Chapter 49: Haemorage

"I express my deepest gratitude for your assistance."

The vampire queen, Lilith Scarlet, bowed her head as she thanked us.

It was shortly after the battle. After the human troops had retreated, the demonic armies had withdrawn back into the dark vampire city of Haemorage. The tanks were parked outside the castle and our soldiers given billets to rest in. The tech-priest engineers assigned to the convoy were busily ministering to the needs of the tanks, repairing them, soothing the machine-spirits with prayer and replenishing the mana ores.

Crown Prince Richard and Dragon Princess Yuan, on the other hand, were welcomed to the throne room of Haemorage, along with the officers of Magna 7th. Captain Elia Kratz, Lieutenant Daniel Dressia and Sergeant Gio Vanni looked ill at ease as they accompanied the royal couple with an honor guard selected from HQ platoon.

Obviously I wasn't allowed to skip out on this, so I dragged myself to the throne room. If Elia and Daniel, who were noble-born, wasn't used to the formal ceremonies, a commoner like me found it much worse. I wanted to find any reason to delegate this task to them and escape to the barracks along with the other soldiers, but my duties as the commanding officer of Magna 7th stipulated that I be present during what seemed to be the welcoming ceremony.

"No…it's only natural."

"You had every reason to avoid the fight, especially after we withdrew from the demonic alliance, yet you aided us. That said…"

Lilith Scarlet regarded us, her ruby eyes unreadable.

"I am curious about how an armored convoy from Helsfort just happened to be traveling within distance of my domain."

"Did you not receive our message ahead of time, your excellency? We're the ambassadors from Helsfort…"

"Ah…! To negotiate our return to the alliance…correct?"

Lilith's eyes widened momentarily and then she nodded.

"Yes…after the debacle with Count Raum, my father thought it prudent to escort us with two companies of soldiers."

"Ah…that idiot Raum…I did hear about that." Lilith chuckled. "I guess I should thank his majesty for his foresight. Our lines were going to collapse…if you didn't arrive when you did, the humans would have overrun us."

"Thank you. But the credit should go to the brave soldiers of the demonic alliance." Richard turned to us.

"A…ah! Thank you, your excellency!"

Elia blanched before snapping up a salute. Daniel also nodded and saluted.

"It's an honor, your excellency."

As their superior, I felt as if I had to say something, so I also stepped up and joined the whole flattery thing.

"Thank you for your hospitality, your excellency."

"Not at all. Actually I should be the one thanking you. You…" Lilith frowned as she stared at me. "Weren't you the one who actually fought on par with that Evelyn's Chosen? That was impressive. There are few in Morten who can duel with Evelyn's Chosen on equal grounds. A splendid display, in addition to saving my men. You have my gratitude."

"It's nothing, your excellency."

"Major Tanaka here will be the key to repelling the humans," Richard declared somewhat proudly. Dude…way to put pressure on me. I would very much prefer if he didn't bring me into the conversation like this. "He is the Hero Slayer, after all…right in front of my father and everyone, he slew one of Evelyn's Chosen, and apparently has killed at least two more of them."

"That was just luck," I muttered. Dragon Princess Yuan giggled.

"Luck doesn't happen thrice."

Or four times, but I didn't want to boast about my murder of Minamoto Kureha.

"As such, we are planning an offensive against the humans, to retake Helsreach and drive them back into their part of the continent. Evelyn's Chosen, after lying dormant for a while, have decided to take charge of the invasion, and they've plunged deep into Morten territory."

"Indeed," Lilith acknowledged somewhat bitterly. "As you saw, they have pierced all the way into my lands."

"Yes. During this time of crisis, my father would like all demon nobles to stand and fight together. If we continue to remain divided, the united human armies will pick us off one by one and in time, annihilate us totally."

"I can't say I don't see where he's coming from…especially after such a shameful display." Lilith sighed as she leaned back against her throne. But her expression hardened. "That said, Haemorage might not need your assistance. I am recalling the bulk of my forces from the frontier to defend my domain, and they will be back in time tomorrow. Once I have amassed my vampire army, we will crush the humans."

"…the frontier?"

"I sent the majority of my army up further north in search of new resources and land." Lilith's voice was cold. "My population has been growing, after all. We need more land…and resources to trade for those incredible things the dwarves of Moria have been forging." She smiled icily. "Like those tanks of yours."

Oh. Haemorage needed ore. Ore, metals and minerals for trade, or at least to learn how to reproduce the technology the dwarves of Moria innovated. At least that was the gist I was getting from Lilith's remarks.

"But the defense of my domain takes precedence here. As you know, Haemorage is one of the most powerful domains in Morten. My army can take on several domains on its own. What need do we have of the alliance?"


"Evelyn's Chosen."

It was Dragon Princess Yuan who spoke up, to aid her faltering husband. Everyone turned to her, but she remained firm.

"You've witnessed firsthand the power of Evelyn's Chosen, have you not? Just one of them could deal that much damage to your army and tie you up. Imagine if there was two of them. Even if just a second Evelyn's Chosen was present…your army would have been totally overwhelmed today. Those monsters defy logic."

Hey, I was one of those monsters, you know. I bit my lip, annoyed, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't going to jeopardize the negotiations.


Lilith studied Yuan for a few moments, and then she sighed.

"You're right. But what are the chances that they would send two or more Chosen to a domain as far-flung as mine? From what I've heard, the human armies should be stretched tight across Morten too. Evelyn's Chosen should be no exception. They will have to split their forces up if they want to take all of Morten."

"Your domain and vampire armies pose a massive threat to the human kingdoms," Richard pointed out. "It is not impossible that they would consider sending a sizeable force to attempt to destroy your domain in the near future."

"…that is true," Lilith admitted and she hung her head as she folded her arms. "I don't mean to criticize your father, your highness, but…the last time I was in the demonic alliance, the previous Demon Lord left us to hang and dry."

"My father promised not to do that. Our assistance in this battle should have proven that."

"It's just one battle," Lilith snorted. "And if I sent my army out to aid the struggle in Helsreach, what happens if a human army like the one today arrives to invade my domain? We would be caught off guard and left to fend for ourselves."

"Well, the whole point is to drive the humans back to their territory so they wouldn't be able to cross Helsreach and into your domain in the first place."

"Additionally," Yuan quipped suspiciously. "If you're really that worried about the defense of your domain, why did you send the bulk of your forces to the frontier? Shouldn't you be holding them back to prevent invasions such as today?"

Lilith raised both hands. "You got me there. But Dragon Princess Yuan…don't forget, survival isn't just military survival. We also need to survive both economically and technologically. If we don't secure those resources, we will be left behind in technological advancements. Already, Helsfort, Moria and the domains are progressing far ahead of us in those aspects."

"All the more you should seek the aid of the alliance," Richard pressed. "I will help you negotiate trade deals for technology and resources. And if all goes well and we drive the humans out of our territory, we can expand our own and share whatever new lands we find."

Lilith chuckled. "I will hold you to that, your highness."

"I will do my best to convince my father."

"Don't just do your best. The moment you step out of that, we'll leave."

"So you're agreeing to rejoin the alliance?"

"Don't get too excited yet, your highness." Lilith raised a hand to forestall Richard's enthusiasm and relief. "There are still other conditions to discuss."

"That's what we're here for," Yuan replied. The two young women locked gazes, and then nodded in mutual respect.

Elia, Daniel, Gio and I exchanged glances. What were we even here for? None of us wanted to stick around for hours while the royalty and nobles hammered out political details and conditions. We were better off returning to our barracks and planning for war or something. Or resting after such a major battle.

"Your excellency!"

One of the vampire soldiers suddenly barged into the throne room. Lilith raised an eyebrow at his intrusion, but didn't reprimand him. From his flushed demeanor and panicked expression, it was clear he didn't just walked into an important political meeting for fun.

"What is it, Colonel Barthoz?"

"Emergency report! The human armies…"

Lilith immediately stood up, her fingers almost crushing the armrests of her throne. A blood red aura swirled around her, almost suffocating the whole room. Yuan swayed, only for the equally pale Richard to catch her. Beside me, the three officers trembled from the sheer force of Lilith's mana. Even I wasn't wholly unaffected.

"Are they attacking again?" she asked sharply.

"They seem to be preparing for a massed assault…but that's not the emergency, your excellency. Our scouts have caught sight of human reinforcements arriving from the south. An army about two times as large as the one we fought today…headed by another Evelyn's Chosen! It seems that they're about to join up with the survivors of the army we drove off today and plan a new offensive! Intelligence estimates that they will arrive in the outreach of the Crimson Clearing by dawn tomorrow and launch an attack no later than dusk!"

Lilith took a deep breath before she sat back down in her throne calmly. Narrowing her eyes, she glanced at Richard and especially Yuan.

"It seems that you were right. They have sent a second Evelyn's Chosen. I do not know if my forces will arrive in time to fight them off."

"I don't take pleasure in being right," Yuan replied bitterly. Lilith nodded.

"I know you don't. But the situation remains unchanged. It seems we will need the aid of the alliance after all." She turned to Richard, her eyes sharp and hard. "That is one of the conditions for us to rejoin the alliance. Aid my domain, Haemorage in repelling the invaders."

"We would do that even if you weren't part of the alliance," Richard responded boldly. "The humans are our enemies, after all. And we can't stand by and do nothing while watching them attack our fellow demons."

"I'm heartened to hear that. Perhaps your father will make a very different Demon Lord from the previous one, after all. In any case, it is undeniable that we need you as much as you need us. I will be relying on you."

While Elia and Daniel looked elated at the promise of battle, Gio and I remained somewhat jaded at the prospect. Richard might be saying all that for the sake of political machinations, but it would be us soldiers running into danger and risking our lives, not the crown prince and his wife. It wasn't that I wanted Richard to join the battle – he would end up getting in the way, and politicians did have their role – but I wished he would consider the welfare of us soldiers before throwing us into battle.

"Major Tanaka."

Richard turned to me apologetically. Ah, so he had some sense of shame, after all. Well, that was good in its own way.

"I'm very sorry to ask this of you and your men after such an intensive battle today, but will you help Queen Lilith Scarlet defend her territory?"

I glanced at Elia, Daniel and Gio, and all three of them nodded, including the weary sergeant. With their approval, I turned back and nodded.

"Yeah, of course."

Glancing around the throne room and feeling a little relieved for having an excuse to get out of this suffocating place, I contemplated for a little longer before adding.

"If you don't mind, my officers and I would like to begin our preparations for tomorrow's defense right now."

Richard glanced at Lilith, who nodded.

"I understand. I'll send my commanders to liaise with you."


The military room was much bigger than I thought it would be, with vast mahogany tables, gigantic noticeboards, and communication consoles scattered all over the place. Huge maps were spread across the furniture, with magnetic pins or pieces thrown haphazardly over them to mark enemy positions and friendly fortifications.

"I actually have an idea," I was telling Elia, Daniel and Gio as we found a space and a map. The sergeants manning the platoons had also joined up with the rest of us and we were briefing them on what had happened before I moved on to my idea. "We're going to cut off the reinforcements before they can meet up with Sakaguchi's forces. Eliminate them, and then Haemorage's forces can cut Sakaguchi's army off and eliminate them."

"Huh? Are you sure we can take out the reinforcements by ourselves?" Daniel asked skeptically. I glanced at the intelligence report that I had received from a military aide and nodded confidently with a forced smile.

"Yeah. Remember how we destroyed them with your tanks yesterday? There's nothing in the current human army that can come close to penetrating your tanks' armor. If anything, you'll be able to send them into disarray and utterly destroy their morale."

"But how do we do that? There's so many of them…plus there's still the Evelyn's Chosen to consider."

Elia raised a valid point. I grinned. This was where the fun part began.


Raising the map, I pointed at what looked like a mountain. Borrowing one of the consoles, I conjured up a 3D holographic display of the area. It might seemed a little hi-tech, but the thing actually operated on magic. Well, as Arthur Clarke once said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It seemed like the opposite here, but I could sense the mana emanations from the console as I activated it.

"The human reinforcements have to travel through this mountain pass to link up with Sakaguchi's forces. This is the ideal place for us to strike." Turning to Daniel, my grin widened. "Lieutenant Dressia, I want your tanks here…at the foot of the mountain. When the enemy arrives, pummel them with everything you've got. Destroy the terrain, send them falling to their deaths, obliterate them…whatever. They will be trapped, with nowhere else to go."

Daniel nodded eagerly. "That sounds like a good plan, sir. They'll surely suffer massive casualties and we'll definitely delay the reinforcements. We'll pursue them and wipe them out when they attempt to retreat."

"Well, actually, it depends."

"Eh?" Daniel blinked as he stared at me. "Begging your pardon, but why, sir?"

"That role is for Captain Kratz and the infantry." I spun the map around. "There's at least ten thousand soldiers in the reinforcements, and you're not going to be able to hunt down every one of them. They'll be spread thinly across the mountain path in a single line, so it would be difficult for you to cover such a large area. No, we're going to make sure the entire human force commits to the mountain pass. Once they do that, you'll pummel them and wipe out a huge chunk of them. But I estimate that at least half of them will retreat and escape. That's where the infantry comes in."

The officers and sergeants stared at me blankly. I tapped my finger against a single point in the mountain pass after spinning the map around.

"Making use of the APC's mobility, we will have the infantry unload here and take up position in the entrance of the mountain pass. When they retreat, we'll have them lay down heavy, suppressive firepower. The enemy will not be able to retreat. Oh, and make sure to line the pass with explosives and blow it up so that they will be trapped. Then we'll play by ear. As I said, it depends. If there's nothing more for you to shoot at, then follow along this line and continue shooting the retreating enemy soldiers, and provide fire support to the infantry. If not, kill whatever stragglers remain."

"They can't retreat, and if they go forward, they'll be blown to smithereens," Gio remarked and smiled. "I like this plan."

"What about Evelyn's Chosen? I mean no disrespect to Lieutenant Dressia and his armored company, but I doubt a bombardment from the tanks will be able to take her out. If anything, wouldn't she find some way to descend and destroy the tanks?"

"That's my job." I patted myself in the chest. "I'll be taking care of the Evelyn's Chosen. For this mission, I'll be with the tanks. You'll have complete command over the infantry, Captain Kratz."

"Yes, sir! I'll do my best!" Elia saluted.

"Though I'll be with you guys, you'll still retain complete command over the tank company, Lieutenant Dressia," I told him. "Select targets of opportunity if possible, but the priority is to obliterate the terrain and cut their route of advancement off. I'll be busily defending your tanks from the Evelyn's Chosen."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around, sir?" Daniel asked, confused. I shrugged.

"If the Evelyn's Chosen behave true to form, they'll come after me no matter what. I want to use that to my advantage. And besides, you should know from past tank regiments how those monsters can wipe out entire armored columns by themselves."

"That's true…but will you be all right, sir?"

"You haven't seen the major in action!" Elia exclaimed elatedly. I wondered why she was acting so triumphantly. It wasn't as if she was the one who fought the heroes. "He'll do fine! None of Evelyn's Chosen can beat him!"

"That's technically not true. I can't beat Sakaguchi Seiji." I probed the position where Sakaguchi's forces had taken up residence. "His special abilities counter mine perfectly. I'm not invincible, after all. That's why I need your help. I'll be counting on you."

"Yes, sir!"

As I watched my men approvingly, I took note of the enemies' positions. I didn't know who the new Evelyn's Chosen was, but surely she wouldn't have the same special abilities as Sakaguchi Seiji. If she did, then I would be screwed.

However, I knew them well enough to anticipate their behavior. I still didn't understand why my former classmates harbored such an obsessive, irrational hatred of me, but I could use that to my advantage. Whoever this hero was, she would surely drop everything and dive down the mountain just to kill me. She would abandon her men, her soldiers…her responsibilities just to kill me. Either because she was paranoid about me seeking revenge and felt the compulsive need to kill me before I could kill her or because I refused to acknowledge "my place", whatever that meant.

In a way, my former classmates were correct. However, if they didn't try to kill me, I wouldn't bother trying to kill them. My only target of vengeance was Kobayashi Kenji and his crony, Yamada Yuji. I had already taken out Kijima Takeshi, the only other guy on my prime list of revenge targets. None of the others mattered.

But if they tried to kill me, then I would be more than happy to kill them first. After all, I still remembered how about a third of the class cooperated with Kobayashi, Yamada and Kijima to throw me off the rainbow barrier when we were being transported to this world. Now that I thought about it, Sakaguchi, Asakura, Minamoto and Tsukishima were among those ten.

How convenient.

"I'll talk to one of the Haemorage commanders and synchronize our plans. Once we've destroyed the reinforcements, we'll turn back and encircle Sakaguchi's camp." I glanced at Elia. "Get everyone back to the APCs and move to these coordinate ASAP."

"Roger that, sir."

"Well, I'll go talk to them now. You guys should go brief the men. Once I get approval, we should move out immediately."

"Please do so."

The officer cadre of Magna 7th jumped when Lilith Scarlet appeared out of nowhere, startling us.

"Y…your excellency!"

"Pardon our rudeness!"

"We didn't see you…"

"It's fine. I enjoyed creeping up on you guys." Lilith turned to me with a smile. "That's a good plan, Major. I like it. You have my approval. Move out immediately, before the enemy reinforcements reach the mountain pass."

"Thank you, your excellency."

I was the only one who had remained silent, not because I knew Lilith was there, but because I was too taken aback to speak. Swallowing, I saluted.

Lilith nodded and then continued. "I'll speak to my commanders and coordinate the attack. I can handle that Evelyn's Chosen you call Sakaguchi."

"Really? How?"

I almost regretted the skepticism in my voice, but thankfully Lilith didn't seem offended. She merely smiled enigmatically.

"Um, Sakaguchi has a special ability called Holy Blessings that reduces the power and effectiveness of dark magic by at least 90%," I explained, but Lilith shook her head.

"I know. I've fought it firsthand. It just means there's no point using blood spells against him. However…"

Her smile widened.

"In terms of techniques, I am superior. I can best him with my spear techniques alone. As long as you keep the other Evelyn's Chosen off my back and buy me enough time to defeat Sakaguchi, there will be no problems. While you launch your assault, we'll simultaneously attack the enemy encampment. That way, they will not be able to send reinforcements to back up the arriving reinforcements and strike you from behind."

To my horror, I realized that I didn't consider that option. That was right…if the reinforcements were attacked, Sakaguchi wasn't going to sit around and do nothing. He would try to assault the attackers harassing the reinforcements with his surviving forces.

"Thank you."

"No…I should be the one thanking you…I realize I'm asking you a great deal, but the fate of Haemorage lies upon your shoulders right now." She stepped back and bowed her head. "Hedas bless you all."