New World, New Status

Feng Ye awakens from his slumber. In an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar time and in an unfamiliar space… It has been 8 hours since he had first arrived.

Feng Ye takes a seat on the office chair and inquiries the system, "System, will I be able to freely deposit items into this space, what are its limitations?"

System: Host can utilize the System Space to store non-living materials and items. The inventory space is one cubic metre and can be upgraded with ability points.

Feng Ye immediately visualizes in his mind his backpack and it appears before him.

"Alright, it is important to first check what gear is available and how to best make use of these resources right before heading out."

After briefly inspecting its contents, he puts the backpack back into the system's storage space. With a goal of first investigating the details of this unknown time and unknown space, Feng Ye decides to cautiously move out of the room.

"It is important to first get a stable location to stay and income to support it. I'll go quickly take a look around at the environment. As this is unknown territory, it is necessary to be extra cautious. All those other reincarnation and transmigration novels have their main characters thrown into strange words of all sorts."

Feng Ye visualizes a common everyday asian that can get lost in the crowd as he silently activates his new ability, Hidden Wanderer.

Looking at his reflection from his cell phone screen, he notices that his look has changed significantly to a more simple, everyday passerby asian look. A face with brown eyes, black hair, and an expressionless face around the age of eighteen is staring back at him.

"Perfect. Low key is the way to go. I'll try to hide my identity and actual image until it is safe to reveal it."

Opening the door, Feng Ye notices that the room he was in is on the second floor of an apartment building that is two stories tall. Stepping out, he realizes that there is no one around and walks to the lower floor. From the looks of the surrounding furniture, it seems that the building is currently not in use and is in the process of renovations. Glad to see no one around who may identify him as a robber, Feng Ye quickly steps out of the front entrance to be bathed in the morning sunlight.

"The best places to gather information would usually be a tavern in most novels. As it seems that I am in a modern, futuristic world, it would probably be best to just go to some cafe and use their free internet to take a look."

With a goal in mind, Feng Ye walks along the sidewalk leading to the gates of the futuristic-looking city. The city before him is enclosed by a protective futuristic white wall with specified gates which regulate the entering and exiting of individuals. The wall seems to be around 9 metres in height with numerous tinted windows at the top which overlook all the activity hustling about below. At each gate, there seems to be around 10 individuals in security uniforms with two androids that help with verification and patrol. The skyscrapers within the enclosed area stand erect with their tinted windows and can be distinctly visualized in multiple heights and clusters.

The city's technological breakthroughs are displayed to all through towers with unique curvatures. At each peak, a spire pierces through the clouds.

"I don't have a real identity or status as of right now, so this may be thorny."

There seems to be around five lines of individuals lined up to enter the city at a single entrance gateway, while a few hundred metres of its right is an exit gateway where numerous individuals are travelling out. No vehicles are seen exiting the city. Only a pickup and dropoff designated area outside has such activity. The transportation vehicles seem pretty standard at first glance. However, upon closer observation, one will notice that each one has a more compact design and are missing an exhaust pipe.

"Hmm, no gasoline for the vehicles?" Feng Ye walked to the nearest line and started waiting.

In front of him, there are ten people. Three of which seem to be in a group discussing anxiously over some typical topics concerning mathematics. Each of them seem to be high schoolers around sixteen to seventeen years of age. The group consists of three males who seem to be average at a glance. They are huddled in a triangle going over notes. One of the members wears a pair of rectangular glasses with short, black hair. He looks relatively athletic and seems to be calm in contrast to the other two members of the group. The other two members seem to have different hair colors. One with a little bit of blue dye in the outer edges of his black hair, the other with silver hair. The male with blue dye in his hair also seems to be quite athletic. He looks as though he can run quite quickly. The male with silver hair seems to be more elegant, but not as athletic as the rest of his group.

Without examining further, Feng Ye took a quick look at the individuals in the other lines who all seem to be of Japanese descent.

Meanwhile, in front of Feng Ye, the male with blue dye in his hair in that three member group is constantly looking over notes.

The black hair male with glasses comments towards the blue dye haired individual, "Haruta-kun, don't worry about it. The entrance exam should be fine. Besides, even if you don't get accepted to this prestigious senior high school, you can always apply to a lower tier."

The blue haired individual, named Haruta replies with an eye roll, "Yotsuba-kun, you need to remember that not everyone is as smart as you are…"

The silver haired fellow also interjects, "Yotsuba-kun, don't discourage Haruta like that, haha~."

Just as Feng Ye has finished sizing up the other lines, he happened to overhear the three's conversation.

"Perhaps, these three could help me gain some useful information." Feng Ye thinks to himself after looking at their harmless appearance.

"Hey, what may you three be up to? I just happened to pass by, is there a specific event going on soon?"

As Feng Ye didn't have an opportunity to change clothes after he crossed over, he is still in his regular clothes which he wore to his university exams. Thus, he looks similar to a student.

The three have a slight pause and turn to size up Feng Ye. After noticing his clothing, they also believe that Feng Ye is a student and, therefore, are quick to interact with this potential fellow classmate.

The individual by the name, Yotsuba, adjusts his glasses with his right index finger and replies, "Hello there, would you also happen to be applying for the Aven Institute of Technology? We three are planning to write the entrance exam to be admitted. Those that get admitted obtain pretty good living conditions and it is almost being able to reach the heavens in a single bound."

Feng Ye, after hearing the response, seems to have formulated a new goal in regards to obtaining a status and information..

Feng Ye replies while facing the three, "I was not initially planning on doing so, however, I am newly arrived, friendless, and unlearned. Could you tell me more about this Aven Institute of Technology?"

A grin spread across the individual named Haruta as he interjects, "Ah, so you are also not from around the city of Aven! Aven is known as the city of prospects and of earthshaking technological breakthroughs. It is primarily the merit of Aven Institute of Technology which has accelerated mankind's technological progress the past decade. The city of Aven, home to Aven Institute of Technology, is a world leader in infrastructure and the world's most technologically advanced city. It is the dream of many including mine to be accepted. By the way, my name is Haruta. Nice to meet you."

Feng Ye smiles to this enthusiastic fellow, "Hello Haruta-kun, I am Feng."

After replying to Haruta, Feng Ye turns to inquire towards Haruta's other two group members.

"Wow, to be able to study at such a prestigious school would be an honor. Would you happen to know the registration procedures for the entrance exam and which topics it covers?"

"Ah, so do you plan to also participate in writing it? The three of us are just about to go register. They only require the registration fee and we should be able to write the entrance exam. As for topics, you can take a look at Haruta-kun's booklet he's holding." The black haired individual with glasses answered.

"By the way, nice to meet you Feng-kun. I am Yotsuba. The silver hair silent one is Akihiko."

As Feng Ye had his first interaction with the indigenous inhabitants of this world, the seven people in front have all passed through the city gates and checkpoint.

"Hey Feng-kun, would you like to travel with us together? Perhaps, we can give each other some useful insights on potential examination problems. Additionally, we all need to register anyways. Might as well go together." Haruta inquiries.

"Sure, let's go together." Feng answers.

Two men in uniforms approach Feng Ye and the group. One of the two inquires the group's purpose for entering the city.

Yotsuba replies, "We are all planning to register for the Aven Institute of Technology entrance exam."

The other individual replies, "Alright, follow me. I will bring you three to register. Be sure to prepare the registration fee."

The man leads the group through the entrance gateway and off one of large skyscrapers overlooking the metropolis. After entering the building, they are greeted with a row of uniformed staff behind counters ready to register examinees.

"Here you are. Good luck." The uniformed man lightly states as he walks out.

The group splits up to register. Feng Ye approaches the counter with a uniformed lady behind the counter.

"Hello, would you be here to register for the Aven Institute of Technology entrance exam?"

Feng Ye nods and answers, "Yes."

"Alright, please fill out this registration form and pay the registration fee of $50 USD or its equivalent in Japanese yen."

Feng Ye was early prepared. As he was planning to have a celebratory feast after his finals, Feng Ye carried a around $200 USD. He was also relieved that in this world, the USD currency is the same. He thanks the service lady, takes the form and pen after handing over a $50 USD bill.

The registration form requires his name, age, birthday, address and citizenship. Unfortunately, Feng Ye as a new person of this world does not have an address or a citizenship.

"..." Feng Ye is speechless.

The service lady notices that Feng Ye didn't fill out his address and citizenship. She says, "Not all applicants may have a concrete address or citizenship. If you do exceedingly well, then such details do no matter. Just simply leave it blank. After registration for the entrance exam, all examinees will be given a temporary residential status with select services free of charge."

Feng Ye relaxes and hands in the form.

The service lady replies, "No problems. You should be all set. The entrance exam will be held in two days at 8:30AM at the location stated in this booklet along with the subjects that will be tested. Good luck." A booklet was accepted by Feng Ye.

Feng Ye thanks the staff member and leaves the building. Outside, he is greeted by Haruta, Akihiko, and Yotsuba who have also completed their registration.

"Wow, you took quite some time. Let's head to the residence. Apparently, there is select services free of charge like lodging and food!" Haruta exclaims.

The group travels together while exchanging insight on what the exam contents may consist of and separates in the designated lodging rooms. Each examinee is provided with their own room consisting of a bed, desk, chair, plasma television, and washroom similar to a three star hotel.

Feng Ye stays in his room and carefully reviews the booklet given to him. He has successfully gained a temporary status and made his first series of steps in this new world. He is also able to charge his cellphone as luckily the outlets are still the same as the ones in his world. Complementary wifi is provided to all examinees. So, Feng Ye prepares to spend the rest of the day exploring the information of this world through the Internet.