"That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard!" Kiba roared.

Shino didn't say anything, but he agreed.

"Um... maybe if you told us the purpose of the exercise... Anko-sensei." Hinata politely asked. If she was the sort of girl to think things were retarded, or even just plain dumb, she would also have agreed with Kiba. As it was, she had a horrible lurking suspicion that Anko was just doing it to be mean.

"It's simple!" Anko chirped. "You work on your flexibility and strength this way! It's also a good way to practice jumping, which we use all the time to travel through the forest!"

"What the hell!" Kiba roared. "That's a lie!" He wildly swung an arm, and pointed at the training structure. "Seriously, what the hell!?" He jabbed his finger a couple of times, to accent the outrage he couldn't completely articulate.

"Yeah, well, guess what, smart-ass, now you're gonna work on resisting fire, too!" Anko shot back, and then she inhaled while working a series of handseals, and then exhaled in the direction Kiba was pointing.

The hoops caught fire.

"Now get jumping, bastard!" Anko roared.


The Land of Waterfall, as it is called in the modern era, has a lot of waterfalls.

It seemed like a truism, she mused, but on the other hand, the Land of Wind wasn't very windy. The origin of the names of the countries was a mystery.

Well, some names. Her homeland, the Land of Stone, had a lot of rocks.

She is the Tsuchikage, a dreaded woman with a feral appearance. Like all stone shinobi, the shirt underneath her vest has only the left sleeve; unlike her subordinates, her sleeve is ripped off just above the elbow. The tattered sleeve sometimes shows the jagged tattoo of the Stone assassination squad she commanded in her youth.

Her favorite possession is a necklace made from bears' teeth she keeps around her neck, and her name is Ursura.

She is also bored.

"Hey Chigaku." Ursura shouted, "is Okute back yet!?"

Chigaku is a high-level jounin of Hidden Stone. Her appearance is best described by "brown." Her black robes are covered in a coating of dirt. Her eyes are hazel-colored; her hair is brown, and her complexion, while not dark, is certainly more of an "earth tone" than other people. Her specialty is earth-type jutsu, and she is an unparalleled genius.

"Not yet." Chigaku said, lifting her head off the ground, ending the special hearing-type tracking jutsu she was using, "I can still hear her searching a few more places before we move out."

"Hmm." Ursura said, lounging for a bit. She begins to wonder why the Fire country has the Village that Hides in the Leaves. Instead of the Village that Hides in the Fire. Obviously you can't really hide in fire, but oh man, if you could, it would be like a whole village of arsonists-

"Report." Ursura says.

"Um, yes'um." Okute says, fidgeting as she emerges from the earth. "There's, ah, nobody around for a few clicks, we're absolutely safe." Okute is a newly minted jounin with no particular skills. She is insecure and shy, and hanging out with the greatest kunoichi of the village isn't helping. The only thing going for her is an unusually deep well of chakra. Her new specialty is kage bunshin.

"Alright!" Ursura says, standing up and smacking her hands together. "Let's move out already, I can feel my brain turning to paste!"

"You shouldn't be so hasty, Tsuchikage-sama." Scolds the last member of the party. Her name is Tetsuko and she is the second-strongest woman alive. She is careful, conservative, and fond of overwhelming force.

"Ahh, don't be such a party-pooper, Tetsuko." Rebuts Ursura. "Like there's anyone around that could handle my beloved bears, let alone me."

The group sets off at a fast pace, bounding through the forest of the Waterfall country.

"Hmph." Tetsuko says, shifting the giant iron club slung across her shoulder. "Be that as it may, we should be cautious. You're a juicy target, boss."

Chigaku pauses, frowning.

Tetsuko comes to a halt. "Something wrong, Chigaku?"

"Umm..." Chikagu says, pointing. "That big rock is igneous, it's probably a glacial erratic, but there aren't any volcanos to the north."

Ursura grunts. "So, something strange has happened inside of... what? The last hundred thousand years?"

"78 thousand." Chigaku corrects. "Also, no later than 64 thousand years ago, that's when the last glacier in this area receded. Unless it's not a glacial erratic at all, but then I can't offer a hypothesis for why it's there."

"Don't distract us with meaningless trivia." Grunted Tetsuko.

Chigaku's eyes flashed. "It's not meaningless! Geology is the incredible knowledge that the power of our village arises from! You never know when an understanding of the local geology will give a doton-user a winning edge!"

"Both ya shuttup." Snapped their leader. "Okute! We still alone?"

Okute paused, sending a message over the radio she kept strapped to her neck. It was set to randomly change frequencies, making it impossible to spy on. It was also impossible to communicate with an ally.

Unless you were a Kage Bunshin who possessed an exact duplicate of it.

"Umm, yes. I'm not reporting anything." Okute says.

"Okay!" Ursura clapped her hands together. "Moving out, this time for real!"


The wind was kind of cold this high up.

Loud, too. It was making her sniffle, but she didn't sneeze, because it wasn't that windy, really.

"We there yet?" She asked. Her name is Kirema and she is the wife of the Raikage, and she is one of three tied for the title of "Cloud's Second Strongest." Her hair is long and severely black, tied into a tight ponytail. She has two swords strapped to her back, and several braces of kunai in each of the holsters on her thighs.

"No, Kirema-sama." Says the second person tied for the title of "Cloud's Second Strongest." Her name is Kamome and she is mostly worried about her genin team. Her hair is at least as long as her leader's, but Kamome does nothing but push hers back, letting it flap just like the loose samurai hakama belted at her waist and the haori over her jounin vest. Her specialty is spear fighting and summoning cranes, one of which they are currently riding to cross over the Hidden Sound Country.

"Damn." Sighed Kirema, flopping back onto her back. "When you said Kawasemi could fly super-fast, I thought we'd be able to get there quicker than this."


"Sorry, sorry." Kirema said. "Seriously, though, we're gonna get there late at this rate. However, don't speed up unsafely just because of that, we should-"

She is uninterrupted by a high-pitched giggle from the third person tied for "Cloud's Second Strongest."

Kirema turns to look at the offender. "You alright back there, Reiko."

Her name isn't Reiko. That's shorthand for her nickname: Megami-no-Raiden, or The Goddess of Thunder and Lightning. She hasn't gone by her birth name in almost a decade, and she recently convinced the Raikage to actually make it classified data.

"Hmm?" She says, looking up from her book. "No, I just reached a good bit!" She smiles, mostly with her eyes. She wears a sleeveless jumpsuit under her jounin vest and her most notable feature is the large, jagged scar on the side of her left shoulder. Her hands are snuggly fit inside two heavy gauntlets that look like they're made from thousands of turns of wire (they are).

"You know, giggling like that, people are going to think you're a pervert." Kirema scolds. "Seriously, tone it down or people will think of you like that one-eyed Leaf guy."

"HEY!" Reiko shouts, cradling the book to her chest. "Kakashi, that bastard, he just reads smut! This is a work of art, and science!" She sniffs, turning her head. "My beloved Principles of Electrodynamics is way above his trash!"

Kirema just chuckles. Then she turns back to Kamome, serious. "So, how much longer, then?"

Kamome shrugs. "Kawasemi-kun has a good updraft, but we're also fighting a headwind. We'll get in after dark, but not much after." She turns back to watching the sky, posture slightly stiff.

Kirema understands. "Hey, you'll be back with your team in a few days, don't worry about it. They'll be fine, my hubby wouldn't give them a mission they can't handle." She smiles. "Don't worry, you just got them a few weeks ago. They won't get any C-class until you're back."

The last member of the team looks on from as far away as she can. Her greatest wish is to attain the title of "Cloud's Second Strongest." She is blonde, almond-eyed, and Jinchuuriki.

Her name is Yugito.


Three days down, eleven days to go.


Only eleven days.


That was only 12 hours more than a week and a half.


Not that long at all.



The veins around his eyes pulsed, and Neji disappeared into a puff of ninja smoke. He couldn't stand the way those two egged each other on, sometimes.

He turned as Tenten appeared beside him on the roof.

"Hey, you had to get away too, huh?" Tenten said.

Neji nodded.

Tenten smiled for a moment, quirking her lips. "Yeah, they can be pretty over the top sometimes, it kinda gets on my nerves when we're supposed to be serious."

"I just wish they didn't do it in public." Neji admitted. "We're supposed to be a discrete patrol."

Tenten snorted. "Yeah, right."

Neji raised an eyebrow. "Really... why do you say that?"

Tenten idly swung a kunai around her finger. "Well, after the invasion, the Hokage said we need to appear as strong as before, right? Assigning a guy like Sensei to patrol, it's obvious to everyone that the Leaf is maintaining a presence... also, this is the one of the patrol routes closest to the Rice Field Country. If something goes wrong..." Tenten paused. "Well, there's a S-ranked ninja close by."

Neji nodded. "That's... very astute."

Tenten broke into a wide smile. "Well, I was wondering myself."

"It isn't quite like you to be so modest." Neji said. "I wonder... it's almost like you're embarrassed, or something."

"Well, it's not like you're really complimentary all the time, either." Tenten shot back.

Neji smirked. "Point. But, you're an exceptional kunoichi, it's not really a compliment if it's a simple truth."

Tenten arched an eyebrow. It didn't quite hide her blush.

"INDEED!" Gai boomed, as Neji and Tenten both flinched back a step.

He makes it easy to forget he's a jounin. Neji mused, as he relaxed from the jyuuken stance he'd slipped into. But, it would take a jounin to sneak up on Neji.

"It is good to see my two adorable students enjoying the springtime of their youth together!" Gai continued.

"Yosh! Even my great rival deserves a Springtime of Youthful Happiness!" Lee agreed, punching the air.

Gai jokingly punched Lee in the arm, nearly knocking his student of the roof. "How true, my cute apprentice! Tenten is also blossoming with happiness, although I wouldn't have picked Neji if I were in the bloom of my maidenhood!" Gai shouted, striking a particularly dynamic pose on one foot.

"Sensei!" Tenten shouted.

"Just what are you insinuating. Gai-sensei." Neji quietly asked.

"My rival!" Lee shouted, slapping Neji on both shoulders (his reflexive "don't touch me," was ignored), "Achieving a Youthful Spring together with a dynamic girl, is nothing to be ashamed of!"

"The adorable Lee is correct!" Gai said. "You are beginning to blossom into fine shinobi of Konoha! That the Spirit of Fire would ignite passionate flames in your heart is resplendent with YOUTH!"

"It isn't like that!" Tenten said.

Only eleven days, Neji reminded himself. Eleven days would be over before he knew it.

"You shouldn't waste such a dynamic possibility!" Lee scolded. "Otherwise you could end your Burning Youth alone!" Lee struck a dynamic pose, with a wide powerful stance and an arched arm. "Gai-sensei is a paragon of Manliness, but he still lacks a Blossoming Youth Companion!"

"Ho ho ho!" Gai said, heartily slapping Lee on the back. It made a loud smack like a belly flop. "My Youthfullness isn't expired quite yet!"

When you can't defend, attack. "Lee has a point. Gai-sensei." Neji said. "In the, er, contest of Youthy Romance, you've gotten nowhere."

"You guys, saying such hurtful things to your sensei!" Gai said, chucking heartily, "It's true that the Flames of Passionate Youth sometimes burn those around them!" He paused, suddenly serious. "However, don't let your Youthful Rendezvous interfere with your dynamic ninja duties." He looked Neji and Tenten squarely in the eye. "Also, Be Careful! The Passionate Flames of Youth can be quickly doused with the Ocean of Parental Responsibility!"

"Yosh!" Lee added, for good measure.

Tenten was blushing deep red across her whole face. "Neji and I aren't... like that, sensei."

Gai smiled, and his teeth went 'ping.' He flashed Tenten a thumbs up, his signature pose. "I'm sure your Youth won't be quenched by a minor setback like that, my adorable student! Underneath his cool genius exterior is a heart of burning Youth!"

Neji dropped his head into his hands. Eleven days... more like eleven eternities.


"Hey, Shizune." Genma said, waving.

"Oh, hello, Genma-san." Shizune said, smiling. "How's your leg?"

"It's fine." Genma said, patting his thigh. "I was worried, but you really fixed it up good as new." He had been stabbed with a poisoned kunai and for a while a field amputation had looked to be the only viable remedy.

"I'm glad to hear that." Shizune said, smiling.

Genma smiled back. "It still twinges, sometimes, though. Do you think you could take a look at it some time?"

"Certainly!" Shizune said. "Just let me check my appointment book-"

As she was fumbling around the desk for it, Iruka pushed the door open, struggling with two large boxes.

"Oh, Iruka-kun! Let me help you with that!" Shizune said, dropping her book back onto the desk.

Genma scowled, clenching his teeth around the needle in his mouth. He didn't know what was going on between Iruka and Shizune all of a sudden, but he sure didn't like it.

"Ah, it's fine, Shizune-san." Iruka said. " I just need to set these down on the table over here, and then-"

"I insist." Shizune said, taking the top box off of the other.

Genma crossed his arms, and glared out the window.

"Uh... could you please set it down on the table then?" Iruka said.

"No problem!" Shizune said cheerfully. "Right here?"

"That's fine." Iruka said. He set the first box down, and then opened the one in front of Shizune.

She moved to the side, but not enough to really give Iruka full "personal space."

Genma glanced back, and did a double take when he saw how close Shizune was standing to Iruka. His sub vocal growl ended abruptly, as he flinched, hands going to his jaw.

"What's in here?" Shizune said, full of curiosity.

Genma held back a whimper, as he carefully pulled his needle out of the gum of his lower mouth, right below the teeth. He was bleeding, he could taste it.

"Oh, just coffee filters." Iruka said, pulling the corrugated paper circles out of their container inside the box. "We change the filters in the jounin lounge every week. Much longer, and ninja with extremely sensitive senses of taste begin to complain." He shrugged.

Shizune frowned at the paper circle in Iruka's hands. "That doesn't look like the same kind we use in the hospital."

"It isn't." Iruka explained, as he began fiddling with the percolator. "Those are treated with certain preservative chemicals... they have some of the same ingredients as some common synthetic poisons, so a lot of higher-level ninja who can detect the difference won't drink coffee filtered through that kind of paper." Iruka frowned, and then smiled as he got the mechanism to open. "So we have to buy this more expensive alternative from a ninja that retired and started making them after losing his hearing."

"That's fascinating!" Shizune said, smiling.

"No it isn't." Genma grumbled to himself, sulking, as he sourly prodded at the wound in his mouth with his tongue.

"Well, I don't know about that." Iruka said, blushing slightly.

"Can I help you with anything else?" Shizune said, eagerly.

Iruka rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, if you wouldn't mind..."

"I insist." Shizune responded.

Genma scowled at the appointment book forgotten on the desk as the two walked out, talking about coffee filters.


It had been a long and dusty trip. Motoko arched her back, stretching her spine, as she sighed, pushing her arms up and behind her.

A nearby farmer nearly drove his oxen into a lamppost in his distraction.

Motoko pouted, tapping her lips with her finger. She wasn't exactly tired, but she couldn't really travel too much farther tonight, either, since it was already dark.

First she would get something to eat. Nodding to herself, Motoko set to find a restaurant. She stopped in front of a ramen bar, considering, but decided that she didn't really feel like eating it right now. It was her favorite food, after all—it would be wrong to eat it if she wasn't prepared to fully appreciate the experience.

She came across a steakhouse that looked especially interesting, although a little seedy.

Then again, "seedy" didn't begin to describe some of the places Naruto had stayed with Jiraiya, while looking for Tsunade.

Decided, Motoko swept in the door, and smiled at the harried-looking waitress, who reflexively smiled back.

"By yourself?" The waitress asked.

"Yeah, for tonight." Motoko responded.

The waitress nodded. "All our tables are full, so you're going to have to wait, unless you'd rather eat something at the bar..."

"That's fine!" Motoko said with a smile. "I'm kind of in a hurry, anyway."

"Okay, come with me." The waitress said.

Motoko sat down at a barstool, and ordered fish and rice from the bartender. Motoko did not order alcohol—she'd seen what that did to Jiraiya. Besides, Naruto had promised Gamakichi that his first drink would be from cup the Toad Boss gave him.

"Hey, my name's Yakumaru, but you everybody calls me Sugoroku." The guy sitting next to Motoko said, smiling as he introduced himself. "What's your name, gorgeous?"

Motoko smiled. "Eh? You can call me Motoko."

"Motoko, huh? That's a nice name for a nice girl, Motoko-chan." He said.

"Just Motoko. Not with chan." Motoko corrected. She smirked. "You're not lucky enough to get to call me that."

"Funny you should mention luck." Sugoroku said with a smirk. "See, my nickname is from the kid's board game, even got the tattoo on my back, but my job is rolling the dice."

"Order up." The bartender said.

"Put that on my tab, Jimenji." Sugoroku said, smiling at the bartender. The bartender, named Jimenji, just met his eye for a minute, before turning away. "Whatever, it isn't my business." He said sourly.

"So, you like dice games, much?" Sugoroku said, sly.

Motoko shrugged, and swallowed the rice in her mouth. "I've never tried." She shrugged. "I'm lucky at cards, but that isn't quite the same, is it, Sugoroku-san?"

"Yeah, it's totally different. Cards, you can bluff your way around that, but dice—dice is a matter of pure luck." Sugoroku chuckled, and knocked back the cup of sake he had been nursing. "You might say, its a test to see who the gods really love."

Motoko smirked, a little bitter, as she finished off the fish. "Saying a thing like that, I don't think I'd win too much."

"Oh, on the down-and-out?" Sugoroku said. "I can't say I've seen you around here before—run away from home or something?"

Naruto chuckled on the inside. "Yeah, something like that." Motoko said, non-committal. Like she'd tell some random drunk she was a kunoichi on a foreign mission.

"I see, I see." Sugoroku said. "Say, how would you like to come play some dice?"

Motoko shrugged. She was pretty bored, and she was done anyway, at least it would be something to do. "Why not," Motoko mused. Then she smirked. "But, I don't want to lose money."

"Oh, don't worry about that, cutie-pie, you don't have to gamble cash if you don't want to." Sugoroku said.


Three fast raps, followed by two short knocks, and then two fast raps again.

The panel slides aside, and a pair of eyes peer suspiciously through the door. "Whosit?"

"Your boss said he had some info for me." Kakuuzu said.

"Yeah, and who're you ta—eh? Oh! Kakuuzu-dono, come right in sir, please!" Said the tough, hastily opening the door and stepping out of the way.

Kakuuzu just sneered at him, and walked inside.

"Remind me why we gotta visit this bastard friend of yours again?" Hidan abruptly asked, tapping his scythe against his shin.

"Screw you." Kakuuzu said. "Next time, pay attention the first time." Kakuuzu slid the chair back from the table, and sat down. Hidan petulantly remained standing.

"You bastard!" Hidan shot back, "what's your problem?"

The door on the other end of the room opened, and a suspicious guy with some scars on his face came through. He smiled at Kakuuzu, an empty business expression, and got an uncertain look on his face when he came to Hidan.

"He's with me." Kakuuzu said.

"Certainly, that's fine." The man said, sitting down at his own table. "Listen, I just got a tip from a guy that owes the syndicate some money, a gambler over in Hidden Cloud."

"The Hell this got to do with us?" Hidan interrupts. "This place pisses me off, it's not the sort of hole a pious guy like me should be hanging out in."

"Hidan. Shut the hell up." Kakuuzu said. To the man across the table, he said, "Ignore the dumbass. What have you got?"


The man ignored Hidan this time. Licking his lips, he said, "The point is, there's gonna be a meeting between high-level kunoichi at that Snow Country Hot Springs Festival. One of 'em is the two-tails."

"Excellent." Kakuuzu grunted. "What's the price?"

The man waved his hand. "We can get money somewhere else." He slid a folder forward. "Instead, this guy killed two members of the family. If you could make an example of him, the syndicate would be grateful. He's close, and not well-guarded."

Kakuuzu took the folder and, without looking at it, held it back. "Hidan. A sacrifice."

Hidan just grinned. "Hey, alms for Jashin, maybe these criminals aren't beyond saving."

Kakuuzu stood. "Don't take too long, I want to leave for this festival as soon as possible."

Hidan just smirked. "I can't think of a better place for a ceremony than a festival."


Shikamaru had a secret hobby. He collected synonyms for "troublesome," so he could accurately describe, at least to himself, how he felt. He didn't share this secret with anyone, not even Chouji, because then people like Ino or, God forbid, his mother would find out. That would be so far beyond "troublesome" Shikarmaru hadn't found a word for it yet.

This meant, however, that Nara Shikamaru could very accurately describe his feelings at the situation that confronted him.

He was aggravated, annoyed, put out, and bothered.

He was bothered because he had been selected as the replacement for Naruto on Team Seven while said orange-clad maniac was out wandering around the world with the most famous pervert alive. Therefor, Shikamaru had to travel across the country. Twice.

He was put out because that meant he had to be on the same team as Sasuke, who was even more morose and silent and introverted after that whole troublesome business with the Sound Four. Also, Kakashi's chronic lateness made him both infuriated and jealous at the same time. It was seriously the most passive-aggressive behavior Shikamaru had ever seen—and Shikamaru knew passive-aggressive behavior.

He was annoyed because he had to put up with the super-annoying wife of the Fire Lord, Shijimi-sama, who at least couldn't bring her annoying cat with her (which, fortunately, still hadn't figured out the Shadow Bind). This meant they had to be on high alert for any political assassinations or something. More precisely, Kakashi had to be high alert and Shikamaru had to be ready to get the Fire Lady the hell out of dodge.

But he was also aggravated because, honestly, it was the biggest Hot Springs Festival in the World. That meant Naruto would be there, whether he wanted to or not, while that creepy old man conducted his unbelievably troublesome "research." So it wasn't like Shikamaru was actually going to be replacing anyone, either.

At least Tora wasn't coming along. That cat was like the incarnation of troublesome.


"Looks like Sugoroku is on the prowl again." He said levelly.

The Bookie groaned. "Boss, we don't need this kind of trouble—if he's sniffing tail, that could draw the wrong kind of attention. There's a ninja team on patrol stopping over in town tonight, and-"

"Bookie. Shut up." The boss said. He hasn't given anyone his real name in over a decade. He is old and shaved bald and very tough, as trim and fit as he'd been at thirty, with wrinkled leathery skin and a square jaw. He is called Chouzouyama.

"Those ninjas are just kids." Chouzouyama said firmly, "and Sugoroku will keep it quiet—if he knows what's good for him."

"If you say so, Boss." The Bookie said without any enthusiasm.

"I do." Chouzouyama said firmly. He drank deeply, emptying his saucer, and poured himself another shot of sake. When he set the cup down, and asked, "How are the books?"

"Good." The Bookie said. He was young and thin and talked too much, but he was good with numbers. "A couple places in town are behind on payments, but not really late yet. The dice has been good—Sugoroku's a real artist at the take, personal, ah, irregularities aside, but he turns a tidy profit without anyone really the wiser."

"Hmm. Any special customers at the dice tonight?" Chouzouyama said.

The Bookie shrugged. "Just Old Man Tarazou, from the ricehouse. He's addicted, so we milk him good, but not too good, or his wife'll put her foot down. Crazy old battle-ax, that—some noble married off to pad the family finances, I think she lets him gamble to keep him away from her own liaisons-"

"Bookie. On topic." Chouzouyama sternly reminded.

"Uh—then. If you want to go enjoy a game, go ahead—it wouldn't throw off the game tonight."

"Think maybe I will." Chouzouyama said, knocking back one last sake before setting it aside. "Need to remind Sugoroku the dice isn't for his convenience, anyway."

Chouzouyama stalked up to the dice game, where Sugoroku's mark watched with interest. She hadn't placed a bet yet.

He sat down next to her without saying anything. The boys moved aside to make room.

"Oh, and I see we have a special guest with us now—Chouzouyama-sama, you come to bet a little with the boys?" Sugoroku asked, smiling.

To set them at ease, Chouzouyama attempted to smile. "Just got some loose change tonight—I got bored drinking alone."

The smile wasn't very good, but it set the gamblers at ease. Chouzouyama could fade into the background easy, if he wanted—odd for a boss, but he liked to keep his finger on the operations under him. He also made it a point to be available to anyone in the family—if they needed help or advice, he was willing to give it. He didn't really like to, but it was important to keep the boys loyal.

He placed a bet on "odd" when the Sugoroku called for them.

The girl next to him didn't place anything.

The dice were rolled. "So sorry, boss, but you lose this time—evens!" Sugoroku called out as the roller lifted the dice cup, revealing a three and a five.

"You know," Chouzouyama said, "it's impolite to sit at the table but not bet anything."

The girl next to him smirked. "Yeah? 'Fraid I don't have any chips to bet, though, and I don't think you'd like to see cash at the table."

Sugoroku caught his eye, and Chouzouyama resisted the urge to grumble. "I can spot you a few if you'd like."

Motoko smiled, shark-like. "Then I'll pay you back on my second turn."

Chouzouyama chuckled at the sheer brassiness. "Okay, then—here's three."

Motoko nodded, and promply pushed them forward. "Three on evens." She said with a grin.

They turned to the center, as the roller shook the cup, and slapped it down. He pulled back, and Sugoroku leaned forward. "A pair of fours—Even!"

Motoko smiled as three more of the rectangular wooden chips were pushed to her, and picked them up and handed them to Chouzouyama. "I always keep my word." She winked saucily. "Believe it."

Chouzouyama raised an eyebrow. "Really."

"Any more bets, Ladies and Gents, and more bets for the next round?" Sugoroku said, smiling about as he cajoled and called.

"Two for even." Chouzouyama said, pushing forward his bet.

Motoko smiled. "Three on odd." She pushed the blocks forward, "odd" side up.

"And the dice are cast—a four and a three—odd!" Sugoroku said, somewhat surprised.

Motoko pulled in three more blocks, and handed one to Chouzouyama. "Call it interest."

Chouzouyama raised an eyebrow. "You're pretty confident."

Motoko chuckled. "Believe it—five on evens. Not even—evens." She pushed her five blocks forward.

Chouzouyama raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Motoko just pointed as the roller lifted the cup.

"A two and a six—even!" Sugoroku called.

Chouzouyama stared openly.

Motoko chuckled, and pushed all ten of her blocks forward. "Put them on odd." She said, and to Chouzouyama, "I'm pretty lucky."

"Any more bets?" Sugoroku said, looking around. He smiled. "Motoko-chan, are you sure you want to bet everything? You'll run out of money to bet before you know it!" He said with a chuckle. Around him, the boys smirked.

"Just read the dice. And, no chan." Motoko said, smirking.

"Well, you heard the lady!" Sugoroku said with a leer, and leaned down, and did a double take. "One and four—odd."

Mokoto silently flipped her top block over. "All for evens."

"You sure, Motoko-chan!" Sugoroku said. He glanced to the corner, and to Chouzouyama, who nodded slightly.

"Three on odd." Said the man in the corner. It was the first bet of the night for him. He was wearing a high-necked coat and had a long scar on his cheek.

"Any more? No? Well then!" Sugoroku bent down to read the dice, and paused. "Two and Four—Even."

"Still on even." Motoko said breezily. "All on even."

"I put three more on odds," said the man in the corner.

"Anyone else?" Sugoroku said, looking around. Even old Tarazou, the addict, was simply watching, with baited breath. This was ruining the evening, in terms of the take.

"Fine." Sugoroku said. The cup came down, and the roller pulled back, and Sugoroku looked down. "One and One—Even."

"You go against my luck, you're gonna lose. Believe it!" Motoko said with a smirk. She looked down at her stack of eighty gambling markers. "Saa... so many." She smiled, and stood up. "Well! Guess I better exchange them, and go look for a hotel!"

"Hey." Said the man in the corner. "No one's that lucky—without jutsu."

"What are you getting at, eh?" Motoko shot back, as Sugoroku scurried off to the side. Chouzouyama was no less astute about retreating, although more dignified. He wasn't fool enough to get involved in a potential ninja fight.

"I'm a missing-nin from Hidden Rock—I was a chuunin before I left." He warned, cracking his knuckles. "There are a couple more guys at my level here, too—Chouzouyama-danna is real generous-like." He stood up. "Guys like us, we don't like it when someone interrupts our honest fun with jutsu."

"Like hell!" Motoko sneered. "I don't cheat!"

"We don't believe you." The missing-nin said. "I'm warning you, now—come quietly, or there will be trouble."

"I like trouble." Motoko said, grinning ferally. Her hands began to work seals, and three more ninjas leaped up to assist their coated spokesman.

"Let's get wild!" Motoko shouted.




"Don't gimme that look. This isn't a direction that has anything to interest us."

"...We're going to the Cute Polar Bear Hot Springs Festival."

"...You, ah, lookin' to pick up girls, or something? 'Cause that's not really a skill I'm good at." A pause. "Though, with your looks, you should be more worried about STDs than whether or not you'll actually get any."

"No." The second man turned, and kept walking. "Jiraiya will be there."

A longer pause. "Okay, I'm cool with it if you swing that way, but Jiraiya-"

"You misunderstand." Retorted the second. There was steel in his tone. "Jiraiya will be at the festival to spy on it."

The first man grunted, and started walking again. "So? Guy's a huge pervert, of course he'd show up."

"Naruto is training with Jiraiya. So Naruto will be with Jiraiya. And Jiraiya is at the Hot Springs Festival."

The first man chuckled. "Having a death-match with that guy in a hot spring full of cute girls... I didn't know you liked irony so much."

"No. It's just convenient."A pause. "So far from his village, there would be no one to save him. This time, we can kill the old man."

"Yeah, whatever, Itachi." Hoshigake Kisame shrugged, and resettled his dreaded Samehadama with his shoulder strap.

The two did not speak again, as they headed down the road to Snow Country.


Asuma stubbed out his cigarette and slid the filter back into the pack with his fresh smokes. Ninjas never littered—it left too obvious a trail.

"So, you've finished this secret mission?" Asuma said.

Kurenai nodded. She didn't offer anything more, and Asuma didn't ask. It was very rude to ask other ninjas what their missions were—it was too often classified.

"Asuma-san, Kurenai-san." Iruka greeted. "How was the operation, Asuma-san?"

"Successful." Asuma said breezily, handing Iruka the scroll. "What's next?"

Iruka hummed. "Well, Shikamaru got sent with Team Seven on a C-class earlier today."

Asuma scowled.

Iruka smiled reassuringly. "It was Tsunade's idea, Kakashi wasn't enthusiastic. When you both get back, we'll send Team Ten on a mission, together."

Asuma nodded, mollified.

"In the mean time," Iruka said, "here's something for you—another assassination." He handed Asuma the scroll, and Asuma slid it in a pouch.

"Hmm." He said, pulling out a cigarette. "Hey Kurenai, you want to go get something to eat later?"

"Hmn?" Kurenai said. "Oh. Uh... I'm busy, sorry. Maybe some other time." She said, turning back to Iruka.

Asuma lit his cigarette, looked between the two, and grunted sourly, before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

"So." Kurenai said. "What's my mission?"

Iruka pulled out a scroll. "It's something for Team Eight. A mine was collapsed in near the border of the earth country two days ago. There's a high-priority B-class, search and rescue. Your team is ideally suited." He paused. "Also, there's a possibility of sabotage, likely by Rock nin." Iruka shrugged. "That last part is classified... don't let your students know until you're sure it won't be overheard."

"I see." Kurenai said neutrally. "Speaking of security clearance."

"Is this about dinner the other night?" Iruka said, quietly.

Kurenai took a deep breath. "Hai. Anko is my friend... you shouldn't be letting random genin know."

Iruka chuckled. "Well... if it makes you feel better, Naruto has a higher security clearance than you do."

Kurenai arched her eyebrows.

Iruka rubbed his scar. "When he was sent on the Tsunade retrieval mission, Jiraiya had his security clearance temporarily raised to the level of an ANBU Division Commander, so that Naruto could be told what he was doing." Iruka grinned. "Ibiki brought it to Tsunade's attention, but she just made it permanent, saying the future Hokage needs to know what's really going on."

Well. Huh. Kurenai took a moment to compose herself.

"Was it still necessary to let her know about Orochimaru's relationship to Anko?" Kurenai said.

Iruka shrugged uncomfortably. "I thought it would be good... Anko needs people that would accept her, not just despite her past, but because of it."

"And you were so confident Naruto could do that?" Kurenai said primly.

"Who better than the living prison for the Kyuubi?" Iruka gently reminded her.

That was a good reason. She still wanted one thing cleared up, though. "...What do you mean, because of her past, not despite it?" Kurenai said.

Iruka rubbed his scar, absently, composing his thoughts. "Well... because of Orochimaru, Anko has suffered and been held in suspicion. Like it or not, that's part of what formed her." Iruka paused for a moment. "It would be wrong to belittle that, Anko should be respected for enduring that experience. It's not enough to make her skills like an excuse that wash away her past." Iruka smiled self-consciously. "Does that make sense?"

Kurenai nodded slowly. "Yes." She whispered, surprised and a little awed.

She absently slid the search-and-rescue scroll into a pocket as she went out the window.

Anko, slumped against the door outside the mission office, blinked rapidly before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.


Tenten flinched as a building three blocks down the street exploded.

Neji just activated his byakugan, and looked over, frowning slightly. 'That was-"

"I know." Tenten interrupted. "That was caused by an explosive tag. Third grade, concussive, low burn."

Neji grunted. He wasn't about to admit he could only tell it had been a tag.

"Let's check it out." Tenten said. "If we're lucky, we might actually beat sensei there."

The nodded and darted over across the roofs, avoiding the sudden confusion on the street. Three more explosions went off in quick succession. "Two jutsu—fire then earth. Then, a second grade tag, no concussion, high burn." Tenten identified, scowling. "That's at least chuunin level combat going on."

"I can see five ninja presences—no, six." Neji corrected, frowning. "Five ninjas, one kage-bunshin—there it goes. Canceled."

People spilled out onto the street, escaping the now burning building as the pair landed on the ground.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" Shouted Gai, as he smashed into the ground. "Good Citizens, do not worry, for I, the Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha, have come to quickly keep the peace!"

People began fleeing faster.

"Sensei... you don't exactly inspire confidence in people." Tenten scolded.

"Do not worry, sensei!" Lee shouted, landing beside them. "I still believe in your Brightly Burning Youth!"

"Let's just deal with the situation." Neji interrupted.

At that exact moment, someone flew out the window of the burning building, screaming. "GethemoffGetthemoff-GET-THEM-OFF!" He said, rolling and swatting his body wildly. There was nothing on him. "Oh please, GET THESE THINGS OFF ME!"

"That man is under a genjutsu." Neji said, somewhat obviously.

"Team Gai! GO!" Gai shouted, leaping forward into the conflagration.

With a cry of "yosh!" Lee followed. Tenten and Neji were a little more sedate, merely running instead of taking a flying leap into a burning building.

Once inside, Neji raced around, keeping under the smoke.

"Where the hell is she?" One man roared.

"I don't know!" Screamed another. "She keeps disappearing! It's like trying to fight the goddamn smoke!"

A third man just screamed inarticulately. Neji found him—another one laced with genjutsu.

"Goddamn it, pull together! The pride of the family is at stake, don't let some hot little mark take you out!" Commanded the fourth voice.

So. Neji thought. Four on one, apparently missing-nin with organized crime that had unknowingly tried to nail a ninja.

Now that the "bad guys" were established, he could act.

Neji darted forward, and nailed the first speaker with the 64 Hand Hatakke before he'd even turned around fully.

"There's more!" Screamed the second voice.

"Leaf Spinning Wind!" Agreed another. Lee, Neji identified.

The second voice howled, wet and harsh, since his throat had been smashed in by the kick.

"You bastard-" Neji calmly turned to dispatch the one that came up before him, but not before the guy hit the ground and started rolling around.

Another Genjutsu.

Then the building collapsed.

Neji grunted, and immediately turned, throwing the Kaiten up to guard him. When he settled, he used a quick kawarimi to escape outside.

He landed on a roof, and lept down to Tenten, who was settling a woman dressed like a waitress on the ground. Neji could tell with his Byakugan that she was suffering from smoke inhalation.

"It would seem the combat has resolved itself." Neji said.

"Sensei and Lee were still in there!" Tenten said.

Then part of the building exploded apart, and a whirling green shape arced up and over, landing right between them with barely a tremor.

"HAA!" Gai said, striking a pose. "My adorable students-" he blinked. "Where's the cute Lee?"

The three turned to look at the building. A man with a large-necked coat and a scar on his cheek burst out a window, and began rolling desperately to put himself out. He was not on fire.

Another Genjutsu, Neji noted.

"Lee! I'm coming in!" Gai shouted, and dashed forward again.

Neji moved to follow him, but Tenten grabbed his sleeve. She was biting her lip, with her eyebrows puckered.

"Tenten-" Neji said.

"Trust your teammate." Tenten said. "Don't charge into a burning building after him... he'll make it out on his own."

"Yes." Neji agreed, relaxing.


The window slid open silently, and the curtain stirred slightly as a form slipped through, and slid the window shut behind itself.

It melted into the shadow, and drifted down the hall, soundless. It paused before a door, and slid it open, easing through like a ghost before sliding the door shut again.

The form dropped low, and moved through the shadows to the side of the bed, before beginning to arch up, reaching over, and-

"Shit, my eyes!" It swore, as a light abruptly shined in its face, and then it lurched as it was pinned to the ground, and twisted to push one of it's own kunai up against the belly of its assailant even as the other brought a knife against its throat and-

"Anko?" the one on top asked, in disbelief.

"Um, hi?" She said, weakly, still slightly dazzled from the lamp that back lit Iruka.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked, sliding the knife back under the pillow and climbing off her.

Anko smirked. "I wanted to see you."

Iruka sighed, and rubbed his face. "Anko. It's two-thirty in the morning. Why now? Hell, why break into my house in the middle of the night and try to ambush me in my bed?"

Anko's grin just got wider.

Iruka blushed, and it spread across his face, following his scar. "Ah."

Anko languidly stood up, rising jointlessly from the ground to standing, and leaned over the chuunin sitting in his bed. "I'm surprised you even noticed."

Iruka sighed, rolling his eyes. "Seriously, it's like everybody forgets what creative and devious bastards kids are."

"Your kids ambush you in your sleep?" Anko said, incredulous.

Iruka shrugged uncomfortably. "Well... Naruto managed to sneak into my house once, and switched the grade on his paper. I caught it, but... I didn't change the grade back."

He shrugged. "That just encouraged him... it actually got to the point where I had to chase him off with a knife." He paused. "When I could catch him. That kid is seriously sneaky when he's trying to go unnoticed."

Anko chuckled, then scowled. "You... that completely ruined the mood."

It was Iruka's turn to grin cheekily. "Children aren't the only devious ones," he said, before laying down on his side, facing away from her. "Turn off the light when you leave... you can let yourself out." he finished.

Instead, she slid in behind him, and threw a leg over his hip and an arm over his shoulder.

She whispered into his ear, "Well.. if you want to be that way... then giving up isn't my ninja way." She licked his neck. "Believe it." She said with a feral smile.


Lee darted into the building, frowning as he scurried along the floor as quickly as he could. Without the Byakugan, like his rival, or even the ability to sense chakra, he was fighting blind and deaf in this kind of conflagration.

"There's more!" Someone screamed, lunging towards him with a kunai.

Lee reacted on instinct. "Leaf Spinning Wind!" He shouted while darting out of knife range and swinging around to smash the man across the face. With all the momentum from his weights, the man's face was crushed.

He dropped down and scuttled forward, frowning. An extreme battle in a burning down building—way beyond anything he'd trained for!

Then the building collapsed, and he grunted as two beams cam down across his back. He grunted, catching them. He was pinned.

With a roar, he forced them up and apart, throwing them off of himself with explosive motion. Then he began to cough. All this smoke—it was time to get out of here.

He paused, and then his eyes got even wider as he began to beat at his head desperately.

His hair was on fire!

He felt someone grab him, and he stiffened. They weren't trying to hurt him, though, and instead wrapped something around his head, smothering the flames. She was pressed against his side, he could feel her—Lee blushed, despite the circumstances.

"Let's escape, eh?" The girl said, and then used Kawarimi, taking Lee with her.

Lee opened his eyes a moment later and smiled weakly at his teammates.

"Lee, are you alright?" Tenten asked, worried. He stood up, and smiled more confidently. "I am unharmed!" He said.


Lee turned, and sparkles appeared at around him. "Gai-sensei!"

A mountain rose up in the background, wreathed in clouds. "Lee!"

Waves crashed against the mountain dramatically. "Gai-sensei!"

The pair embraced manfully, as another wave crashed against the mountain. "Lee!"

"Gai-sensei!" Lee finished decisively.

"So." The girl said, turning to the other two, "my name's Motoko. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh Lee! My adorable apprentice, I was worried the Burning Might of your Youth had been snuffed out in that Extreme Building Fire!"

Tenten shook herself, and smiled. "Good to meet you, Motoko. My name is Tenten." she said, bowing.

Neji also bowed. "Hyuuga Neji is my name. Thank your for saving our teammate." He looked her over more closely. She was a few years older than them, and she had hair that would reach her neck, if it wasn't pulled back by a hairclip. She had a cute face, and a body that rivaled Tentens'.

"Gai-sensei! For worrying you so much, I will do five hundred kicks with each leg!" Lee said, clenching his fists.

"Ahh, he didn't need my help at all, it was just faster that way." Motoko said, waving her hand. She grinned. "So! I better be going then!"

"Lee! For failing to prepare you for this, we will do Five Hundred Kicks with Each Leg, Together, While ON FIRE!" Gai shouted back. "That is a Mr. Nice Guy Promise!"

"Please wait." Neji said. "The order and peace of this area is our responsibility. Please explain your involvement."

Motoko clenched her eyebrows. "Uh... I beat up a lot of missing-nin?"

Tenten discreetly reached for her hip-pouch.

Neji nodded tightly. "I see. If you are operating with a village, we will need to see identification and papers proving that you are here with the permission of the Fire Country to operate inside our borders."

Motoko rolled her eyes, and pulled out a headband. It had a Leaf insignia. "This good enough?"

Headbands could be stolen. So, no. Neji opened his mouth to speak, when-

Motoko was crushed in a bear-hug. "For saving my precious student! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Gai shouted, squeezing.

Motoko gasped, and collapsed to the ground. "You're welcome." She wheezed.

Neji sighed, and turned around. Then, for the first time he could remember, he did a double-take. "Lee... what happened to your hair?"


"Saaa," she said, grunting as she arched her back. She'd had to travel for over a week to reach it, but for the Cute Polar Bear Hot Springs Festival, a mere week of travel was totally worth it.

Temari rubbed her neck, trying to ease out the crick that had developed from carrying her huge battle fan slung over her shoulder for a whole day.

Well, there would be no need for it this week, hopefully. She had come for a well-earned vacation, a respite from all the craziness that had been going on in Hidden Sand.

It was good crazy, but it had still been nuts. The internal politics of the village were in chaos. The previous ruling faction—the Kazekage's faction—had fallen far from favor after it had turned out that the Kazekage had been sorta dead and Orochimaru had literally been wearing his skin.

Creepy snake bastard.

The point was, there was a major power vacuum, and Gaara, of all people, wanted to fill it. It had been one of the most shocking moments of her life, when her psychotic younger brother renounced his previous life goal of "killing all people not himself" in favor of "become Kazekage and protect the village."

He hadn't said it outright, but it was painfully obvious that he was emulating that twitchy blonde bastard.

Temari couldn't quite find it in herself to disapprove. But that meant that Baki had been running around like crazy to pull together an interim collation, pushing back the selection of the fifth Kazekage long enough for Gaara to be eligible.

It would still be a couple months before Gaara would really be ready.

"Enough of that!" Temari said out loud, clapping her hands together. She was on vacation! Nothing to distract her from a week of pure relaxation.

She chuckled, hoisting her battle fan onto her shoulder and setting out to find a place to stay. That lazy bum would probably understand perfectly.


"That's the best I was able to do." Tenten apologized. "But, there wasn't much to work with, and there was so much damage already..."

Lee nodded absently, and ran his hand along his head.

It was completely smooth. Not a strand of hair anywhere.

"I'll be right back." Neji said, and he left the room.

Lee nodded again.

"Is it okay?" Tenten asked. She hadn't really brought anything for cutting hair, she only had some razors, and shaving cream. She'd tried to crop it with kunai, but it was so short in some places from burning, and there was only so much she could do, that she'd ended up just shaving his head completely.

Lee nodded.

"I know you were attached to the hair, but-"

"Tenten." Lee said. "It's fine. I'm just—not used to it. That's all." He turned, and struck a Nice Guy Pose. "This is an excellent hair cut!"

Tenten nodded, but cringed inside. Before, his face had been disproportionate, but now, he looked kinda like a frog—hairless, with those huge eyes.

Miraculously, his eyebrows had remained completely unscathed. It was like they were completing with his eyes to see which feature could dominate his face more.

It was an okay look, but it wasn't better than the bowl cut.

"Here." Neji said, tossing something.

Lee caught them reflexly, and looked down. "Glasses?"

"They're cosmetic." Neji said. "I found them at a corner store. They're the lightest tint I could find."

They were rectangular lenses, tinted green, with rounded edges in a high-strength steel wireframe, carbon-black.

Lee put them on.

The look was much better. The glasses were kinda cool, and definitely muted the eyebrows and weird eye shape.

"They look good." Tenten said.

Lee nodded, and stood up. "Well! I have to do some push-ups before going to bed!" He said. "Neji! I won't wait up for you!"

He lept out the window, scaring the hell out of a pedestrian, before his teammates could quite catch the implication.

Tenten turned to look at Neji, with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" Neji finally asked.

"You have surprisingly good taste." Tenten said. "I mean... with the way you usually dress, I would have thought that..."

Neji scowled. "Don't question the Hyuuga fashion sense."

Tenten just giggled. "I was kidding." She frowned. "Still... I wonder who that girl was."

Neji shrugged. "Sensei said that she was a Leaf-nin, so we shouldn't worry."

Tenten nodded. "You were checking her out pretty closely there."

Neji arched an eyebrow with some eloquence.

Tenten scowled. "I'm not being a jealous girl. I meant it as 'threat assessment.'"

"Whatever." Neji said. Everyone slipped up and said something they didn't quite mean sometimes. It didn't matter. Tenten was surprisingly understanding when he misspoke, even though it would be easy to tease him with it.

"I'm serious!" Tenten said.

Neji nodded. "I know." he said, also serious.

"Fine, if you're just going to give me a hard time..." Tenten said.

Neji wanted to throw up his arms and say "what the hell," but instead settled for arching an eyebrow again.

"If you're just going to be that way, then fine." Tenten said, turning around.

Neji, proving he was a genius after all, just shrugged. "It's not like she was better looking than my teammate, anyway."

He left then, before Tenten would think to say something snide about Lee.

Meanwhile, on the roof, Gai was quietly observing the girl sitting across from him.

Gai cleared his throat. "So, ah Naruto.. why are you hiding your Passionate Youth Flame as a Blossom of Konoha?"

Motoko stared. "How did..."

Gai grinned, and flexed an arm. "Breathing! Stride! Stance! Your body language clearly identified you as Naruto, even while you wear that illusion!"

"Okay seriously, I don't believe you." Motoko said. "No one is that good at reading body language."

Gai shrugged. "It was a long time ago, but when I was as Youthful as you are, I competed against the super-observant sharingan. I'm good enough to read someone's attacks just by watching their feet. But, that doesn't answer my question... why are you disguised as a girl?"

Motoko shrugged. "It's for a mission. More than that—it's a secret!"

Gai nodded, and smiled. His teeth went 'ping.' "I believe you!" He announced. "Also, good luck! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my youthful team!"

Gai disappeared in a swirl of leaves, and Motoko went back to hotel hunting.


"Oye, are we there yet?" Shikamaru asked irritably.

Sakura's eyebrow twitched. "No, not yet. We're coming up on the edge of town right now, so it should be pretty soon."

Shikamaru just sourly grunted.

"Tut, tut." Shijimi said. "There's no need to be short with the lad."

"Of course, Shijimi-sama." Sakura said sweetly.

"What a sweet girl!" Shijimi cooed, pinching Sakura's cheek fiercely.

'If she keeps this up, I'll become a traitor to my nation.'Sakura thought darkly. 'Crazy old woman!' Agreed her inner self.

Kakashi choose that exact moment to giggle, eye flickering up from his little orange book to scan his surroundings, before settling back on the page.

Sasuke was nowhere in direct sight, instead scouting around as a perimeter guard. It had been Shikamaru's idea, loathe as Sakura was to admit it. Sasuke was being used as bait, to draw the first attack. Even if he was killed instantly, it would provide Kakashi with the last instant warning when his chakra presence disappeared.

If he was circumvented, then he could counterattack any attempt on the Fire Lady's life.

Sakura wasn't sure that Sasuke had seen quite so deeply into Shikamaru's plan, or how cheaply his comrade appeared to hold his life. Kakashi hadn't quite approved, but he hadn't disagreed, either.

Shikamaru had just rolled his eyes at the jounin and said that Naruto's shadow clones would be ideal for that sort of interference operation.

Sasuke appeared in a swirl of leaves in front of them.

"Sakura. Which hotel are we staying at?" he asked.

"Oh, um, the Purple Hibiscus. I got us three rooms, all in a row." Sakura said.

"Such a charming girl!" Shijimi interjected.

Sakura grit her teeth.

Shikamaru hmmed. "So... I guess me and Sasuke on one side, and Kakashi on the other, to guard the flanks, while Sakura takes the center with Shijimi."

Kakashi looked up. "The jounin doesn't have any complaints with the chuunin's plans." He said wryly.

Shikamaru just grunted. "Don't act miffed when we take initiative when you don't give orders. It's just least troublesome that way."

"It's quite alright with me." Lady Shijimi said kindly. "I'm sure we'll be able to keep ourselves occupied with all sorts of girl talk just fine."

Sakura pasted on a smile. "Yeah, it's just great."

Shikamaru sighed, and rubbed his face. This was more troublesome than he'd expected... none of the other three ever quite took the lead. To him, it was apparent that the real idea man of the outfit was Naruto; he was definitely the one that suggested all courses of action first, and then the others either accepted or reacted, fixing the too-obvious tactical flaws and going with a better option. But without Naruto, none of these three was willing to be the initiator.

Which meant he had to do it. Bothersome.

"Shikamaru?" Sakura said, drawing his attention. "We're here."

"Great." he muttered.


Ursura yawned hugely, nearly cracking her jaw as she threw back her arms, filling her lung capacity fully with fresh air.

They had just reached the main crossroads of the town hosting the festival. Dominated by the naturally tiered hot-springs on the mountainside, the main street of town run up the side of the hill, with side streets that branched off, and became increasingly residential the farther you got from the main drag.

"So," Ursura said, "did somebody remember to make reservations or something?"

"Um." Okute said, fidgeting with her fingers.

Tetsuko stared, slowly lowering her club to the ground. "You mean... Boss, you are too irresponsible sometimes!"

Ursura chuckled. "Relax, I'm just yanking your chain. Chigaku took care of it, like, weeks ago."

"...hmph." Tetsuko said, raising her club again.

Chigaku erupted out of the ground. "Somebody say my name?"

"No." Ursura replied, with a straight face.

"Oh..." Chigaku said, crestfallen. "Anyway, the place still has a few rooms, so we can go check in right now."

"That's cool, lead the the way."

"It's on the fifth intersection," Chigaku said, "I picked it because it had an auspicious name."

She led them to the door of the "Four Stones Together."

Ursura paused, frowning at the door. "Okay, seriously, could we pick a more transparent place to stay?"

"Umm..."Okute pointed across the street, at the "Ninja Hotel."

"Damn." Tetsuko said. "I guess we could..."

"Whatever." Ursura said, clapping her hands. "The point is, everybody inside."

"Welcome to Four Stones Together!" Chirped a helpful redheaded greeter. "Oh, Chigaku-sama!" She said delightedly, clapping her hands together. "This must be your geology club!"

"We, uh, are." Ursura said, giving her subordinate a dirty look. "I suppose you could say that I'm the club president."

"Well, if you could come right this way, I'll take you to your rooms." The waitress said with a smile.

Tetsuko frowned lightly. "Boss... is it really smart to split up into separate rooms?"

Ursura chuckled. "Well... don't put all your eggs in one basket. Besides! Despite the meetings, this is still low-key enough to be essentially a vacation." She clapped Tetsuko on the shoulder. "So, don't worry about it. Barring some whack-job missing-nin looking for trouble, this will go smooth as silk."

Tetsuko grumbled. "Well, paranoia is my job and responsibility."

Ursura rolled her eyes. "Just don't say that so pridefully."


The sun had set while they landed. Kawasemi had winged back, slowly circling to ground, and the sun had appeared to sink as their altitude had decreased, until they finally landed in darkness.

"Thanks, old friend," Kamome said, patting her summoned beast on the head.

"FOR YOU, NO PROBLEM." Kawasemi rumbled, before Leaving to his native dimension, leaving in a burst of smoke.

The four kunoichi silently set off for the town they could see lit up in the distance, running swiftly and silently, sure of their footing even in the dark—after all, they're jounin.

"Here's the deal." Kirema said. "We're a few hours behind schedule, but we don't have to meet until late tomorrow anyway. It doesn't matter what inn we stay at."

"I made reservations at the Purple Hibiscus, but they expired several hours ago." Kamome said. "They might still have openings, but it seems unlikely."

Raiko shrugged, carefully. With her huge wound metal bracers, she had to be careful—running with her arms back in the shinobi style, they could easily wrench her shoulders. "Well, there's bound to be a place somewhere with openings. But first..."

They came to a halt in the shadow behind the neon sign of the inn across the street from the Purple Hibiscus.

"Okay, I'm going in." Kamome said, before she vanished in a swirl of vapor, appearing in a similar swirl beside the entry to the inn. She straightened her hair and walked in.

"Can I help you?" A young woman asked, walking over to the foyer area where Kamome stood.

"Yes, please. I made reservations for the Kumo Sewing Society here last week, and I understand that because of the festival we might have gotten here to late to redeem it, but perhaps you still have openings?" Kamome said brightly, with a winning smile.

With a tired, plastic smile in return, the hostess bowed. "I'm truly, very sorry, ma'am, but we filled up hours ago. Normally, I would recommend one of our competitors, but I'm afraid they have all mostly filled as well."

Kamome waited for a moment. Finally, she asked, "Well, what places haven't filled?"

The hostess cringed slightly. "The, ah, Hogei Inn still has rooms... but I'm afraid I can't really recommend them, only offer that they have vacancy."

Kamome resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. "Oh my! Do they have insects, or other vermin?"

"Oh no!" The hostess said, vigorously shaking her head. "The Snow Country Hotel Authority would never allow such a thing. Hogei has some of the best accommodations and a prime location." The girl paused. "It's just.. the owner can be... trying."

Kamome bowed, and the inn girl bowed back. "Well, thank your for your time, and your honesty." Kamome said.

"I apologize for the inconvenience." The inn girl said.

"It's quite alright," Kamome said with a smile. She stepped outside, and vanished in a swirl of cloud-stuff, reappearing beside her companions.

"Report." Kirema said. Beside her, Reiko was lost in her own little world, reading one of her electrical physics books by the ambient streetlight.

"Yessir." Kamome saluted. "The Purple Hibiscus is full. All inns excepting one is full. The Hogei Inn has vacancy and a hostile reputation."

"Hmm." Kirema said, frowning slightly. "Well, it's not like we have a choice. We'll just have to go with this other place as Plan B."

For the first time that evening, Yugito spoke up. "I saw the Hogei Inn. It's at the third intersection up the side of the hill along the main street."

"...Right." Kirema said briskly. "Let's go."

The four disappeared as they set off, and they quickly reached their destination.

They landed on the street, and walked inside.

"YES? What is it? What are you four doing out so late, hmm?" Said an old crone, as she hobbled over with a stick. She paused, eyes narrowing at them. "Out with it!"

"There's no need to be so angry." Kirema said lightly. "The four of us are just looking for a place to stay for a few days."

"What makes you think I have an opening for four women traveling alone? Indecent!" the old lady said with a contemptuous sniff, stamping her staff for good measure.

"You have rooms or not?" Kirema said archly.

"Four rooms won't be cheap. Also, that one," she said, pointing at Yugito, "isn't welcome. She smells like trouble."

Yugito opened her mouth to protest, but Kirema glared back at her.

Turning back to the old woman, Kirema said. "Well... I guess you can tell she's jinchuuriki. Fine, we'll pay an additional security deposit on her behalf. That work?"

The old woman pursued her lips, scowling, before nodding abruptly. "Fine!" She shook her stick, and turned around. "I'll send someone with they keys."

Yugito turned to her boss. "Kirema-sama, why!?"

Kirema shrugged. "That concern was uncharacteristically reasonable, so we addressed it as such. It's not your place to have pride or shame."

Yugito scowled.

"Stop that." Kirema snapped. "We only took you with because your handlers said you could be trusted in public. You're not human, you're just a container for a weapon. You exist only to be pointed at enemies. Remember that!" She order.

Yugito lowered her eyes. "Hai, Kirema-sama."


But now it was time for bed, and Motoko seriously needed to find a room. But this was supposed to be the last place with any vacancies.

"Hogei Inn... man, what the hell kinda place... ahh, whatever." Motoko said, shaking her head.

Motoko pushed aside the door-flaps and stepped inside. "Hey, you guys got any vacancies?"

"Who the blazes is making so much racket in my hotel this late at night?!" A withered old lady demanded, as she hobbled over. "You!" She said, gesturing with her stick. "What do you want?"

Motoko crossed her arms. "Well, I was gonna ask for a room, but I don't know if I wanna stay in a place owned by a miserable old bat like you."

"Miserable old bat!?" The crone shrieked. "I'll show you miserable, you uncouth little harridan! Get out!"

Motoko just grunted. "Like I'd want to stay in a place like this! You hag!"

"Rude child!" The old woman sneered, jabbing in Motoko's direction with her cane, "I want you out! Out! Don't darken my door any longer, you little bitch!"

Motoko caught the cane in one hand as it swung at her. "What the hell, are you retarded!?" Motoko shouted. "Who insults-" she cut herself off before saying "ninja," since she was undercover.

"The hell is all this noise about?" A third voice interupted.

Motoko looked up, and didn't tense. She recognized the face. This person was Yozora Kirema, current commander of the Cloud Sword Squads, the special group that dealt with assassinations and competed with Konoha's ANBU. "Oh, nothing much." Motoko said sweetly. "I was just looking for a room."

Kirema just raised an eyebrow. She'd heard the two going at it. "Whatever." She turned to face the owner. "If your establishment is going to be this loud so late at night, I'm going to demand a discount." That said, she turned and walked back down the hall she'd emerged from.

The old crone sneered, but she turned and walked to the desk. Money was always tight. "Fine." She said. She turned to face Motoko. "Here's your room key. The rate is 80."

"80!?" Motoko shouted. "That's too much! I won't pay more than 40!"

"75." The woman said stiffly. "It's no better than a brat like you could get elsewhere."

"HEY!" roared Motoko.

"Quiet!" Came the muffled shout of Kirema from down the hall.

"60. No lower." The old woman stiffly said.

"Deal." Motoko agreed, taking the key.

The old woman sniffed pretentiously. Served the girl right; she was rooming next to the Cloud jinchuuriki. The old woman had been a ninja, once, many years ago, and could sense that sort of thing still.

Meanwhile, Motoko was fumbling with her lock, and fighting back a grin of anticipation.

'I already found one of my targets,' Motoko thought,'and tomorrow—my mission begins for real!'