Chapter 91: Representative from Haecient

Approximately ten minutes after we left the scene, we found ourselves in a bar that was near the military base to have our discussion.

Being so near the military base, the bar was often patronized by military personnel. By this time of the night, there were lots of off-duty men and officers drinking in the bar, getting drunk and laughing boisterously as they clinked their mugs of beer together. The atmosphere was light, despite news of impending war.

Given that the first place of attack was Moria and not Haemorage, I guess the soldiers wouldn't be as tense as when their domain was invaded by Sakaguchi Seiji and Miyazawa Miyako. It was also good for morale, but the officers had to ensure the men didn't get too carried away and got themselves drunk or render themselves unfit for duty the next day.

Claire said she would foot the bill and let us order whatever we wanted. As I was underage, I didn't order alcohol, and settled for mango juice. As expected, a queen like Lilith ordered vintage wine, while Claire got herself a cocktail.

Lilith, Claire and I then sat at a table for three, deliberately choosing one that was secluded and remote from the other patrons of the bar. It would be inconvenient if our conversation was to be overheard by the other customers in the bar, but fortunately the raucous laughter and thunderous banter between drunk soldiers kept our voices concealed.

"First of all, well…it is excellent to see that you're in fine health, Lilith-sama. At least, that's what I want to say, but…"

Claire glanced at me, and then trailed off.

The Scarlet House, the royal family of the demonic domain of Haemorage, had chosen the ruler and leader of their house by virtue of strength and magical power. All rulers, without exception, were peerless warriors.

Naturally, the servants selected in the royal family's employ were all excellent soldiers. Claire herself, who served as a butler, was an excellent vampire knight, and one of the strongest people who received the according high rank in Haemorage.

"There is no need for unnecessary concern just because we're in front of Tomoyuki-kun."

At Lilith's curt words, Claire let out a sigh.

"Well then, I'll get straight to the point. Please be a little more careful, your highness. You are the queen of Haemorage, after all."

"Then, I guess it's only natural for someone like me to be targeted by assassins from an enemy kingdom, given how huge the bounties placed on the royalty are."


Lilith smiled darkly and shook her head. I could detect a little sarcasm in her tone, especially in response to Claire's superficial concern.

In other words, if she's not the queen of Haemorage, Claire wouldn't worry about her safety?

That was the feeling I got. Furthermore, it felt as if their relationship was different from the usual master-servant relation. Not to say I knew what the usual master-servant relation was, but I expected a bit more mutual respect between them.

Here, I could detect a slight animosity between the two.

Pushing my glasses up, I watched the exchange curiously. While they were indeed unreserved with each other, I didn't knw if that was a good or bad thing.

"There's not much time before the military base curfew kicks into effect, so it will help if you keep things short. The reason why you have come here is obvious, anyway."

"It is because your highness is insincere like that that I had to come here."

The woman butler responded in a strong tone to Lilith's words.

By the way, since Claire McAlterize was a woman, why wasn't she a maid but a butler? I felt that the maid uniform and status suited her more. Or maybe I watched too much anime with combat maids. Regardless, she could play the role of the strict head maid really well. But it was that strict personality of the butler Claire that clashed somewhat with the elusive Lilith. No wonder they didn't seem to have a good relationship.

There's also the matter of Claire-san's business here…the business which Lilith-san told me about earlier. I guess it can't be helped.

While listening to their banter, I recalled the circumstances from that night up to the present.

Right, Lilith was supposed to find a fiancé herself if she didn't want to pick any of the candidates the vampire elders of Haecient proposed. That was what led to her request, where she asked me to become her lover in order to deceive the representative of the Haecient Council.

Speaking of which, if Claire McAlterize was the representative of Haecient Council, despite her seemingly youthful appearance, she was probably very, very old. Several centuries, at least, but I wouldn't be surprised if she over a millennium old.

Her brow twitching, as if she had just picked up my admittedly impolite thoughts, Claire scowled as she glanced at me.

"By the way…who is that man?"

Lilith smiled mischievously.

"He's my lover. It's great, isn't it?"

I swear, Lilith was actually gloating when she replied.

"Your lover…? That boy is…?"

Claire couldn't help but scrunched her face dubiously as she stared at me, her brows furrowing even deeper.

"Yes. He may not be that familiar with you, but he's the current lord of the domain of Umbra. He is also the Hero Slayer, who slew five of Evelyn's Chosen by himself, and is appointed a Major in Emperor Regis's Helfort's military. He is attached to Haemorage at the moment because his battalion is being dispatched here for a combined arms operation in Moria two weeks from now. He is also one of the heroes who saved Haemorage from Evelyn's Chosen and the human armies a few weeks ago – so make sure you know who he is."

There was a tone of reprimand in Lilith's voice, and Claire looked away slightly, as if feeling ashamed of herself. After all, there was no excuse for not knowing one of the people who played a major role in driving away the human armies and successfully defending Haemorage from Evelyn's Chosen just a couple of weeks ago.

Claire then bowed to me apologetically before she heaved a deep sigh and muttered under her breath.

"I see. That's really troublesome. The truth is…"

"Well, well…I was looked down upon, too."


Everyone jolted upright and gasped in surprise when a man suddenly interjected.

I glanced at the source of the voice and caught sight of a handsome man with longish hair standing behind Claire McAlterize. Pale skin, sharp features, deep eyes, his regal figure was dressed in a red, gorgeous overcoat with golden embroidery. He was incredibly tall, almost two meters in height, and his muscular limbs were barely concealed by the overcoat.

Although, thanks to his golden hair and upright face, he seemed to be a handsome man of gentle bearing at first glance, I could look past those sharp features and sense the hypocrisy in his smile and the calculating sharpness in his eyes. After all, I often wore that same hypocritical smile, and it took a hypocrite to know another.

His atmosphere was somewhat overbearing, and I could detect a cold, condescending emotion flowing from him as he rested those dark eyes on me. At the same time, I could tell that he was a seasoned veteran in combat, especially from the way he moved.

A vampire knight with centuries of experience and supreme confidence…or rather, clad in an armor of arrogance. That was the impression I received after studying him, and that was even before I used Absolute Appraisal.

"Lord Kreuger?! Why are you here?! I am sure that the dinner was scheduled for tomorrow, but…"

"Yes, it isn't as if I've forgotten, Claire-dono."

The man raised a hand and smiled at the stunned Claire.

"I may not look like it, but I'm a person who is very nitpicky about fixed dates, you see. Hmm, I'll admit that if I have any shortcomings, it will be my lack of patience. I just wanted to see the girl who will become my wife in future even just one day earlier."

As a grin twisted the edge of his lips, he turned to gaze at Lilith. There was something disturbing about his stare as he raked his eyes from the top of her head to her toes, almost as if he was ravishing her in a beastial manner. I gulped and shuddered involuntarily, but the man nodded, as if satisfied by what he was seeing.

He looks like a beast that's about to devour his prey.

That was it. That was the feeling I was getting, and my senses were all up in alert. Clenching my trembling fists, I steeled my gaze.

"Oh. She's as beautiful as the rumors make her out to be. Even though I don't look like it, I've actually attended quite a few social parties in the capital, but…I've never seen such a beautiful girl. Not only is your figure well developed and gorgeous – you have quite the assets – but you also possess the grace and refined air befitting of a queen."

Ignoring me, the man bowed.

"It's an honor to meet you, your highness."

"I am honored by your praise of her."

I rolled my eyes at Claire's words. Lilith was the one being praised here, not you. Why were you the one who was feeling honored?!

On the other hand, the person herself did not seem appreciative of the compliments being paid to her.

"Claire. Who is this person?"

Lilith had a cold expression on her face as she directed that question at her servant.

"I see. It seems like you still have not been informed of this yet. Well then, I'll give my name. My name is Bradley Kreuger."

"Cool. Do you happen to live in Elm Street and haunt the nightmares of teenagers?"

Everyone stared at me. Lilith coughed as she nudged me.

"The Kreuger family is one of the four great nobles in Haemorage, second only to the royal family of Scarlet."

"Oh. It's an honor to meet you."

"So…he's really from the Kreuger House?"

Lilith glanced at Claire, who nodded and launched into an unnecessary explanation.

"One of the great four noble families in Haemorage, with a historical lineage that extends to today for centuries. Particularly, it is a noble household that has produced many vampire knights from generation to generation. This gentleman is its heir."

In other words, an outstanding house with pedigree, influence and wealth that rivaled even the royal family itself. In a kingdom like Haemorage, where strength was valued over all else, the Kreuger house particularly stood out with its military achivements and history.

Unfortunately, as someone not from Restia, I had very little knowledge of how politics or nobility worked in this world…or even in Morten itself. Not that I needed to know. I suddenly understood why Lilith hated the aristocracy.

"An heir of the four great nobles…? Claire, don't tell me you…"

Lilith, who was listening to all this, slightly knitted her brows.

"Yes. While it was very selfish of me to do so, I went ahead with the talk to introduce your highness to Lord Kreuger through the dinner that I had scheduled for tomorrow, and planned for you to conclude your engagement there. But…"

"Why didn't you inform me, the person concerned, of that?"

Lilith sounded amazed and exasperated at the same time.

"It is because if I don't do at least this much, your highness will offer an excuse and run away again."

Claire's reply was calm and without hesitation. Evidently, it looked like the two girls knew each other's personalities very well despite the animosity between them. Apparently, after getting tired of Lilith avoiding the engagement by coming up with one excuse after the other, Claire went for the jugular and proceeded by scheduling to bring the fiancé that she personally chose.

"I see. But it's really a shame. As you see, now I have a man I'm going out with. Isn't that the case, Tomoyuki-kun?"


I pushed my glasses up my nose as I analyzed the situation and nodded calmly when Lilith directed that question at me.

"…Tomoyuki, was it?"

I flinched when Bradley Kreuger addressed me by my given name. Oi, we weren't that close. But obviously the guy didn't know my family name, and I wasn't about to give it to him either. Well, whatever. I was tired of people calling me Tanaka anyway. My father was also named Tanaka, as was my brother. So which Tanaka were you referring to?

"Ah, I see. I've heard some things about you, but I've never actually seen you in person. This is the first time we exchange words directly like this, eh?"

Bradley approached me, staring intently at my face. After scrutinizing me for a few moments, making me feel as if I was placed under a microscope, he finally opened his mouth again.

"Hmm…I can hardly believe it. Someone who looks as weak as yourself actually claimed to have slain five of Evelyn's Chosen, and participated in the defense for Haemorage? An upstart who was insolent enough to convince Emperor Regis to award him a territory even though his origins remain unknown and mysterious?"


Bradley's smile and tone were filled to the brim with overflowing contempt. Again, I was reminded of Kobayashi Kenji.

However, I smiled back calmly, despite the clear hostility that Bradley Kreuger was emanating. I had gotten used to it, especially after suffering Koabyashi's abuse. The best thing to do is not to rise to the bait and pointedly ignore him.

"Claire-dono. Is there really a need to postpone the engagement because of a man of this level?"

Bradley was clearly trying to provoke me. How laughable. He should learn from Kobayashi before he could even think he could incite me.

"Certainly, he has military exploits to his name and has distinguished himself in combat in front of his majesty, Emperor Regis. But can a man of such dubious background, and only such a short period of time as a demon noble really be worthy of the lineage of the royal Scarlet family? Don't you think his short rise to power is suspicious? Is he really worth the risk?"

"Certainly, that is…"

Just when Claire buckled under pressure and was about to consent…

"And who do you think you are?"

Despite the obvious provocation, Lilith's voice remained dignified and controlled.

"Where were you when Haemorage was under attack and under siege by the human armies? If I recall correctly, you weren't part of the expedition I sent to the borders, yet, when Haemorage was invaded by humans, the supposed revered noble house of Kreuger, which was famed for their military strength and generations of formidable knights, did not come to our aid in Haefield. Instead, we had to rely on this supposed 'outsider' to defend our borders and repel the humans. So…if we're talking about suspicious, don't you think your house is more suspicious than the man I have chosen to become my partner? The man who actually saved Haemorage, not with words, but with his very actions? Unlike a certain noble house…"


Bradley Kreuger found no counter to that, but while he fumbled, I suddenly had a rough picture of the political conflict and power struggles that afflicted Haemorage. The Kreuger house was obviously waiting in the wings for the Scarlet family to fall so that they could rise and take its place as the new royal family if they failed to protect Haemorage.

At least that was my guess. I had no proof for my speculations, and I was just assuming the worst – pretty easy when the guy in front of you was a condescending bastard.

Bradley Kreuger himself had fallen silent as he absorbed Lilith's sharp words, but then…

"…kukuku. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He suddenly burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"I see. So that's how it is. You were having trouble fending off the human armies, and then this boy comes riding in here like a knight in shining armor and saves you. So you fall for him at first sight. Ridiculous. Such a childish fantasy. Unfortunately, the real world isn't so kind as to accommodate your childish delusions and princess dreams."

Lilith merely sighed and shook her head. Both of us knew it wasn't like that.

"You're trying to run away by talking nonsense…but I fought alongside him, and he has earned my respect and trust by risking his life to save us…even though he's an outsider. Can you say the same for yourself?"

"If I were there, I would have done the same."

"Talk is cheap. In the end, you didn't. You weren't the one who came to my aid when Haemorage most needed it. Tomoyuki-kun was the one who did. Actions speak louder than words. Wouldn't you say so, Claire?"

"That is true, but…"


Bradley Kreuger raked a look over my deceptively frail-looking body, and scowled condescendingly.

"As you know, the war will move on to the next level. The new Emperor of Humanity has plans to conquer Moria, and the nine strongest domains – which includes our kingdom of Haemorage. His invasion is only weeks away."

"I was the one who got you guys that information, by the way."

Other than a tic in his jaw and a bulging vein in his temple, Bradley showed no sign that he was paying any attention to me.

"The fighting will only escalate from here. Powerful people who can destroy Evelyn's Chosen and win against the human armies of our enemy kingdoms will be sought for above everyone else. And we, the royalty and nobility, must excel in martial skills and becoming formidable knights. The power as a vampire knight and strength as a leader are imperative above all else."

After all that bragging, Bradley once again turned toward me.

"Unfortunately, I'm on an entirely different level from this man. It's a waste of time, Claire-dono. I would like you to arrange the engagement as soon as possible. Even tomorrow will work."

"Yes. Then tomorrow night, as scheduled…"

When Claire was about to settle with that…

"Could you please wait for a moment?"

Lilith was using her authority as a queen to silence both Bradley Kreuger and her butler, her ruby gaze chilling as a void.

"Ho…what's the matter? Do you want to talk to me, my future wife?"

"From here on, power as a vampire knight and strength as a leader are imperative above all else. You said so yourself, right?"

"Yes, the Scarlet family and the elders on the Haecient Council think so. Therefore, Lord Kreuger who is from the four great nobles and one of the foremost knights of the Haemorage kingdom is suitable as a fiancé…"

"Is that really the case?"

Lilith smiled as she interrupted Claire.

"What do you mean?"

"If it's about skill as a vampire knight and strength as a leader, my lover doesn't lose too. Because he's a major in his majesty Emperor's Regis army, after all."

"Fu ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Bradley, who heard that, burst into laughter once again.

"So what? He's just a major. He's not even a general. Such a low rank doesn't even compare to a noble like me. Fine, he might be the current ruler of Umbra, but that domain is completely deserted and devoid of any citizens after Evelyn's Chosen razed it to the ground. He's just a demon noble and lord in name only!"

"Speaking of which, you said it yourself – that powerful people who can destroy Evelyn's Chosen and win against the human armies will be sought for above everyone else."


"Then who better suited than my lover, who has earned the title Hero Slayer for slaying five of Evelyn's Chosen by himself? Compared to you, who hasn't even faced a single Evelyn's Chosen? Or how about Tomoyuki-kun, who has achieved at least two military victories, against you, who has avoided combat or even defending your own kingdom just a few weeks ago?"


Bradley suddenly realized that he had cornered himself. Indeed, if we were talking about the destruction of Evelyn's Chosen, I was the only one with five kills to my name. No one else, except Lilith, had killed any of the other Evelyn's Chosen. Since Bradley Kreuger had himself advocated for that, he couldn't very well back out of it now.

"I…if given a chance, I can kill ten of Evelyn's Chosen by myself?"

"Then why haven't you done so already?"


Lilith shook her head in disgust and sighed exaggeratedly.

"And could you please stop calling me 'my future wife'? You and I are still strangers."


The expression of Bradley suddenly turned dangerous when he heard the sharp reprimand from his queen.

"Lord Kreuger. Please excuse her highness's rudeness…"

When Claire was hurriedly interceding, I cut in.

"Whose side are you on?"


"You've been suspiciously deferential to Lord Kreuger all this while, but said absolutely nothing when he was being rude to her highness the queen. I know Lord Kreuger is a very high-ranking noble, but don't you think his tone and address of her highness, who is supposed to be his queen, is out of line?"

Not to mention, she said and did nothing while Bradley was verbally abusing and insulting me, even though I was supposed to be a hero who saved her kingdom from Evelyn's Chosen and the human armies while the Kreuger house were apparently sitting back in the capital and twiddling their thumbs, doing nothing.


Before Claire could muster a response, Bradley chuckled and maintained his composure, his lips twisting into a smile.

"I see. Isn't your highness quite a capable person? I like you more and more, my queen."

Despite that smile and calm expression, I could tell that quiet anger was burning in his heart. He almost seemed like he was sneering.

"Well then, let's see. How about a match between me and the so-called Hero Slayer? A duel between two vampire knights, if you will."


At Bradley's words, the atmosphere in the bar suddenly became tense.

"L…Lord Kreuger, that's…"

When Claire stuttered in surprise, Bradley smirked cunningly.

"Certainly, it seems like you didn't inform her of the engagement. It's also your fault for not obtaining her consent beforehand. However, there is no way she would consent if you forcibly establish an engagement here, right? So we should resolve this amicably – if I display my ability and prove my worth, the marriage should proceed smoothly."

Bradley glanced at Lilith questioningly as he spoke. His intentions were clear. He desired to make this stubborn, yet smart, girl yield to him. It was a mater of pride.

"How about it, Hero Slayer? You wouldn't possibly consider running away from this challenge, would you? This is a chance to show that you're the real deal."


It was taking everything I had to stop myself from laughing.

No, seriously. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to roll on the floor, laughing and banging my fists on the ground.

This was ridiculous. This was utterly ridiculous. I actually felt sorry for the arrogant bastard. The guy actually thought he was better than me. Even though he heard that I had slew five of Evelyn's Chosen. Okay, he probably didn't know that I defeated the Eight Guardians of the Iron Knights on my own, but still…

This was so going to be one-sided.

However, this was clearly troublesome. I had to worry about training my troops and getting them ready for the mission in Moria. The human armies were invading next week or so, so I couldn't waste too much time on such frivolous matters. The defense of Morten and the demonic alliance took precedence over all other matters.

Well, I should be able to spare some time for this…and I owe Lilith-san, after all, especially after she helped me out with the Iron Knights…

"All right. I'll do it."

I was trying hard not to smile too widely, and laughter threatened to erupt from my throat. On the other hand, I couldn't be too overconfident and underestimate my enemy. I had no clue what Bradley Kreuger's abilities were, other than he was a vampire and most likely would be using blood magic or something similar to that.

Besides, if I didn't accept the duel here, the engagement between Lilith and Bradley would be almost as good as decided.

"No, I cannot afford to cause Lord Kreuger trouble…"

"Yet you're causing her highness, your queen, trouble! Never mind me!"

I was utterly shocked at Claire's audacity. Even though she was reluctant to consent and was protesting, I couldn't help but think that she was being overly deferential to Bradley Kreuger, to the extent that she was actually overlooking the fact that her mistress was the QUEEN of Haemorage herself. Treat her as one, you bitch!

"On this occasion, why don't you also participate in the duel?" Lilith suggested calmly.

"…what do you mean?"

"It will not look good if I, the person involved, and you, the person in charge of this whole matter, just stood in the sidelines as spectators. We might as well make it a two versus two duel. What do you think?"

"W…what are you saying now?! Please stop joking! Do you think that Lord Kreuger will indulge this madness…?"

"It doesn't not sit well with me to just sit by idly like a commodity and wait for the results."

There was no hesitation in Lilith's tone.

"Kukuku. I don't mind."

Bradley readily gave his consent as he smiled fearlessly.

"Isn't this great, Claire-dono? Let us duel without anything holding us back. Sometimes a fight is good for resolving grudges and settling the matter amicably. Besides, it has been so long since I have last fought. I need to put my techniques into practice."

He extended his hand to the hilt of his sheathed sword and swung it lightly. His weapon had been sheathed in a well-decorated scabbard that sported flashy ornaments and expensive jewels. I couldn't help but snicker.

"Then you should have participated in the defense of Haemorage a few weeks ago. I'm sure that was one of the best opportunities for you to put your techniques into practice and fight for real."


Bradley flared up, but managed to regain control of his composure in time. His lips curling into a snarl, he forced out calmly.

"It's regrettable for tomorrow's dinner, but we'll cancel it. Then, let's tentatively arrange the duel in three nights' time. I'll book the place for the duel. Since I'm on business in Haefield for a while, I'll be here until then. Don't run away."

With those words, Bradley turned away and left the bar, his luxurious overcoat fluttering along with his movements.

Upon his departure, the atmosphere in the bar returned to normal and I sighed in relief.


"You two, do you know what you have done?"

Claire scowled as she admonished us.

"Not only did you reject the engagement, but on top of that, you challenged a member of the four noble houses to a duel. Your joke has gone too far. Lord Kreuger is among the top three knights in the Haemorage kingdom, and is skilled enough to supposedly challenge one of Evelyn's Chosen, did you know that?"

"Then why hasn't he challenged one of Evelyn's Chosen already? And don't you think you're being too disrespectful to Tomoyuki-kun, who has actually slew five of Evelyn's Chosen himself? Not to mention, even I have defeated one of Evelyn's Chosen myself. What has that man achieved, other than holing up in the capital when our kingdom was being attacked? And is this the sort of gratitude you show to an outsider who risked his life to protect our kingdom from the humans?"


Claire turned to me apologetically.

"I…I didn't see his feats for myself…I'm sorry. I'm still finding it hard to believe."

"Well, you'll get to experience his skills firsthand when we duel. Not to mention, you have forgotten that even if that man from the Kreuger house is among the top three knights, I still hold the position of number one."

Claire met Lilith's gaze, and saw that she had long since resolved herself for this. Biting her lip, Claire lowered her head anxiously for a few seconds before looking up.

"I understand. And I apologize for the disrespect. However, that person's ability as a vampire knight has increased over recent times. During the invasion, he had secluded himself for training. I'm afraid he's no longer the same vampire knight you fought against during last year's tournament. He has improved by leaps and bounds."

"So have I."

Claire shook her head in resignation.

"It appears that I've spoiled you too much."

"Spoiled me? You…as well as the elders never treated me as a queen. At best, you just tolerated me as some sort of figurehead. Yet none of you made a move when Haemorage was invaded. You just sat in that council in the capital and did absolutely nothing. What's the point of holding political power when you rely on others to defend yourselves?"

"We just had utmost confidence in you to defend our borders, your highness."

Lilith's expression tightened. "I explicitly asked you and the elders for help…as well as the noble house of Kreuger. Did any of you respond to my summons when Haemorage needed you the most? And now you come here and selfishly dump this marriage thing on me. Right before we're about to head off to a war!"

"It's precisely because of the war that I want to get this whole thing settled before you leave for battle…"

"So allow me to pick my own candidate." Lilith gestured deferentially toward me. "I'm sure no one will have complaints if I marry someone who is an actual hero for saving our kingdom and fighting beside me." she smiled. "In fact, if you ask the military, most of them will vouch for Tomoyuki-kun's valor and skills."


At Lilith's words, Claire tightened her expression. But she didn't protest or object to her claims. Instead, she quietly rose from her seat.

"I will leave the discussion here for tonight. But I will show no mercy in this duel with you two."

With those remarks, the woman in a butler suit left the bar.

"The feeling's mutual," I called out to her needlessly. She probably couldn't hear me anymore, but I just had to get the last word in. Besides, Lilith was right – actions spoke louder than words. I just had to crush that despicable duo in a duel so convincingly that they would regret ever having crossed my path. That was worth more than any verbal insult…humiliating them in front of everybody. I considered getting my pals in the military to come watch the show to laugh at how one of the so-called four great noble house got his ass kicked in front of everybody.

That said, I can't underestimate him. I need to find information on his skills. He might prove to be more formidable than I think…

It was always a fatal mistake to look down on one's opponent. If I underestimated him, he would catch me off guard and destroy me in combat.

While I pondered on those, Lilith stood up as well.

"It's almost the time of the curfew. We should return to the base."

I nodded at Lilith's words and rose to my feet as well. Since Claire had already footed the bill, the two of us proceeded to depart the bar and return to the military camp.