it.
The G.O.R.S admins really appreciate.
Thank you soo much
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Have a very wonderful night...👊💯