Chapter 46: Titan Fall

Something exploded high in the heavens before it came barreling down and crashing onto the earth. Landing in a crouching manner, a mecha awaited in a blue, shimmering shield-dome. Unlike the massive golem, this new titan was much leaner, more mechanical and sleeker. Armed with a broadsword and a triple-barreled shotgun, the smaller titan seemed more lightweight.


Raum realized the danger and twisted his golem around to confront the new threat. The hand cannon erupted in volcanic fury, the thermal beam converging upon the dormant titan. However, the thermal beam dissipated harmlessly against the glowing blue dome, fading away into red mist as it expended itself against the barrier.


Raum swore under his breath when he saw how ineffective his attack was against the dome. Meanwhile I sprinted toward the titan and then slid the last few meters. The dome-shield still shimmering brightly, the titan remained within its protection as it suddenly stood up and grabbed me before gently putting me inside its cockpit.

The hatch closed and the darkness all around me blinked into light as visual displays came to life. I reached for the controls and began sliding gears back while a deep, male voice resounded all around me.

"Welcome, pilot. The sword is yours."

"Thank you, Matsukaze."

The Katana-class Titan straightened fully as his in-built AI – which I had nicknamed Matsukaze MKII – followed my commands, and grabbed his triple-barrel shotgun. I swung around just as the dome-shield flickered out completely and fired a blast. Three gigantic shells surged out from the triple barrels before detonating prematurely into thousands of buckshot. The tinier pellets rained against the golem and exploded with devastating force, causing it to stagger back.

"Hah!" Raum sneered even as he struggled to right his golem back. "Your puny attacks won't hurt the armor on this golem!"

I replied with a second shot that knocked the golem back again, and then strafed around him. Stepping on the accelerator, I boosted the titan's speed and the thrusters at the back flared to life, vomiting plasma bursts to propel us forward. The thermal blast that Raum fired in retaliation completely missed and took out a huge chunk of his own castle's wall instead.

Dancing around the golem, I peppered him with more shotgun shots. The lightweight frame and lack of armor on the Katana-class Titan meant Matsukaze would be easily destroyed by a couple of those thermal blasts, or even just a few punches from the heavier, more massive golem, but it had exchanged that durability for an exponential increase in speed and agility. Making use of our greater flexibility, I evaded and dodged the golem's shots while replying with several of mine, but it didn't seem like the Houkai-pattern triple shotgun was doing much damage.

"Ugh! Stop firing at me!"

Raum seemed more annoyed than panicked at the insignificant damage being meted out to his golem. There were a few signs of wear and tear, the powerful weapon leaving scorch marks, dents and cracks on the crumbling surface, but they were enough to bring the golem down. Just superficial damage that didn't reach the core systems.

The shotgun clicked empty and Matsukaze automatically reloaded it. I considered my options and decided to holster the shotgun before drawing the curved broadsword from his back. Blue, electromagnetic light gleamed and ran along the blade and I swung it, unleashing an arc wave that slammed into the golem.

"What the…?"

Even though there didn't seem to be much damage, Raum had trouble righting his golem after that. The electromagnetic pulse from the arc wave attack had temporarily fried his systems, distorting his visual display and inhibiting the currents that flowed from the cockpit to the rest of the mechanical body. Stumbling around, half-blinded, the golem flailed desperately.

As it did so, I came from the side and slashed with my broadsword. The melee weapon dealt a lot more damage than the shotgun, actually biting deep into the golem's armor and gouging out a huge chunk of armor.

"Gah! No way!"

Raum must have been alerted to the critical damage by the emergency red lights and AI's maddeningly soothing voice, for he was cursing and swearing unceasingly while whipping his golem around to face me.

But I was already gone, slipping to the side and slashing from the left flank. Sparks flew as I nearly severed the golem's left arm from its shoulder, leaving the mechanical limb hanging uselessly as a misshapen mess where sparks continued to fly dangerously out of it.

"Just what the hell are you?!" Raum hollered. "Why do you have a golem of your own!?"

I summoned it. That was how…not that I was obligated to tell Raum about that. I just focused on chipping away at his health.

Dodging under the massive fist of the golem, I carved a huge scar across its once pristine chest, causing it to stumble. Raum allowed his golem to move back a step, and then transformed his remaining arm into the thermal cannon and fired at close range.


I held up the sword for a sword block, catching the thermal beam squarely on the blade. However, the sword wasn't as defensive as the dome-shield that protected Matsukaze when he dropped in, and at least 50% of the beam got through, searing the lightweight alloys on my tian and causing smoke and sparks to billow from it.

"Warning. Critical damage. Advise evasion."

"I can't evade, damn it!" I yelled, even though I knew Matsukaze was merely throwing out a pre-programmed response. That was the problem with summoning stuff – I couldn't customize or program the AI myself. Then again, I had no computer programming background or knowledge whatsoever so it wouldn't make any difference anyhow.

Actually, I was glad that the summoning took care of all those AI programming and mechanical design, because I was a total newbie at such things.

My brother would be a better person to ask regarding mechanical engineering…

Well, it didn't matter. I didn't need to worry about the engineering or programming aspects. I only needed to concentrate on the total destruction of my enemy.


Laughing, Raum seized the advantage to kick my titan. Gritting my teeth, I thumbed a button in my gearstick while flooring the accelerator.

Matsukaze literally disappeared, leaving a shimmering mirage.

"Huh?! What the hell?!"

I had activated my phase dash, disappearing into what seemed like an alternate, almost quantum dimension. Boosting through Raum's golem as my Titan transitioned into a ghostly, grey-tinged world of faded colors and reality, I dashed to the position behind him before returning to reality. Spinning around, I slashed the back of the golem, almost bringing it to its knees.

"What the hell?!"

Raum roared in frustration and twisted around, but I was already moving. Ducking under his swinging arm, I thrust my broadsword from under his guard and rammed it into his chest. Sparks flew from the gigantic tear I had just left in its chest and I unleashed a second arc wave, which had finished recharging, to stun the golem.


Raum cried out and tried to fire another pointblank thermal beam at me, but I sliced off the cannon at its wrist.


Without hesitating, I brought my sword down and carved another tear deep into the golem's armored chassis, sending it staggering. By the kami, the damned thing could really withstand a lot of punishment. Having absorbed so much shotgun shots and slashes from my broadsword, it was still standing.

Fortunately, its thick armor and extreme durability had rendered it slow and clumsy. I closed in, ready to finish it off, but…

"As if I'll let you!"

With a roar, Raum sent his golem surging forward, kicking me in the midriff. Metal caved in as the lightweight chassis was unable to endure the powerful blow from the heavier titan. The golem leaned in and headbutted my Matsukaze, causing the visual displays in the cockpit to crack. I grunted as red emergency lights flooded the cockpit.

"Warning, warning…critical damage. Eject, eject, eject…"

"Overrule that!" I shouted and forcibly twisted the controls in my grip. Reversing the broadsword, I rammed it into the tear, plunging the blade so deeply inside the golem that the sharp end emerged from its back.


I must have hit something critical, for sparks and electricity were dancing around the golem, which was hanging limply on my sword. Its movements had slowed, and Raum kicked me desperately. Normally I would have evaded that devastating blow, but my sword was embedded deeply inside the golem, stuck and refusing to be yanked free, and so my reaction was delayed. The powerful kick managed to send both me and the sword tumbling backward, ripping out a bunch of torn wires and detached cables.


Raum tried to stomp toward me to finish me off, but I was faster. Slamming on the accelerator, I dashed toward him and swung my sword.

Raum couldn't counter that.

With my first slash, I sent the golem reeling backward, and then I hacked off its legs, causing the huge colossus to topple over. While it lay helplessly on the ground, I raised my sword and plunged it into the crack cockpit.

"Gaaah! No…! Impossible…impossible!"

Raum screamed before his voice was cut off in a bloody gurgle when his body was pulverized into a bloody pulp by the sword.

Panting, I pulled my sword up and away and backed off from the remains of the golem. The warning lights were still flashing, and the red bar that indicated the health of the Katana-class Titan. It was clearly critical.

I was in a doomed state. One more hit and I would be the one who had died. Unlike Raum's golem, I had traded durability for speed and agility, and thus Matsukaze couldn't take a lot of punishment. He was on his last legs.

Well, the good thing about summons was that I didn't have to worry about repair and maintenance. I just had to cast the spell again with a summoning ritual and a "new" Matsukaze will drop in, back at full health.

Summoning mechanics were so overpowered.


I dropped out of Matsukaze, who promptly exploded. Staggering, I glanced around at the devastated place. There wasn't much resistance left, and the remaining soldiers under Raum's command were at a loss, now that their commander had fallen.

However, one of them pointed his rifle at me. The rest followed suit, aiming whatever arrows or other weapons. Their intention was clear. They were going to avenge their master.


I raised my staff, but felt totally drained. The summoning of my Titan had caused me to expend a lot of mana, and now I no longer had the energy to fight back. Drained and exhausted, I could only face the gathering soldiers.


I blinked when I heard the familiar voice. Turning around, I caught sight of Lieutenant Kratz and her company charging through the holes in the walls and firing on the stunned soldiers. They weren't even able to shoot back. Upon coming under heavy fire, the majority of them dropped their weapons and surrendered.

"Boss!" Gio shouted after Magna 7th surrounded the castle guards, who had clearly given up on resisting. "Their commander is dead! The enemy has surrendered!"


Elia blinked and nodded, and then firmly issued a command.

"Men! Round up what remains of the enemy!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

I gaped at Elia, who strode up to me.

"Major! Are you all right?"

"You…" I shook my head, unable to speak for a few seconds. "I thought I told you to escort Dragon Princess Yuan to safety?!"

"That order has been carried out, sir. Corporal Ross and HQ platoon is escorting her back to Helsfort right now. After ordering them to retreat, I rounded up Platoons 1, 2, 3 and 4 and had them converge on your position for one final attack." Elia scowled with a determined expression. "We're not leaving anyone behind, sir. Not even you."

"Well, thanks."

"But you were incredible!" Elia was staring at the demolished golem and the bloody remains of Count Raum. "How did you defeat such a powerful golem? We saw you summon a golem of your own. How did you do that? Just what are you…?"

I was a person from another world, and incidentally a big fan of a FPS mecha that included Titans falling out of the sky and amazing pilots who controlled those badass Titans. That was what gave me the idea to create the summoning spell in the first place. It took a lot of hard work, but it was well and thoroughly worth it.

Not that Elia would understand a single word I was saying. Instead, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm…the Hero Slayer."

Elia chuckled at that. "After all the things I've seen you do, sir, you really are one."

"Well, good job, Lieutenant." I nodded. "Round up the enemy soldiers who surrender, and contact Command. They'll take care of things from there."

"Already done that. A relief force has been dispatched to take over. They'll be here in a few hours."

"Great. Put them in the dungeon in the basement. Post a couple of sentries, in one-hour shifts. Then let the rest of the men rest. They've earned it." I smiled at Elia, feeling like a commander for the first time. "Well done, Lieutenant. It was an honor fighting alongside you."

"It's an honor fighting alongside you as well, Major!" Elia saluted and cheered. "We did it! I didn't think we'll pull it off, but we actually did it!"

"That's right, boss!" Gio placed a hand on her shoulder after having supervised the rounding up of the surviving enemies. "We did it!"

"We fucking won!"

The men were all yelling and whooping raucously, exchanging high fives and practically jumping for joy. I noticed it was the rookies in particular. The veterans, grizzled and experienced as they were, merely stood to the side. But even they were unable to contain their joy, wide smiles spreading across their battle-weary faces.

I wanted to join in the cheering, but I was swaying dangerously on my feet right now. Gritting my teeth, I managed to maintain the smile and bring my hand sharply to my temple.

And then I collapsed.


The next thing I knew, I awoke in a soft bed.


I blinked and looked around, but saw that I wasn't in the barracks. Instead, a massive window with velvet curtains greeted me, looking like some experience interior design of a noble's house. The room itself was massive, probably the size of a small apartment.

"Where…where is this?"

The last thing I remembered, I had collapsed in Raum's castle after expending all of my mana with that risky summon. I guessed that was a small price to pay for bringing hi-tech mecha titans to a fantasy world.

"We're back in Helsfort."


I sat up straight and spun around, catching sight of a beautiful, brown-haired woman standing beside me.

Diana Gremory, the wife of the current Demon Lord, Regis Gremory. She smiled brightly and nodded.

"We're in one of the Magna Brigade's military offices."


I stared at her in disbelief, my mind still unable to comprehend what had just transpired.

"After you captured Count Raum's castle in his former domain, Rigal, you were brought here," Diana explained gently.

"Is Dragon Princess Yuan all right?" I asked. "And what about the rest of the unit? Magna 7th? Are Lieutenant Kratz and the men all right?"

"Relax," Diana assured me. "They're all well, and are resting at the moment."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Diana's smile widened and she proceeded to the door.

"And now that you're awake, there's someone who wants to talk to you." Diana stopped at the door and bowed slightly. "Please wait here, Sir Tanaka."

I got out of bed and stared out of the windows. It seemed that I was indeed back in Helsfort, with its peaceful gardens and expensive-looking mansions. Further across the mansions were huge, black walls. The walls of a fortress – the fortress-city of Helsfort that I had visited when following Dragon Princess Yuan and her escorts during her wedding.

"We made it."

I could hardly believe it, but was pleased at the result. No man was lost, from what I recalled. Not only did I succeed in my first command, I did so without losing a single soldier.

That felt…good.

"Ah, Sir Tanaka. You're up already?"

I spun around when I heard Regis Gremory's familiar voice. The Demon Lord himself was sliding through the doors, a grin on his face.

"I must admit, you've surpassed my expectations. Not only did you rescue my daughter-in-law, you also defeated the usurper and brought his domain back under the alliance. Now those who had sought to leave the alliance along with Count Raum the other day are now clamoring to return to the fold. Most of them, anyway."

"My lord."

I bowed my head in greeting, but he waved it away. Standing beside him, Diana chuckled.

"You may dispense with formalities, Sir Tanaka."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Please, take a seat."

Regis gestured for me to sit beside him at one of the huge tables placed inside the large room. I obliged, and Diana placed down a tray of tea, serving each of us cups.

"You really made quite the name for yourself, Hero Slayer…or should I just call you Major Tanaka?"

"Anything's fine," I muttered. I wasn't comfortable with any of the addresses.

"Heh, well…that's good. Unfortunately, you've also drawn quite the attention to yourself. When you took down Raum – even though you had my approval and authorization – there were quite a few nobles who began to worry that you might be aiming to usurp and overthrow them…to snatch their domains away from them."

"That was never my intention…"

"I don't know," Regis cut me off. "I can't read your mind. And I'll be a fool to take your word at face value. Then again, I would be a greater fool not to recognize your value to the alliance. You're an incredible asset, Major Tanaka…one that can tip the balance of the war in our favor. I'm not going to discard such an asset so easily."

The guy was talking about me as if I was some sort of tool or weapon. I pursed my lips, but didn't say anything.

"But I would rather have you stay out of the limelight for a while." He thought for a while and then smiled. "I'll be assigning Lieutenant Elia Kratz and her unit to your command…permanently. I've already talked to Marquis Kratz and he has no problems with it. No, rather…he seemed pretty eager and happy about the arrangement."

I wasn't stupid enough to miss the underlying politics behind this move. But I honestly didn't want to get involved with political marriages and stupid romances.

"…so what do you need me to do?"

"Well…" Regis had a sinister smile on his face. "You'll find out tomorrow. For now, make sure you rest up. You'll need it."