Chapter 140: Epilogue

"Dear, so you're here after all."

"Oh, Lilith. Are you ready?"

Lilith blinked as she strolled to my side, and then gave a sigh.

"…I guess so. To be honest, I still feel a bit nervous, but as long as I'm with you…"

"Thank you." I gave her hand a squeeze before glancing up at the sky. It was a nice day. The sky was as blue as it ever was, with white fluffy clouds lazily drifting by under the dazzling sun. Despite the industrialization that had taken place over the centuries, we had ensured that pollution be kept to the minimum, so we didn't suffer any smog or acid rain or whatever.

Still, I couldn't believe how much time had passed. The Restia right now was completely different from the Restia I first came to, all those centuries ago.

"…it took us over two hundred years, but we've finally managed to defeat all those monsters."

"Calling them monsters?" Lilith giggled as I grumbled in a melancholic voice. "I don't think you can call them that."

"Yeah, well…at least we didn't have to fight Prometheus. Good thing he decided to surrender or make peace with us, or we would really have broken apart…"

Even though we subjugated six out of the seven remaining Demon Lords through military might and forced them under the banner of the Alliance (which now included the humans as well), the cost had been great. Fighting just one more war might take too much of a toll on Morten, which had survived upheavals and horrendous death tolls.

Prometheus must have realized that, for he decided to keep his word and make peace with us. Even he didn't want to see Restia in ruins…or more likely, he was too lazy to go through all the trouble of waging war.

"Is there any part of Restia you want to visit?"

"Hmm? We spent the last hundred years traveling all over Restia. I can't think of a place we haven't been to."

Lilith placed a finger on her chin as she thought. Then she grinned mischievously.

"The only place I haven't been to is your world."

"Right, right. That's why I'm waiting for you."

I stood up and stretched myself. With a flick of my right hand, I brought a book into reality and flipped through it.

"Hmm, so…this should be all…"

"Will this spell really work?" Lilith asked, a little concerned. "I mean, this is the first time I've heard of such a spell…"

"Yeah," I assured her. "I've run through simulations and read through a few tomes and grimoires in the Library of Eden to double-check. This book is telling the truth."

After the war, and while traveling, I had combed through the Library of Eden and found a book that held a clue to returning to my original world. It had taken far too much time, but I had eventually deciphered the necessary spell from the relevant book.

Having a Library of Eden inside my mind was so convenient.

"It's a pity, though…I was far too late…"

My former classmates who were transported to this world along with me had all passed away eons ago. While, as a vampire and Demon Lord, I was able to preserve my life and live indefinitely, my former classmates were only human. Nagano Nanaka…Sanada Hiroyuki…Nishida Kensuke…Domon Daisuke…Aoyama Aoi…and finally Hoshizaki Kozue. Probably Umezu Shigeo and Kido Mayumi as well. They all lived to ripe, old ages before they expired, buried with full honors and surrounded by devotees and families.

Even though they were mostly satisfied with their lives, their one regret was that they never found a way back home. And in the end, I was left alone, living through immortality by myself. At least I had Lilith to accompany me. Regis too…and his son and daughter-in-law. Oh, and most of my subordinates – those who survived the Morten War afterward – were still alive and happily living with their families. So I wasn't truly alone.

But…sometimes I would feel homesick and think about my family back on Earth. Wondering how they would fare without me. If they could ever get over my mysterious disappearance. Wishing that I could meet them again, to tell them that I was all right. Hoping that they were coping well and living well.

Now, however, I was about to achieve that.

"Well…I mean, it's been four centuries since you first came to Restia. What if the world you return to…has changed a lot? Will your family still be alive?"

"They will be." I gestured toward the grimoire with a smile. "The spell doesn't merely let us transcend space and dimensions…it'll allow us to transcend time itself. If I cast it right, we'll be able to appear on Earth shortly after my class was transported to Restia. Maybe a day or two later."

Fortunately, as a vampire, I could use magic to adjust my appearance to make myself look like my high school self, so as not to shock my parents. They would never realize I had gone missing for hundreds of years.

"That's pretty convenient."

"…yeah." I nodded, and then turned to Lilith. "But what about you? Are you really all right with leaving Restia for about fifty years or so? Just to accompany me and my family in Tokyo?"

"…it'll be a fresh experience," Lilith replied after a second. "And I want to see what your world is like, and try living in it. Who knows, I might like it better there."

"We'll see." I couldn't help but smile. Lilith shrugged.

"The only worry I have is…leaving this place behind. I know we'll be back, but…I'm still a little concerned. Especially about Haemorage."

"Don't worry," I assured her as I put an arm around her shoulders. "Haemorage is in good hands. Lux and Krulcifer will do a great job governing it."

"Yes…I guess they will."

Our son had grown up to become a mature, intelligent man. That was a given, given how Lilith and I raised him. Lux also married a highly competent woman, and even an outsider could see what a perfect match Krulcifer was for him. In terms of fanspeak, Lux married the best girl.

"Then let's go."

"…yes. Let us go."

We smiled at each other, and then I turned to activate the spell. A gigantic magic circle materialized in front of us. Holding hands, the two of us stepped into the circle and disappeared from Restia. Our surroundings faded away, only to be replaced by the familiar urban environment of Tokyo. The spell had succeeded.

"Hmm…nothing has changed."

"Your spell succeeded!"

Lilith was glancing around, astonished by her new surroundings.

"Wow…this…this doesn't look like anything I've imagined!"

"Yeah." I offered her my hand and smiled. "There's a lot of things I want to show you…but first, let's go home."