True Appearance

The arrival of the student council president had startled Feng Ye. He immediately places all his attention and observers her. Akeno has short purple hair with a mysterious aura around her. Her pupils are a brown color and she seems to be also of Japanese descent. Something does seem off as her presence doesn't seem to be as imposing as he had expected.

Naturally, in Feng Ye's opinion, a person who wields such power should be quite powerful.

Akeno, after hearing Feng Ye's greeting, nods. The next moment everything changed.

A very strong force seemed to start accumulating towards Akeno. From Feng Ye's Spiritual Awareness ability, he could notice that mysterious granules of natural energy seem to be building up and collecting in the spot where she sits. Her presence immediately became imposing as though her strength and power was boundless.

Her pupils, then changes to a silver colour. Feng Ye felt as though his entire being was being analyzed on a microscope. He felt as though all his secrets were out in the open to be looked upon.

Monstrous Ability is the only term that Feng Ye could currently think of to describe her. This exchange only lasted several seconds and Akeno's pupil colour changed back to her original brown. Her imposing manner also was restrained immediately as soon as her pupils had reverted back.

Akeno smiles. "Sorry, I had to confirm myself. You are quite interesting, Feng-kun."

Nearby, Kotori Miku didn't seem fazed as though she had already knew that the student council president had such ability. This made Feng Ye had some slight suspicions in regards to the purpose of this meeting.

"You are very formidable. Rank S Esper?" Feng Ye exploratorily asks while not expecting to gain much information.

"Have you heard of magic? This pupil ability isn't apart of the esper ability category. Although, I will tell you that I am indeed an esper, what you have witnessed is in fact not an esper ability." Akeno smiles and replies.

"Why are you willing telling me this?" Feng Ye asks while obviously being suspicious.

"I believe that we may have a lot more occurring together, thus, deemed it appropriate for you to understand. By the way, may I ask why you have chose to conceal your true appearance with your abilities?" Akeno inquiries.

Kotori who is nearby is startled when she hears Akeno's words. She then takes a closer look at Feng Ye.

"..." Feng Ye is actually pretty nervous inside now.

"%#^! Even though Wandering Asura is level 2, it can be looked up easily by this big boss character… " He reasons in his mind.

To be honest, Feng Ye wouldn't have ever thought of the possibility of suddenly meeting this high level character here. He takes a glance at Kotori Miku nearby.

His mind goes into analytical hyperdrive mode. "Kotori probably has some close relations with the student council president. As Kotori is my roommate and judging from my interactions with her the past few days, she doesn't seem to have ill intentions. By her relations, the student council president shouldn't have ill intentions towards me for now. With her prowess, she could easily suffocate me to death using her stare and formidable imposing manner. She also is probably rank S with a currently unknown esper ability and killing an ant like myself is only a convenient matter.

I won't put my trust easily into these two, but it seems at this point, I have been seen through so I need to coordinate."

Feng Ye confidently looks at Akeno in the eyes. "You are right, I have been using my ability to hide my true appearance. The truth is, I am rather unconfident and insecure about my appearance. What if all the surroundings get scared away?"

Feng Ye exhibits a pitiful self ridiculing expression.

Akeno nods and laughs. "Okay. Although I disagree with your views, but each to themselves."

This reply also startles him.

"It seems that you were able to already able to take a look at my true appearance.." Feng Ye sighs.

"Yes, although I do not know your true reasons in masking your appearance, I would like to caution you that eventually, you will need to expose your true features. Espers have a variety of methods and variety of different abilities which would cause you unnecessary trouble." Akeno suggests.

Kotori nearby interrupts. "Feng-kun, are you really hiding your true appearance? If it's an issue of status, Akeno-san can probably help you file a new one."

Feng Ye sighs. It seems that today, he will probably need to expose his true features in this world. He knows that getting a status and file for his original appearance is necessary and this is the opportunity to do so. However, naturally, in the world there is no free lunch. Feng Ye immediately realizes that his status can be used as a bargaining chip for a favour or request.

"Let's not speak some idle code words, Akeno-san. What would you want in return for helping me create a new file and status?" Feng Ye ignores Kotori and inquiries towards Akeno.

"Well, you are really a straight forward gentleman. I do not mind helping you with this task, however, we do have a favor to ask of you. I'm sure Kotori can fill in the details." Akeno indicates toward the nearby Kotori.

Kotori clears her throat. "Well, Feng Ye, from the secondary assessment we noticed that you had an esper ability in the mental domain. We were wondering if you would be willing to attempt to help recover my sister?"

"Recover your sister?" Feng Ye is surprised.

"Yes.. my sister.. Well, she is a very formidable esper. Unfortunately, due to her ability, she was the target of the winning over of many influences including the board of directors. She had joined the Esper Enhancement Program, however, unfortunately, after realizing the true intentions and ambitions she couldn't back out.

She was forcibly detained to continue as an experimental subject in order to research the limitations of esper development. These tests include external shock, pressure, and the elements in order to exponentially increase her power and ability which was gravity manipulation.

Her mind eventually became unstable causing an incident and destroying the entire research facility. The student council was then able to rush to the scene and bring her back to try to find a solution. However, as she was mentally unstable, all our efforts have mostly failed. "

"So, you are saying that you need an esper who grasps the mental domain in order to attempt recovery?" Feng Ye confirms.

"Yes, you are quite special as mental abilities types are actually quite rare. Would you be willing to help us with this?" Kotori inquires.

Feng Ye becomes silent and thinks about the advantages.

Akeno, at this point, interjects. "We only would like you to attempt. Success or failure will not affect my commitment."

Based on the advantages and disadvantages, Feng Ye decides to accept. "Okay, when do we attempt?"

"We can try in a few hours. I will meet you there and Kotori will bring you." Akeno answers.

"Alright." Feng Ye nods.

Kotori Miku at this time takes a look at Feng Ye. "Hey, now that we are essentially in the same boat, why don't you show me your true appearance? I am your roommate after all!"

Feng Ye sighs. It seems that this can't be helped. He relieves the Hidden Wanderer ability. Immediately, the common looking "lost in the crowd" face distorts.

Feng Ye's true appearance becomes revealed. His appearance was actually not bad. He had dark black pupils, black hair, and an athletic build which is more inclined to a swimmers build. Naturally, Feng Ye, was of Chinese descent. His face was quite different from a face which would be lost in the crowd. It was one who had what one would call the vigour of youth and a mysterious intellectual aura. This was his appearance. The very same appearance that he had in his old world. The only difference was that, due to the system's strengthening, his vision became perfect and he didn't require glasses.

This was the first time he had revealed his true features in this world. Unknowingly, he felt something vibrate nearby. It was a subtle movement, but he felt as though he was the cause of it. He didn't give it much though as there were two stronger existences in front of him.

Kotori is shocked at this change. It was too dramatic of a change.

Akeno smiles and chuckles. "You aren't ugly. I will see you and Kotori-san later tonight." As her words fall, she makes her way out of the conference room.

At this time Feng Ye, immediately activates Hidden Wanderer and changes from his original appearance.

Kotori snorts. "Really, such a cautious insecure one. Who knew that my roommate was actually that handsome."

"I am quite hungry. I'll meet you at your rental room when the time nears." Feng Ye walks out and heads first to his rental room.

When he arrives, he locks the door and sits on the bed. Immediately, he recalls the attribute panel.


Host Attributes

SP Remaining: 0 Utilize Stat Points(SP) to increase host attributes.

AP Remaining: 4 Utilize Ability Points(AP) to Strengthen abilities

STR 20

SPD 15

INT 20

VIT 24


Hidden Wanderer (LVL 2)- The ability to disguise as another individual perfectly.

Limitations: Only applies to the everyday individuals with no peculiar abilities.

Upgrading this skill permits host to disguise as individuals who are stronger than the everyday individual. Next upgrade requires 8 AP.

Halo of Recovery (LVL 2)- The ability to slowly recover from physical and mental wounds. It also shortens the recovery time when host is under abnormal status conditions. (ie. dizziness, unconsciousness, poison). Upgrading this skill increases the rate of recovery. Next upgrade requires 15 AP

Spiritual Awareness (Esper): Increased mental fortitude. Allows exchange of consciousness and mental communication with others. Allows Shira Takeover condition in which the system controls the host's body. Under this condition, all attributes (+200%) and all abilities (+2 levels).

Development: Unknown

Vibration (Esper): Vibrate/Sonicate objects nearby.

Development: Unknown

Host Inventory

*Note: After Host Attributes Total 200 Adjustments (Sum of STR/INT/SPD/VIT), Adjustments made in SP and AP conversion rates.


He notices the new entry which describes his ability. "Vibration? WTF"

Shira's opinion then can be heard in his mind. "Yea, Feng Ye.. it seems that you have finally discovered your new ability. Perhaps, by accident? Anyways, it is an esper ability, so I'm not sure in regards to its development or potential. You'll have to find out yourself."

He immediately glances at the nearby pillow and concentrates. He visualizes it to vibrate. The pillow then can be visually seen exhibiting a vibrating behaviour. Next, he tries it on his hands. Sure enough, the same effect can be seen and felt. He will need to test it later when he goes to eat to determine the range that he can utilize this ability.

At this point, he is unsure what this would be useful for.

"Vibration? A very odd ability."

The description also hints of sonication. From his chemistry courses that he took in his first year, he remembers that sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate particles in a sample. This is usually done to clean samples or enhance extraction.

"Don't tell me that I have suddenly become an esper who can be known as the human vibrator? Human sonicator? At least that sounds less lewd….Wait, a minute….atoms also vibrate and aren't motionless… Perhaps, this ability can be developed to shatter the intermolecular forces via vibration? "

Just thinking of the possibilities of such an ability makes Feng Ye very satisfied.

"I am a human sonicator for now, however,..perhaps one day.. Atom manipulation!" Feng Ye laughs.

"You still have a long way to go and it might not be possible. Keep trying hard." Shira disparages on the side.

Feng Ye, after determining his new ability, heads to the first floor to get a meal.