Chapter 88: Engagement circumstances of the Daughter of Haemorage



I saluted when I saw Captain Elia Kratz, Lieutenant Gio Vanni and Lieutenant Daniel Dressia on the holographic projection that was beamed from my smartphone.

"It's been a while…and I'm finally back!"

"Where are you, Major?"

"In Haemorage. Bringing the Vampire Queen home."


Immediately, there was an uncomfortable silence that stretched through the air. I frowned when I saw my three officers fidgeting uneasily.

"What is it?"


"It's none of our businesses, really."

While Elia and Gio didn't say anything, Daniel was more straightforward.

"There has been rumors about you and her highness, Queen Lilith."

"…I see."

Now that he mentioned it, I remembered Lilith making a request of me all those chapters ago. Something about pretending to be her fiancé or lover or something.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about the details either, but Lilith-san asked me for a favor, so I'm helping her out with her family matters for now."

"…I see."

The three officers of my battalion exchanged glances. Elia frowned as she pondered over my words.

"Personally, I'm surprised. I never imagined her highness Lilith-sama, to be requesting Major Tanaka, considering her character."

"So what do you intend to do, Major?" Gio added.

"Whatever she asks me to do." I scratched my head. "To be frank, I still have no idea what Lilith-san plans for me to do for her."

Honestly, even though Lilith requested for me to be her lover or fiancé, the contents of that request itself remained very vague.

"But that's not important right now. As I've informed Emperor Regis earlier, the human kingdoms are preparing for a massive invasion. In a week or so, they'll be invading the dwarven domain of Moria. We need to gather the alliance to mount a counterattack."

"Yes. His majesty Regis-sama has already ordered us to standby and meet with you in Haemorage in a few days' time. We're getting fresh troops and new weapons and tanks, so we'll need a week to prepare. Once we're done, we'll head to Haemorage immediately to pick you up, and then we'll proceed to Moria from there."

"Won't it be too late by then?!"

I frowned when I heard Elia's explanations. I didn't want to show up late to the party, I wanted to be there helping Moria fortify their defenses against Kobayashi's army right from the beginning.

"Latest intelligence estimates that the human kingdoms will be launching their invasion in two weeks or more. Apparently, the newest Emperor of Humanity has some trouble quelling kingdoms that refuse to bow to his rule, and there's a bit of civil strife here and there. He's subjugating them through military might and integrating their territory to his before he can finally lead the united human armies to conquer Morten."

As usual, Daniel was on hand with the information. I sighed when I realized that my information – and that of the Iron Knights' – were a bit outdated.

"All right. That buys us a bit more time than I thought."

"Well, you're there to prepare the vampire company of heavy infantry, aren't you? We've split up and they returned to Haemorage for further supplies and training. We'll be merging the three companies into a battalion again once we meet up."

"Uh huh."

I nodded at Elia's words and raised my hand.

"Leave them to me."


"Still, I'm unable to surmise Lilith-sama's true intentions." Gio frowned as he stroked his chin. "You might want to be careful."


I blinked, bewildered by his statement.

"You think Lilith-san is going to betray me or something?"

"No, that's not it…"

Gio frantically waved his hands and denied that. Instead, it was Daniel who explained.

"Well, Major Tanaka, you seem the type to be weak to a girl's aggressiveness, after all. So we're a bit worried."

"Just what do you guys think I am?!"

"A guy with no experience with girls," all three officers chorused. I felt as if an arrow had thudded right into my heart, especially when I realized that I couldn't deny that at all. I had been single my entire life and never been in a relationship with any girl, not even once.

"Putting that aside…this time, the battle's going to be harder than before. For the first time, the human kingdoms are united under a single ruler. And I heard he did something to the populations that are under his control."

"Yes. We heard that too. Entire populations have turned into zombie-like beings, becoming crazed, fanatical and devoted followers to the so-called Emperor of Humanity." Daniel's expression was grim. "We do not know what sort of magic Kobayashi Kenji is using, but his armies have become a lot more dangerous than before."

"Ugh…this is so troublesome," Gio complained as he clutched his forehead. "Just when you thought it can't get any worse…"

"He's starting to sound like some invincible psyker with godlike powers and golden armor who launches crusades into the stars to unite all the disaparate worlds of humanity under the banner of the Imperium, and bring enlightenment and technology to end superstition and fear…"

"Don't worry…if he does that, he'll end up becoming a writhing corpse on the Golden Throne, right?" Gio joked. I shuddered.

"I hope not. It would mean I get my existence annihilated after the Siege of Restia."

And I really didn't want Restia to be under Kobayashi's rule for another 10,000 years, even if he became an imprisoned corpse who was unable to relay anything to his followers and do the actual ruling himself.


Elia cleared her throat.

"Major, I think it's time for you to go to the place of the request."

"What request?"

"What do you think? Have you forgotten that you're supposed to help her highness Lilith-sama out this week?"

"Ah…that's right."

I saluted my three officers, said the usual encouraging words, then signed off and switched off my smartphone. Taking a deep breath, I left the room.


"I want you to act as my lover."

This conversation happened shortly after we escaped from Cross Castle and arrived safely in Haemorage.

"Pretend to be Lillith-san's lover?"

"Yes, that's right. I want you to play that role after we return to Haemorage, after your diplomatic mission."


That night, I had been taken by surprise, but I wasn't going to just go along with it because she was beautiful. There was something about this request that bothered me.

"I told you earlier, didn't I? About the elders in the capital of Haecient. They've been pressuring me into a political marriage. I asked you all those nights ago to pretend to be my lover or fiancé so as to stave off pressure from those elders."

"Oh, right! I remember!"

Lilith nodded.

"As the daughter of the previous queen, and the current Vampire Queen of Haemorage, there are no small amount of nobles eyeing the position of my husband. They would want to integrate themselves with my family, to forge close links with royal blood. The man who becomes my husband will inevitably wield vast power and hold authority second only to mine. In terms of military, anyway – the elders, unfortunately, still hold the political reins."

That made sense. I sympathized with her.

"So…yes, in other words, a political marriage of convenience."

Perhaps it was because I came from modern Japan, specifically Tokyo, that I saw such practices as horribly outdated.

"Either I get married to one of the candidates that the elders choose for me, or I find my own husband – one who is a high ranking demon noble from another domain, and establish an engagement with him."

Those were the instructions that Lilith received from the shadowy elders in Haecient.

Establishing connecctions with an influential person who was holding a strong position in Morten. Despite her battle prowess and being one of the most powerful demon nobles in terms of military might and war potential, Lilith did not hold much political power, and was tasked with such a mission.

"That's utter BS," I muttered angrily. "You should be allowed to choose your own husband."

I wasn't naïve enough to be ignorant of how political marriages among particularly prestigious noble houses worked. That was the way of history. Only by maintaining strong ties with other high-ranking nobles could such families maintain and consolidate their power – and even grow and expand their influence politically and economically.

"As expected, you speak like someone from another world."

Seeing my bitter expression, Lilith giggled.

"90% of marriages between nobles are like that. It's pointless to be angry about it."

Lilith asserted curtly.


I had no rebuttal to that. Lilith was right, of course. As I said earlier, I wasn't naïve enough to think that all marriages – especially those between nobles – were committed out of love. In fact, even in modern Tokyo, I heard that the old powerful families in billionaire conglomerates and zaibatsu still continued such practices.

But still, this is weird.

"Why me, specifically? Don't you think there will be much better candidates?"

"To be frank, I'm trying to avoid trouble as much as possible. Until I achieve my personal goal…"

"Personal goal…?"

Lilith continued without answering my question. Oi, was she ignoring me or something?

"In several days' time, a representative will be dispatched from Haecient to here by the Elders. In order to confirm and report the progress of my engagement…"

I scratched my head and sighed, suddenly understanding what this whole farce was about. Simply put, I just needed to pretend to be Lilith's lover to deceive this representative. It was just the timing of this thing that I didn't agree with.

There was a war going on, and Kobayashi's armies were poised to invade Morten – specifically Moria – in two weeks' time, and all the vampire elders cared about was political marriages!? Not just them, but Lilith as well?

But it appeared that the reason why I was selected was clear.

Apparently, I was a demon of noble lineage – with my title, Vampire Lord – as well as my supposed lordship over the domain of Umbra (which remained deserted, and just for official purposes rather than being any real lordship. Not to mention, I had also achieved the feat of slaying several of Evelyn's Chosen and defeating the Iron Knights. Those were achievements that no other demon noble could lay claim to.

"Therefore, I will have you behave as my lover for one week, starting from today. I hope that is all right with you."

"U…um…well, I've never gone out with anyone before…"

"Oh my? Actually, I don't have any experience either."

"I…I don't mean that."

While I was flustered, Lilith smiled mischievously.

"Besides, I've helped you out tremendously in your fight against the Iron Knights. Don't you think you owe me a favor after I've gone through all that trouble for your sake?"

"Yeah, I'm grateful to you for that."

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

"U…um, if you're fine with me, I'll do my best."

"Thank you. I like that honest side of yours."

I wasn't sure how exactly I was being honest, but I decided not to reject a compliment when I received one.

Lilith nodded, her smile widening.

"Oh, and one more thing."

"What is it?"

I tilted my head curiously. Lilith nodded.

"I'll be troubled if the fake lover thing is leaked out to the public, so until this week passes, we'll keep this matter a secret. Can you promise that?"


"Good answer. Then, from today onward, you're my lover. Please take care of me, Tomoyuki-kun."


I responded with an awkward smile, wondering what I had gotten myself into. Well, I did owe Lilith a favor, especially after she helped me so much during the battle against the Iron Knights, so I guess I could help her this one time.

Thus, the agreement was established.


That night, after I returned to my room, I received a call from none other than Emperor Regis himself.

"Your majesty."

I bowed respectfully as his holographic image materialized above my smartphone. He smiled and gestured for me to relax.

"At ease. It's good to see you again."

"Huh? Didn't I just talk to you earlier this morning?"

"Yes, I've received your report." Regis frowned as he glanced at something off screen. "I'm still surprised, though. The Evelyn's Chosen you mentioned are ruthless enough to destroy Havia City along with the current Emperor of Humanity and you, who are one of us, are opposed to that. It's almost like your roles are reversed."

It could be that the Iron Knights were treating this as a game, but Takeda had offered his reasoning and explained that he would have done this even if this was our previous world. Sacrificing the few for the many, huh…

That wasn't a concept I could agree with, even if I understood the urgency and value of it.

"I just heard from Captain Kratz and my other officers that Kobayashi's invasion of Moria has been pushed back to two weeks later."

"Indeed. That's what our latest intelligence tells us." Regis smirked. "Apparently, there were quite a few human kingdoms who weren't pleased with how the present Emperor of Humanity usurped their kings and queens by brutally executing them and ruthlessly taking their place as their new rulers. There are pockets of resistance everywhere, and the so-called Emperor of Humanity is crushing each and every of them. He claims he only needs two weeks to accomplish that, and then turn his efforts toward us, but I suspect even then he still woudlnt have united all the human kingdoms by then."

"In other words, these resisting human kingdoms might be potential allies," I mused. Regis nodded, pleased that I caught on quickly.

"That is correct. In other news…do you remember the human prisoners-of-war that you captured after you and Lilith-dono defeated two Evelyn's Chosen when they invaded her domain of Haemorage?"


I still remembered Major Kracauer and his regiment.

"The Legnica 82nd Regiment and the 7th Battalion of the Marrina Marine Corps."

Oh, there was a marine company among the prisoners-of-war that I had captured?

"They are under our custody for now, and we had been negotiating with their kingdoms on the exchange of prisoners…but when Kobayashi took the throne, he cut off all negotiations and told us to kill them. Basically he abandoned them and counted them as dead."

"What the fuck?!"

I gaped at Regis, but he nodded seriously.

"Yes. This self-proclaimed Emperor of Humanity is a lot more ruthless than I thought. He has no compassion, and cares nothing for the soldiers fighting under him. In fact, intelligence reveals that he is using some sort of ability to enslave his followers and brainwash them into fanatically devoted zealots who are more than willing to die for his cause."


I rubbed my head, trying to wrap my mind around all that. That sounded like Kobayashi, all right.

"So what are we going to do? With the prisoners, I mean."

"I was hoping you can tell me." Regis looked bitter. "They aren't taking the news that they've been abandoned too kindly. We're still treating them well enough…but the moment they lose their will to live, it's all over."

"We could win them to our cause. Get them to ally with us."

"I'll try to convince them. I've been feeding information about Kobayashi's current reign of terror – and without being exposed to whatever brainwashing magic he used, they're furious at what they think is his betrayal. You might be right…we might be able to win them over to our cause."

Regis thought about it, and then smiled.

"I'll talk to them about it."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Well, but that's not the main reason I contacted you."

I was about to salute and sign off when Regis revealed that. I gaped at him, having thought that he called me this late in the night because he wanted to consult me on what to do with the human prisoners.

"What is it, your majesty?"

Regis leaned closer, linking his fingers as he stared at me seriously.

"Understand that I'm only revealing this to you because I trust you. It also happens that you and Lilith-dono are the nearest forces stationed near the ruins, so it's most convenient to dispatch you and a contingent of vampire forces to these ruins."

"Huh? Ruins?"

I gaped at Regis, puzzled. He nodded.

"A tomb, if you will…of the former Vampire King who ruled over Haemorage a few millennia ago. He was finally brought down by the Evelyn's Chosen of that time, and the surviving vampires buried him inside a massive tomb, filled with treasures and ancient weapons. And it's also supposed to be lurking with creatures that possess unimaginable powers…said to be the former familiars of the fallen Vampire King, cursed to protect his corpse for eternity."

"Sounds like an urban legend."

"Perhaps it is. But as you know, the Demonic Alliance doesn't interfere in individual domain affairs, so we don't really have much information on the tomb. Lilith-dono or the vampire elders should know more about it."

"I see…" I paused and stared at Regis. "So what does this tomb have to do with me?"

"Oh, it has everything to do with you," Regis assured me with an enigmatic smile. "After all, you're the one who informed me of the Emperor of Humanity's plans to invade the nine strongest domains in Morten. And Haemorage, where you're right now, is one of them."

I felt a chill.

"You don't mean…"

"Yes. Intelligence suspects that Kobayashi will be sending one or two Evelyn's Chosen over to the ruins to scout out Haemorage for potential weaknesses…and if possible, to raid the former Vampire King Alucard's tomb for ancient weapons. We cannot let those weapons and treasures fall into their hands. In a few days time, I will dispatch you and your battalion to intercept that scouting party. They'll meet up with you in Haemorage in several days. Your first mission once you retake command of them will be to intercept the Evelyn's Chosen's scouting party and defend the ruins from them. That's the primary objective, anyway."

"What's the secondary objective?"

From Regis's tone, I had a feeling there was one, otherwise he wouldn't mention the term "primary objective."

"With Lilith-dono's permission, you're to explore the tomb and see if there are any weapons you can make use of in the inevitable clash with the human armies…especially before you go to Moria. Any advantage we can get, we should."

"Yes, your majesty." I saluted. "You can count on me for that!"

"Good." Regis smiled warmly. "Good luck, Major. The fate of Haemorage might very well rest on your shoulders."

Giving me this much pressure already?! Ugh…

"Oh, one last thing…a couple of your friends want to see you before you go."



Richard and Yuan showed up on screen. Regis smiled indulgently before he receded to the background, allowing his son and daughter-in-law to take center stage in the hologram.

"Your highnesses."

"Congratulations! We've heard about your relationship!"

"…relationship?" I blurted out, puzzled.

"It's all over Helsfort," Richard explained, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "We hear that you and Lilith-sama have become a couple!"

"That's right…from tomorrow onward, you will be with Lilith-sama," Yuan agreed.

"Er…your highnesses, I think you're misunderstanding something…"

It was pretty obvious that the prince and his wife were teasing me, so I smiled wryly. However, Dragon Princess Yuan suddenly turned serious.

"But…please be careful. Especially of her."

"By her…do you mean Lilith-san? She's amazing in a lot of ways, but I don't think she's a bad person. She has helped me out a lot."

"Maybe. It's just woman's intuition." Yuan looked troubled. "Somehow something about her bothers me. Not only the fact that she once broke away from the Demonic Alliance for a short while, but it's also as if she's hiding something…"

That was true. Despite Lilith helping me out, and us being together for quite some time, there was still a lot of things I didn't know about her.

"Thanks for the warning." I took a deep breath and nodded determinedly. "I'll stay on my guard."