Chapter 65: Bitch, please

After that grueling ceremony at the castle, the king finally let us go because he needed to get ready for the diplomatic missions and the inter-kingdom council he was calling. I hoped he stayed true to his word and achieved peace.

To be honest, though, it didn't matter to me either way. My motive remained unchanged. I was still going to assassinate Kobayashi Kenji and Yamada Yuji whether we were at peace or at war. The bastard wasn't going to get away with bullying me.

For now, however, I was too exhausted to do anything else so I returned to the inn. I was so exhausted that after paying for my room, I went straight to bed and fell asleep without changing or anything.

The next thing I knew, it was morning and I was woken up by someone practically banging on my door.

"What the f…?! Who could be disturbing me at this hour?"

I had received the email from Hughes that the money had been deposited into my account, and honestly I was rich enough to buy a house but that was too troublesome. Perhaps Hughes had shown up to tell me to stop living in an inn.

It was none of his business, really…

Gritting my teeth, I hauled myself out of bed and dragged myself over to open the door. To my surprise, instead of Hughes, it was Alicia and Alan standing right outside. Alicia was standing boldly at the front while Alan hung back awkwardly, a bead of perspiration on his handsome face as he watched Alicia warily.

"Oh, it's you two," I remarked lethargically. "Is something going on?"

"There is…"

Alicia seemed a little hesitant, and she fidgeted nervously, her hands behind her back as she looked at me earnestly. What's with that expression?

"I have something to discuss with you, if that's all right?"

"No, it's not all right," I replied and slammed the door shut in her face.


Alicia began banging on the door, even as Alan frantically tried to stop her because she was disturbing the other guests.

"At least listen to what I have to say!"

"Yes, please listen to what Alicia has to say," Alan added. "I'm also asking this of you, Tanaka-san."

"I don't want to."



I sighed and barricaded the door, knowing that Alicia would barge her way in.

"Alan-san, first, please answer this question. Did you just get dumped last night?"


A short period of silence followed, and then Alan finally replied in a small voice.


"I knew it. I know what the both of you had come here for."

I couldn't help but groan and swear under my breath. There was only one reason why the both of them arrived this morning. Having read Tanaka the Wizard, I could anticipate what was going to happen. However, I had no intention of playing along.


Alicia sounded nervous.

"Yeah. Let me guess…you came to profess your love for me."


I could almost imagine Alicia blushing furiously outside the door and Alan burying his face in his palm as he drowned in despair.

"I…if you knew, then why don't you want to talk to me?"

"Because I don't like you," I replied bluntly. Alicia jolted at that.

"What?! Why?!"

Alicia sounded as if she was stunned by my rejection. Did she really not know?

"Look at yourself in the mirror and you'll find out."

"I have. All I see is myself loving you."

I slapped my forehead so loudly that the resulting crack could be heard throughout the entire Blue Moon Inn.

"You obviously haven't looked hard enough. Besides, I am not obligated to return your feelings. You won't simply go out with any random guy who confesses his love for you either, would you? Not unless he's as handsome as Alan-san."


Alan sounded as if he had just been hit in the gut. Sorry, bro. I didn't mean to rub any salt in your wounds.

"N…no, wait!"

Alicia sounded flustered as she began to pound on the door. Good thing I reinforced it with magic, or she would be breaking inn property, which would trouble Miranda's father. Actually, it would trouble me the most since I would be the one who had to pay for repairs.

"Am I no good?! Th…then I'll do anything!"

Shrieking, Alicia began flailing about desperately and throwing a semi-tantrum. Fortunately, Alan was on hand to grab hold of her by the waist before she could kick up an uproar by banging down the door.

"Hey! Shut it!"

"Get out of here!"

"You're disturbing the peace and quiet around here!"

While Alicia was throwing her tantrum, guests from the other rooms were emerging and yelling at her to leave.

"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry."

Alan apologized to them profusely, and tried to appease them, but to no avail. Even as he did so, Alicia ignored the crowd that was gathering outside and continued shouting at the top of her voice from behind the door.

"If marriage is out of the question, then I can be your lover, concubine, or even being your slave is okay!"

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?

No, it's not okay. You're too suspicious.

Furthermore, if I were to be blunt and honest, I had absolutely no reason to fall for a pathetic bitch like her. The previous couple of days were a great example. She couldn't even do that one job I brought her along for, and she needed saving three times in a single day.

Come on, don't use gender as an excuse. I didn't care if she was a girl or whatever, but quite frankly, why would anyone be attracted to a damsel in distress? It was one thing to be weak – and honestly, I wasn't interested in her strength, but the fact that she just refused to learn from her mistakes and kept getting into trouble over and over again was enough to turn me off.

Not only that, she was acting all arrogant and bragging about how she was going to show how competent she would be in the mission, only to fail big time. In other words she was all talk and no substance, and was being haughty without having any real reason to be such. To put it bluntly, her only redeeming feature was her beautiful face and figure, but even then I had seen much more attractive girls. Lilith Scarlet, for example, was a lot more mature, gorgeous and shapely than her. Taller, more curvaceous and much more competent too. Compared to Lilith, Alicia was an underdeveloped loli. And even then, beauty was only skin deep.

It might surprise people but I didn't really fall for girls just because of how beautiful they were. I was more of a personality person. And Alicia's personality was rotten to the core…at the very least, she hadn't displayed any personality traits that could convince me that she was worth a shot.

The fact that she was currently disturbing the other guests and yelling about like a child after throwing a tantrum when she didn't get her way proved that she was a self-centered brat who didn't care about anyone but herself. It would be a nightmare to be in a relationship with such a girl. Seriously, refusing to take no for an answer and banging on my door to the extent where you were disturbing all the other guests in the inn was just…selfish and utterly immature. She was causing trouble to other people just because she couldn't get her way.

Yeah, I was being frank and blunt. Perhaps to the point where I was a douchebag. There was no way around it. The truth was still the truth, and I wasn't going to give in just because she kicked up a fuss.

"Look here, Alan-san is a great catch, if I may say so. It's the height of stupidity to dump him based on a whim and jump to a new lover. He has status, good looks, a bit of wealth, and very promising prospects…"

I was trying to help poor Alan, and I could sense him bowing gratefully to me even though we were separated by a door. Protagonist power really helped out here.


"Who cares about Alan?!"

Folding her arms, Alicia made that bold declaration. Behind her, something inside Alan snapped and shattered to pieces.

Yet another reason to refuse her.

I mean, if she didn't even care about Alan, her ex, then why would I expect her to care about me? What if she dumped me in future for another guy? She just seemed too fickle, too callous and too bitchy for my taste.

"You're the one I like! I want to marry you!"

For some reason, Alicia had resumed banging on the door, much to the ire of the other guests in the inn.

"Oi! Stop that!"

"I don't care if you're a noble, you're going too far!"

"Get the hell out of here!"

Again, Alicia ignored all of them and focused on convincing me.

"I feel bad about what I've done in the past, and I really regret it."

Like hell you did, and even if you did, so what? You think that would change the way I would feel toward you?

Taking a deep breath, I tried another strategy.

"Sorry, but I already have someone I like…someone I'm engaged to."

This should work. I hoped.

"It doesn't matter…I'm sure she's not as beautiful as me!"

What the fuck?!

Okay, I was lying to get out of this predicament, but even then, Alicia's remark was too much. If I really had a fiancée, that bloody bitch had just insulted my fiancée. I didn't care if my fiancée was not as physically beautiful as Alicia, I didn't care if that was the truth, but that statement was bang out of order and totally uncalled for.

Rage filled me, but I clamped down on it. It was only possible because I was lying and didn't really have a fiancée, but it reinforced the disgust I felt for Alicia's arrogance, self-centeredness and narcissism.

Honestly, I didn't care how beautiful Alicia was. Even though Lilith wasn't as pretty as her, and her long red hair wasn't as silky as Alicia's long golden hair, she had a more seductive body that was in much better shape…as I said, more gorgeous, curvaceous and mature. Furthermore, her personality was a lot better – unlike Alicia, Lilith wasn't arrogant at all, and she had the skills and intelligence to back up her confidence and authority.

Hell, never mind Lilith. Even Hoshizaki Kozue and Nagano Nanaka were preferable to this bitch, even if they were my former classmates.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't care if you were Miss Universe or the most beautiful girl in Restia. I have no intention of marrying you or being your lover. Can you please stop bothering me? You're also causing trouble for the other guests in the inn."

"NOO! I'm serious!!!"

So was I, lady, and you're starting to annoy me.


I momentarily intimidated Alicia with a cold, icy voice worthy of a vampire lord. Alicia froze, unable to control her body from the fear. Even with the door between us, she could instinctively feel the chill from inside the room without looking at me directly.

"If you continue making a ruckus, I will kick you out of the inn. By force if necessary. Do you understand me?"

"…yes. I understand."

It was Alan who responded. He quickly seized the shivering, frightened Alicia under her arms and dragged her aaway from my door while she still wasn't able to respond.

Finally…peace and quiet. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Just when I was somewhat warming up to Alicia, she went and pulled this stunt. It was still fine if she was incompetent. I was incompetent as well – there were so many times I screwed up that it wasn't funny. But she was also condescending, arrogant and self-centered.

Poor Alan. She not only disregarded Alan's feelings totally, but she also insulted my non-existent fiancée. Probably Alan's situation was a result of him being used by the author as a butt of jokes, but as a fellow guy, I just didn't find it funny. It was too cruel…what Alicia was doing to Alan was too cruel. It was beyond brutal.

And she thought she could just waltz in here and persuade me to be her lover or marry her after flaunting how terribly she treated Alan?

I guess some people were born without brains.

It wasn't like I hated Alicia, but I really, really wanted nothing to do with a bitch like her who so callously disregarded her ex's feelings. Not only did she dump Alan, she dragged him along to help her confess to me. I supposed I should feel flattered, but I felt nothing but horrified at how awfully she treated poor Alan.

Plus that arrogance…that insult…

Whatever. I don't have time to waste on this nonsense.

I had an appointment, after all. Getting ready, I left the inn and proceeded toward the magic academy. Nagano had asked me to meet her to discuss our next move, especially since we needed to meet up with the rest of the Iron Knights soon.

Unfortunately, when I reached the magical academy…



The girls in school were milling about and cheering dreamily when their idol, Alicia Clarence, alighted from her carriage. I groaned.

I had completely forgotten that she attended this same magic academy. What a bloody blunder on my part.

"I heard rumors that you defeated a crimson dragon!"

"I also heard that you rescued the princess!"

The golden-haired noble daughter was surrounded by daughters of nobility, all squealing and gushing over her excitedly while the guys looked on, either charmed like Alan or envious.

"As expected of Clarence-sama!"

It had become quite the spectacle. But I guess it was only normal, especially since it was a noble girl who saved the royalty.

Wait, what?

In the first place, wasn't I the one who slew the crimson dragon? And weren't Alan and Sophia the ones who escorted the princess to safety while Alicia went and got herself caught by the ancient dragon?

So why was she taking all the credit for it?

Well whatever. Let her bask in all that glory now that she has the chance. I doubt she'll ever get a chance like this again.

I dismissed her actions and turned away. Still, I was a bit impressed. The fact that all those students held Alicia in such regard despite the academy being full of nobles…just what background did she have?

Alicia was waving at her fans, almost sparkling. Already playing the bloody role of a school idol, huh? She made me sick…

Shaking my head, I decided to make use of the commotion to slip away. As I did so, Alicia caught sight of me.

"Ah, Tanaka! Wait up!"

She hurried after me.

"Eh, Clarence-sama? That guy…"

"He's my fiancé, Tanaka."

The fuck...!?


The girls surrounding Alicia all gasped in utter shock, unable to believe what they had just heard. I was more disgusted than shocked, especially when I heard all the responses.


"This plain-looking, nerdy guy?"

The students were all in uproar, especially the noble girls all watching me in disdain and disbelief. Somehow I was reminded once again of my female ex-classmates, who thought I was some disgusting insect or creepy stalker.

Just from my face alone, they had already delivered judgement on me. And quite the condescending judgement too.

However, the person I was angriest at wasn't them, but the bitch who caused the entire uproar in the first place.

"I am not your fiancé!" I thundered so furiously that the entire corridor was suddenly wrapped in a terrifying chill. None of the students could move. All of them were looking at me, so terrified that they were about to wet themselves, yet they couldn't muster the strength to flee.

I advanced upon Alicia, who was trembling so violently that she fell onto her rump. Glaring at her with a murderous aura so thick that it saturated the atmosphere like an ocean, I spoke frostily.

"If I catch you repeating that nonsense again, I'll make sure you'll regret it. Do you understand me?"


Alicia gulped, but she finally nodded.

Turning to the rest and resting my cold gaze on them, I added, "What she said is false. I am not related to her in any way at all, and I certainly am not engaged to her."

"…yes, sir."

They instinctively felt fear, quailing under my chilling gaze. For a moment, I wondered if I might give away the fact that I was a vampire lord, but none of them seemed to notice. Shaking my head, I forcibly controlled my temper and stalked off.

Halfway through the corridor, I heard footsteps. Someone was running after me. Without even turning around, I could tell who it was.


Alicia's familiar voice called out to me.

"W…why?! Am I not good enough for you? I'm the daughter of the Clarence family. You'll be marrying into a noble house, you know? With all the wealth, power and influence that my family has, you'll easily move to the top of the world!"

"I don't care about all that. And besides, you shouldn't be using your family as a reason to convince people why they should like you."


While Alicia looked completely confused, I suddenly understood why she didn't expect my cold, hard reply.

In Restia, where everything was practically ruled by tradition and ancient customs, the main reason for marriage was a way to obtain power, status or wealth. Despite romantic tales, nobles mostly never married out of love. They married as part of a political web of intrigue to increase their own family's influence. In fact, the daughters usually never had a chance to decide who they married. The choice was often made by their parents.

Speaking of which, I didn't understand how Alicia could expect to waltz up to her parents and tell them who she wanted to marry. I was an unknown, someone with a mysterious background and a lot of uncertainties.

There was no way her parents would approve of such a marriage.

"Okay…but what about me? I have a lot of good points, if I may say so myself. You won't regret it if you marry me."

"I will. I assure you, I will. Not stop pressing the matter. You're annoying."

"No! I'll keep persuading you until you accept!"

What the fuck was wrong with this girl?! It was one thing to be stubborn and refuse to take no for an answer, but it was quite another to stalk a person like this. If this was modern Japan, I could report her for stalking ad harassment!

"Stop it! This shouldn't be something a lady of your status should be doing! Behave yourself! You're the daughter of a noble household, aren't you?!"

"It's fine. I don't mind."

Alicia smiled sweetly at me, but I only felt my stomach curdle in revulsion.

"Well, I mind!" I snapped at Alicia. "I'm troubled by it! And you should think about your status, and your boyfriend…"

The words died in my throat when I saw the hooded, masked assassin behind Alicia. With one swift stroke, he stabbed her neck with a dagger, rupturing her carotid artery. Then he slashed it open with a violent swing of his dagger, sending several tremendous sprays of blood into the air.

My jaw dropped as I watched the whole thing, my mind numb with disbelief as I watched Alicia's body toppled over to the floor.
