Akimichi Yen

Transportation to the residency was quite eventless. It seems that extra measures were taken in regards to security. The group was transported via a private subway directly to the 20 floor high tower called Aven Tower. Aven tower is where the majority of post secondary students reside. Two out of the twenty floors are designated specifically for the top 10 rankings of each school year for students in secondary education. The floors traditionally given to secondary students are floors 15 and 16. Floor 15 for the top 10 ranked students in first year and floor 16 for those in the second year.

The tower has four elevators which are all at the very centre of the building. The group utilizes two elevators to reach floor 15. Each floor has eleven suites. Ten are occupied by students, while the eleventh one is for storage space.

Feng Ye takes a look at his assigned room, 15A. It seems that even the room assignments are based completely on ranking. The rest of the rooms on this floor would be 15B to 15K.

The group diverges to their assigned rooms and scan their hands with a vein scanner that is in front of each doorway. Instead of a standard key, a scanner is utilized which verifies the individual and auto unlocks the door. Feng Ye scans both of his hands and, with a click, the door unlocks. The door slides to the right.

Checking his phone, the time is 7:00PM. As Feng Ye walks in, he notices no one is currently in. The suite consists of two bedrooms, a washroom, a small kitchen area and a general living room area. He sees that one of the bedrooms has belongings and moves to the next. As he walks to the entrance of the second bedroom, the door automatically slides open. In front of him, is a king sized bed, a writing desk with a desk chair, a closet, and a tv screen seemingly built into the wall.

"Hm, not bad. I guess this is where I'll be spending the majority of time the next two years." Feng Ye thinks to himself.

As he doesn't really have any belongings, he needs to go shopping the next day. As he lies down on the bed, he takes out the tablet and notices an alert.

Alert: This is a reminder that the entrance ceremony will be held in three days. Classes officially begin the day following the entrance ceremony. The entrance ceremony will be at the student's enrolled campus.

This alert seems to have been sent to all enrolled first year students.

"It seems like I don't need to give a speech. Lucky." Feng Ye sighs. As the words fall, suddenly a voice can be heard at the doorway.

"Feng-kun, quite fierce. Unexpectedly, you are rank 1 and by such a large margin." A male with silver hair is leaning against the doorway. He is around 5'9 feet and of Japanese descent.

Feng Ye smiles, "You must be Akimichi-san. Though, I would prefer if you wouldn't teleport into my room like this."

The reason Feng Ye knew this name is because his tablet also provides details about his roommate.

Akimichi Yen is currently a second year post secondary education student and a rank B esper. He had awakened his talent in his last year of secondary education from the Kami Institute campus which had provided him the ability to instantaneously shift in space. This ability is also known as Teleport. In his first year of post-secondary education, Akimichi was able to master his teleportation ability and perfect his close combat techniques under the guidance of researchers. Near the end of his first year, Akimichi successfully was accepted into the student enforcer team. He goes by the codename, Shift.

"Haha, my bad. Nice to meet you, Feng-kun. As expected, you weren't startled about this ability. Worthy is the ranked 1 examinee. You can just call me Akimichi. Hopefully, these next two years will be a memorable experience."

"Yes, pleased to make your acquaintance. A quick question, I don't need to make some random welcome speech, do I?" Feng Ye replies.

Akimichi waves his hand in a carefree manner. "Nah, they are quite a waste of time. Just show up. Most likely they'll just broadcast your face, name, and rank onto their screen."

"I see. Do you happen to know where other students are residing that aren't in the top 10?" Feng Ye inquiries.

"They would be in the dormitories closer to the campus of their choice. Only the top 10 are staying here. Although, it's quite nice, it does take a little bit more time to commute to the campuses. Also, don't be late. It can be quite troublesome."

Akimichi continues. "I just got back, but luckily this teleport ability allows me to teleport directly from the first floor into this suite. Haha. Quite convenient. Anyways, as it's your first day here… let's have a celebratory dinner."

Feng Ye hasn't eaten since the morning and readily agrees. "Sure."

"This ability can also allow one additional person to shift with me. Hold on to my hand."

Feng Ye holds onto Akimichi's hand. Instantaneously, he feels a turbulence in space and in the next moment, his surroundings have completely changed.

"Haha, quite fierce?" Akimichi comments proudly as he lets go of Feng Ye's hand.

"En. Truly convenient." Feng Ye praises.

"Ahhh! To be admired by my underclassman. Yes, that is what it means to be an senior."

"This guy…(lol)." Feng Ye mutters.

"I'll bring you to this sushi place. It's quite nice. It is the best restaurant around for sushi but is quite crowded."

The two walk for around 5 minutes and a large sushi restaurant around four floors high appear in the distance. It is decorated with quite amount of flashing lights and seems to be very busy.

The two arrive at the entrance. A waitress inquires the two, "Hello. For two people?"

"Yes, for two." Akimichi replies. As his words fall, nearby, a shout startles Feng Ye, Akimichi, and the waitress.

"Yo Feng Ye! Come join us. What a coincidence, haha!" Without even looking at the speaker, Feng Ye knew it was Chu Feng.

Akimichi changes a statement and inquires towards the waitress while referring to table near Chu Feng's table, "Would there be space near that table over there?"

"Absolutely. Follow me." The waitress answers and leads Feng Ye and Akimichi towards a table for two. As Feng Ye and Akimichi get settled the waitress inquiries, "What would it be for today?"

"Just two meal types." Akimichi answers.

"Alright. Anything to drink?" The waitress further inquiries.

"Just water." Akimichi answers again.

Feng Ye also answers, "I'll have water as well."

As the waitress takes the order, she leaves to the kitchen. At this time, Feng Ye turns his head to Chu Feng, "Yes. Quite a coincidence. When did you get here?"

"You are quite slow. We were here for around 10 minutes already. How's your roommate? This is Kira-san. Quite glad to be this his roommate." Chu Feng grins.

The one referred to as Kira nods to Feng Ye. "Nice to meet you. I am Kira Yuu."

Feng Ye also greets in return, "Nice to meet you Kira-san, I am Feng Ye."

Akimichi smiles and comments, "Kira-kun, to think you will be assigned to Chu Feng. Interesting. Perhaps, this year Kami Institute will seriously be lively." From their expressions, both Chu Feng and Feng Ye glance at each other. It seems they are already acquainted.

"Yes. I am quite surprised to see you here as well, Akimichi-kun." Kira chuckles while giving Akimichi a fist bump.

"It seems like we will have a lot more encounters together in the future." Akimichi comments. "Ara~~ ! Fate, this must be fa-."

"Ah, stop that nonsense. From first year, you have been sprouting the same nonsense over and over again. Don't make us lose face here. " Kira interrupts.

The group laughs. The group begins to eat while exchanging. After discussing some general topics regarding potential events and news around the area, the group finishes up.

"I'll treat today, don't worry about it." Akimichi says. "This type of restaurant isn't covered by the meal plan."

"Alright, I'll treat next time." Kira comments.

Chu Feng turns towards Feng Ye, "I'll see you around at the entrance ceremony. Don't lose face!"

"I'll see you then." Feng Ye nods. As Akimichi finishes paying the bill, Feng Ye holds onto his hand and they disappear.

Kira turns towards Chu Feng, "I've always envied the convenience of that ability."

Chu Feng grins, "Don't worry about it, you are quite fierce as well."

Kira and Chu Feng start their journey back to Aven Tower.

Meanwhile, Feng Ye and Akimichi appear in their suite. With a self-satisfied expression, Akimichi says, "It's getting late. We should retire for the night soon."

Feng Ye checks the time on a nearby digital clock which displays 12:02AM. "Yes, it's getting quite late. I'll be showering first."

"Go for it."Akimichi replies as he reclines on the sofa where the living room is. After Feng Ye finishes washing up and completes his regular hygiene-related tasks, Feng Ye heads into his room and gets ready to retire for the night.

"See you in the morning." Akimichi comments as he heads into the washroom after Feng Ye finishes up.

Feng Ye nods. "Mhm."

As Feng Ye lies on his bed, he recounts his experiences today and the information obtained. Quite a long day was experienced. An entrance examination took up the majority of the day which was followed by a conference meeting and finally ending with the meeting of his roommate. Feng Ye was exhausted and soon, falls asleep.

The following three days past quickly. In the three day's worth of time, Feng Ye goes out to purchase everyday required items like clothes, school related items, and necessities. Feng Ye also quickly adjusts to this new environment and living conditions. The morning before the entrance ceremony, Feng Ye recalls the system status.

System Status

Total Energy - 40% Energy Remaining

Recovery Rate - 5% per day

System Log - View System Logs

"Two more days left." Feng Ye thinks to himself. As Akimichi has early morning classes, he has already left.

Feng Ye heads towards the designated subway heading to Kami Institute. As he boards, he is greeted by Chu Feng and Wu Ya.

As Feng Ye finishes boarding, the subway takes off.

Ten minutes later, the subway slows down and comes to a stop. Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and Chu Feng exit and walk towards Kami Institute.

In front of the three, a series of three floored buildings all interconnected can be seen in its full glory. The campus is surrounded by a 5 metre wall with only a single entrance. The entrance has a gate which seems to be automated and closes at the appointed time. Two females stand watch at the sides of the open gate. Presumably, these are instructors in charge of monitoring the entry and exit of students.

With no trouble, the three were able to enter the campus. Under the guidance of the signs located all over the campus, the auditorium where the entrance ceremony is held was easily found.

The auditorium is quite full. There seems to be around 100 students in the room with Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and Chu Feng included. The three take a seat randomly near the middle where three empty seats are found. As some students recognize the identities of the three, suddenly, the previously noisy auditorium becomes quiet. Students stop their conversations and cast their vision at Feng Ye, Wu Ya and Chu Feng. Silent discussions start to emerge one after the other.

"Wow, that's rank 1 Feng Ye, rank 3 Chu Feng, and rank 5 Wu Ya. This year, we have these three. Too bad rank 2 Tsubaki Aki and rank 3 Tsunade Ren doesn't seem to be present." A male student whispers to his nearby friend.

"Such imposing manners. Worthy is Feng Ye, Wu Ya and Chu Feng."

"Hsss. I wonder what startled changes these three may bring."

Whispers and comments are exchanged throughout the room. Feng Ye notices across the room an individual waving to him. After taking a closer look, he realizes its Haruta and the others.

With a wave, nod and smile, Feng Ye returns the greeting. This action is noticed by Wu Ya and Chu Feng.

"An acquaintance?" Chu Feng smiles.

"Yep, quite a lively bunch." Feng Ye replies.

The lights then darken except where the centre stage is. On the centre stage is a podium. A female who seems to be in her mid twenties walks up to the podium while attracting all the students' attention.

"Welcome to Kami Institute. I am Hirako Tsun, the current principal of Kami Institute. It is the time of the year again where we give our best regards to all the newly admitted students. We wish all the best of luck in your learning and hope that you find your motivations and future career paths."

Feng Ye thinks to himself that this lady named Hirako Tsun isn't simple. One who is in her mid twenties and already a principal of one of the most prestigious campus from Aven Institute of Technology. She definitely isn't a simple character.

Following the welcome, a long speech about school policies are read. As the speech concludes, Hirako Tsun leaves the stage. As she steps off the stage, a projection appears on the stage with a list of the current top ten rankings with headshots.

Feng Ye shakes his head as he sees his own picture.

An electronic voice introduces each of the top ranking members and their affiliated campus of choice. It also introduces a campus ranking system with a projected diagram accompanying the explanation.

Essentially, the campus ranking system includes rankings between campuses. Toukai Academy, Fito High School, Kami Institute, Serin Institute, and Houtei Academy are shown with total points of zero. Each year the points reset. The campus with the most points at the end of the year gains additional funding and resources, while the campus which ranks last gains nothing.

Points are obtained by rankings in events and competitions between campuses. These events and competitions vary and they cover a large variety of activities from athletic to academic topics. Challenges can also be issued between campuses while wagering points. Merits also result in points, while demerits result in deductions. The Aven Institute of Technology also sponsors city wide events which are focused on maximizing the potential for the awakening of students. These large scale events have a massive impact on the points a campus can gain.

With the end of the explanation, the projection disappears dismissing the students with a reminder that class officially begins the following day.