Killing for the First time

[Title: Aspiring King]

Type: Passive


A Title Given to rare individuals that aspire to become a king.

Abilities: Grants the holder of this title affinities with all king like abilities. (A Example is Haoshoku Haki)


"Wow Nice! This is an awesome Title!" A wide Grin Spread Across his face as he looked at the description for the title he gained.

"What's an awesome title?" A voice questioned from in front of him.

"Whoa!" Not noticing when he got there a man stood in front of him peering at him with a curious gaze.

Looking up at the man he almost had a heart attack, it was Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage. 'Why is he here? He should've been with his wife preparing for Naruto's birth.'


Minato was heading back towards the village when he saw a kid who seemed to be talking to himself, when he approached him he heard him talking about some kind of title, even though he was in a rush he decided to see if the kid needed some help.

"What's a kid like you doing wandering out of the village."

After asking him this, he watched his expression to see how he would react after all he could be a Ninja from another village but he wasn't sure what one, after all his hair wasn't blonde but rather looked like it was made of polished gold and the only eyes that he knew that were red were either the Uzumakis or the Uchihas in their Sharingan form and the Uzumakis had red hair and not gold.

The boy seemed to be in a daze for a second before telling him that he was heading towards village and that he had come from far away and that he came because he heard that Konohagakure was the strongest Ninja village and that he wanted to join them.

"Oh, a kid like you want's to become a Ninja? Well first we have to sort out your identity after all people might think your a spy from another village. After we confirm your not a spy you can join the Ninja academy." Minato was not sure who he was but he would never turn away help, he might be a kid now but in the future he could be stronger and would be able to help the village. He was also in a good mood now after all the kid had praised his village as the strongest which was one of his greatest prides.

"Oh, I never introduced I am Minato Namikaze and I am the Fourth Hokage." To his surprise the boy did't even flinch when he heard his name as if he already knew who he was.

The boy did a small bow and while saying "Nice to meet you Fourth Hokage I am Gilgamesh."

(I was going to call make him call him Lord Fourth but he is not part of the hidden leaf yet.)

"Gilgamesh huh? That's an odd name, well no matter it's dangerous outside the gates come with me."

"Okay" Replied Gilgamesh as he followed Minato towards the village. To Minato surprise he was able to keep up with his light jog which made him around Genin level which was surprising since he looked quite frail and lacking training.


Gilgamesh was quite lucky he had met the Fourth Hokage gotten escorted to the village was able to get past the guards with not questions asked and even a place to stay for the night. Of course that was to say that it would be safe, with the Kyuubi released it would destroy the village and probably even get him involved if he was lucky the Kyuubi would kill off a few of the other participants and save him the trouble of doing it himself, preferably the two Hyugas as Itachi would most likely kill the others for him. Of course he wouldn't rely on Itachi for killing off all of them as they might have gotten cheats that were strong enough to beat him.

'Now then, if the story line goes as it did that means that a lot of people are going to die tonight, if I rely on the Kyuubi to damage the Ninjas I can kill them when they are about to die and then steal their stats.' As messed up as his thoughts were they made sense. This was a world where killing was normal and killing them while they were on deaths door would end their suffering earlier and also save the time and energy it would take to heal them.

As midnight neared he heard shouts and explosions in the distance telling him that the Kyuubi attack had began.

"Looks like it has begun. Better stay on the outskirts of the fight don't wanna get caught up in it."


A house not to far from where he was was blown up as a ninja was launched into in. Sprinting towards it he was happy to find the the ninja was still alive even though he was missing a few limbs.

"Oi Kid, kill me."

"Are you sure?" Even though that's what he came for he was surprised that's what the Nonja wanted.

"Yeah, I already lost my arms and a leg I can't fight anymore and it will be a burden to continue living."

"Understood." Drawing a Kunai from his belt he quickly slit the Ninjas throat, as the Man slowly drifted off he stared up at Gilgamesh with a grateful smile before closing his eyes for the last time.

Gilgamesh just looked down at his shaking hands, even though he had killed the man with such ease watching the man die had left an impact on him in which he though wouldn't happen. As he was walking away he lurched forward and puked. "Ugh, killing people is harder than I thought."



Name: Gilgamesh

Title: Aspiring King

Age: 8

Body Type: Normal

Bloodline: None

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Perception: 5

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 5

Energy: 0

Unused Stat Points :10

Skills: Status, Predator, Cheat Hunter

When he clicked on the Unused stat points the options to where he could put it were listed out and he decided to put 5 into Agility and 5 into Stamina. After doing so he felt an energy fill his body and he could feel that he could move faster and longer than before.

"I have to get used to killing as that is what I am here to do."


By the end of the Kyuubi attack he had killed 58 Ninjas and for his last kill he only felt a little nauseous and did not puke. To his surprise only 4 of the Ninjas he killed had Energy stats and the one with the most only had 4 in that stat with the others having 2. Gilgamesh after killing and seeing the destruction of the village had grown a stronger desire to grow stronger.


Status after Kyuubi attack


Name: Gilgamesh

Title: Aspiring King

Age: 8

Body Type: Normal

Bloodline: None

Strength: 100

Agility: 110

Dexterity: 100

Perception: 100

Stamina: 100

Intelligence: 100

Energy: 10

Unused Stat Points: 0

Skills: Status, Predator, Cheat Hunter

(When I put that he killed 58 it was just a random number didn't expect that the stats that he got from the 58 would be able to be averaged so well. Also I just made him all rounder right now but later on he will not be so well rounded. You might be wondering how strong he is compared to others so I will show you a normal ninjas status.)


Name: Random ass Shinobi

Title: None

Age: 20-30 (Normal Ninja age)

Body Type: Normal

Bloodline: None

Strength: 40

Agility: 60

Dexterity: 30 (If your wondering Dexterity is mastery, such as how easily you weild weapons or use your body.)

Perception: 60

Stamina: 80

Intelligence: 20

Energy: 0 (Most people don't have this stat.)

Skills: What ever Ninjustus they use.

These stats are pretty much for your average ninja. As for Advanced ninjas like the Anbu they got stats 200-600 in each one except energy. As for the best of the best like Hokages and the Akatsuki and the like they got 600-2000 in each stat. So I guess you could say that Gilgamesh strength went from a brat who just graduated the academy to twice the strength of an average ninja who has been training for about a decade.