
The trio finish up eating and begin to visit Kotori Kotomi. She had been relocated to another location as she had been determined to be stable. The three head into the elevator and travel to the upper levels closer to the surface. Led by Akeno, Feng Ye and Kotori Miku arrive at a floor which seems to be a resting area for employees. They enter a suite as indicated by Akeno.

The doors slide open, and Kotori Kotomi can be seen taking a seat on the sofa staring at the ceiling as though she had been in a state of reflection.

(A/N: Kotori Miku will be referred as Miku. Kotori Kotomi will be referred as Kotomi.)

"Hey Kotomi, how was your checkup?" Miku enthusiastically asks.

"It was fine. My physical state is weakened, but they have deemed me suitable to have freedom to stroll around. I would need to undergo some occasional check ups though for this month in order to ensure that my recovery is on track." Kotomi replies.

Feng Ye thinks to himself. "Wow, her vitality must be insane for an esper…. Or it would be that she was properly taken care of during her stay… but it must be former..judging from her intense mental strength and ability."

Akeno indicates to a nearby coffee table in close proximity to the sofa. "Let's discuss."

Akeno continues, "So, Kotori Kotomi, would you be willing to join the Student Enforcer Team? I'm pretty sure you now understand the darker side of the city now.."

Without hesitation Kotomi replies, "I am willing. I also thank you for taking care of Miku in my absence. Any procedures I need to go through?"

Akeno smiles, "Not at all, I have the jurisdiction to appoint individuals as well directly as the student council president. Though, your status and identity will need to be hidden to not alarm the enemy."

Feng Ye sits there in a daze. "So, should I be not a part of this conversation?"

"This discussion also concerns you. So there's no problem. Naturally, what is said in this room stays in this room, am I right?" Akeno replies while her eyes change. Her pupils, then changes to a silver colour. Feng Ye felt as though his entire being was being analyzed on a microscope. He felt as though all his secrets were out in the open to be looked upon. Akeno's aura becomes intense and the atmosphere seems to be constrained.

"Yes." Feng Ye nods. As his words fall, the boundless pressure is received and everything is back as it had been as though what had occurred a moment ago did not occur. Akeno's pupils revert back to her normal color. "Good."

Kotori Miku breaks the silence, "So Akeno, how is the situation between the student council and board of directors?"

Akeno sighs. "There's a lot of tension." She turns to Feng Ye, "You probably didn't know, but Akimichi's incident is related with the board of directors. They probably turned a blind eye to it and allowed it to occur, thus, are responsible for it as well. Just a heads up to be cautious."

Feng Ye stiffens after hearing this. Naturally, as an outcomer to this world, he needs to be critical of all information. Thus, he nods and doesn't show a change of expression.

Akeno, Miku, and Kotomi see this and think to themselves that Feng Ye truly isn't simple. Normally, after hearing such news, at Feng Ye's age most would be hot-blooded and immediately want to revenge. However, Feng Ye hasn't shown any change in expression, thus, demonstrating his difference from the majority.

"Could you tell me the reasoning?" He inquiries.

"The market for the drug, Synapt, is actually known as one of the board of directors' streams of income to help fund their research. It is obviously not known to the public, however, from our investigations we have some evidence. However, strictly speaking, we do not have the resources and influence yet to reveal such information as it will just be suppressed and censored out. Once you grow stronger, we can tell you more information, however, for now, more information will just put you in harm's way." Akeno replies.

"Alright." Feng Yen nods.

Miku looks at her elder sister, "Kotomi, would you be willing to help us in the training now that you seem to be on your way to full health? Your gravity manipulation would allow some serious progress."

Kotori Kotomi nods, "Alright. We can do so tomorrow. I'll be staying here for the rest of tonight, then I'll move to the complex and rent a room for the duration of your training. Afterwards, I'll be getting a suite within the student council's headquarters." She turns towards Akeno, "I was just wondering if you know which domains the board of directors' influence is the weakest?"

Akeno's expression becomes serious. "In the past few months, they have been monitoring our activities more blatantly. There have been numerous cases in which espers try to submerge into our organization in order to be able to report to them. From what we have gathered, their central influence is based within the city. The secondary education institutes are of less interest to them as they expect results rather than potential from those who haven't awakened. They have been eyeing covetously at us and the Aven Institute of Technology for awhile in regards to toppling over the power balance."

Akeno turns to Feng Ye. "So, in other words, Feng Ye as long as you don't blatantly expose yourself, you should be fine. Secondary education is merely an afterthought for the board of directors, thus, it is actually the safest due to their uninterest. If you want to help or mix in this turbid water, you need to be formidable enough. We can naturally help you grow as well. However, in return, once you have enough influence and ability, we would prefer that you side with us."

Feng Ye sits in silence. Clearly, Akeno was trying to win him over. As she had stated, what lies ahead between this struggle of power lies potentially a bloody road. Her offer actually is more advantageous to him at this time. He, honestly, doesn't have much to offer be it ability or influence.

Akeno sits back and allows Feng Ye some time to think while turning back to Kotomi. "The main struggle is at the Aven Institute of Technology. It is a pot of gruel. A mix of espers from different influences are all staring closely at each other. The city and academy isn't as safe as it was due to the greed and desire of expansion from the board of directors' influence. Although, from an external point of view, the city seems to be strict in regards to the entry of exterior influences, unfortunately, with enough benefits, such rules can be overlooked."

Miku and Kotomi nod.

Feng Ye consults in his mind Shira while Akeno converses with the sisters. "Just a quick question, do you think there are other ways to gather enough natural energy besides taking up energy from those defeated or from energy rich locations?"

Shira nods, "Before it wasn't possible, but with the discovery of your new abilities it should be. You probably are worried about accidentally cutting short your friend's potential in practice?"

"Yes, that did kind of worry me… so I assume it would be a combination of spiritual awareness and vibration??"

Shira nods again, " You are correct. You could use spiritual awareness to be able to determine the amount and density of spiritual energy. With your vibration ability, you can collect it. This would require a lot of effort at this time until you can grasp your ability at a molecular level in which you can also be able to perhaps control and use such natural energy. This also surprisingly would allow for you to retain your abilities when we part ways. I would recommend focusing on the development of this vibration ability. A lot of potential. As for your concern of hurting a friendly ally's potential, you don't have to worry as it is a manual process. Naturally, I can distinguish between who is a friend or not or you can just tell me beforehand. Also, this offer from Akeno seems to be winning you over. I would recommend getting this backer. Always good to have a big tree to rely on and they seem to have a favourable impression on you due to your merits today."

"Alright." He nods to Shira.

At this time, Akeno finished discussing with Miku and Kotomi. Feng Ye faces Akeno and replies, "I accept. I'll be under your care."

Akeno, Miku, and Kotomi smile. Kotori Miku jokingly stretches out her hand as though inviting a handshake. "Welcome underling~."

Feng Ye grins and grasps her hand and gives a firm handshake.

Akeno, watching from the side, comments. "Excellent. Looking forward to see what heights you can develop to."

Looking at the time, it seems pretty late. Thus, Akeno leads Kotori Miku and Feng Ye out. After exiting and returning back to ground floor, Miku leads Feng Ye back to the complex to rest while Akeno returns to her student council office to finish up her work.