The Return to School Life

The next morning, Feng Ye is directed by Kotori Miku to the metro which leads to Kami Institute. Earlier that morning, they had checked out of the complex and arrived back in the suite to pick up any necessary items such as school bag, etc. After arriving at the metro, two familiar forms wave.

"Hey Feng-kun, about time your leave is over? How was it, haha. Must have been pretty nice!" Chu Feng laughs while inquiries in an envious tone.

Wu Ya nearby shakes her head and comments. "Hey Chu Feng, Feng-kun needed some rest."

Chu Feng raises his hands in the air. "I was insensitive, sorry about that."

Feng Ye smiles. "No worries, I'm all good."

"That's good. The campus has been so boring lately. Besides some pranks that Haruta's group had been up to, it seems that school life had calmed down and resumed." Wu Ya comments.

"It's good that, things seem to have resumed back to normal." Feng Ye nods.

"Anyways, it's good to have you back, Fury Fist Feng!" Chu Feng smiles and is about to hug Feng Ye.

"Haha,I'm glad to be back too." Feng Ye comments as he blocks Chu Feng's hug. "...However, I am not interested in guys."

"Haha, I know. Just joking." Chu Feng replies.

The entire group laughs.

At this time, the metro halts at the stop for Kami Institute. Seeing the familiar building, Feng Ye is suddenly enveloped in a feeling of jubilant return. He wasn't sure of why as the majority of his time in class is actually quite boring, however, it may have been his sense of attachment to his new friends in this new world. As the group walks through the gates, the surrounding students notice the group and whisper in groups with a variety of reactions.

"Feng-kun has returned."

"Hope he has recovered well…"

"Dang, I wish I was him… I could skip these boring classes.."

The group naturally ignores these randoms standing in the surrounding watching the fun and head to the class. In the classroom, the trio is met by Haruta and the others.

"Hey Feng Ye. Welcome back buddy." Haruta greets.

"Sup. Long time no see." Akihiko greets while adjusting his glasses.

Yotsuba smiles and nods.

Uneventfully, the class undergoes and soon ends. The bell rings signifying the beginning of lunch break.

At this time, the group consisting of Haruta, Akihiko, Yotsuba, Feng Ye, Chu Feng, and Wu Ya head to the roof top to eat. The roof is their go to location and solely used by them. It isn't a very popular spot and rarely any student goes there. The reasoning is because there are limited areas of shade in which during the summer time it can be extremely hot. It is an open area and most students prefer to eat indoors in the cafeteria.

At this time Haruta brings up a peculiar topic which had startled the entire group.

"I overheard some teachers discussing an event soon. It may be an athletic type of event and it will be a qualifiers to represent our institute for the campus ranking events which should probably be of the same nature."

As soon as Haruta's words fall, the entire group's interest is aroused.

"Interesting. You are quite lucky to just happen to overhear." Akihiko smiles while adjusting his glasses. He continues to analyze, "This means that there will be a quota. Naturally, those who do end up qualifying and taking a spot will probably get some good benefits and treatment as the institute will be depending on those individuals to represent in order to reap benefits."

Wu Ya nods. "This is a good opportunity to try to get in."

Chu Feng interjects jokingly, "Do you think you are athletic enough though?"

Haruta then adds, "Although, it is a high possibility that the competition is going to be athletic based, there's a slight chance it may be something different as they seemed to not be 100% sure."

Feng Ye joins the discussion. "Regardless, this is some good information. Good job. They probably would let us know more about it soon through an announcement. They are more anxious as resources are quite important. Regardless of whatever competition it is, it could pretty much be anything as there probably will be multiple campus ranking events of different forms to assess the different skill sets of the students."

The bell rings at this time indicating the end of the lunch break and the group heads back to class. Uneventfully, the class then begins.

As the time nears the end of class, an institute wide announcement can be heard throughout the halls and classrooms.

"Students of Kami Institute, it is the time of year for the start of the campus ranking events. The campus ranking events are important in regards to representing our institute. The first event will be based on athletics.

This first campus ranking event is divided into three athletics categories which are running, swimming, and, combat. Every institute is limited in regards to the amount of individuals they can send to represent. A maximum of 12 individuals will be sent to represent. Six will be first year students, while the other six will be second year students. Each event can only have 2 participants representative of their institute based on year. Therefore, a maximum of 2 first years and 2 second years for each of the three events.

Later on this week, we will be determining which interested individuals will be able to occupy the quotas. Those interested, please note the times of evaluation and be present to compete for a quota.

Those that qualify for a quota will be granted monetary rewards along with additional benefits. Qualifiers who do well to represent our institute in the campus ranking events will be able to reap additional rewards.

If you are not able to participate, do not worry as there will be numerous other types of campus ranking events which will need the best candidates in order to represent our institute. Details of the Kami Institute competitions for each quote will be sent in an email to all students and posted on the school forums. Enjoy the rest of your day."

The announcement then ends. At this time, the teachers who had already been expecting the announcement all decide to dismiss their classes early. Thus, all students are off early and start to vividly discuss this news.

Chu Feng pats on Haruta's shoulder. "Hey, you heard right."

"Yea, Chu Feng, do you think you'll participate?" Haruta replies.

"Not sure, I can run pretty fast, but that's about it. Unfortunately, I do not have combat experience." Chu Feng answers.

Akihiko adjusts his glasses nearby, "I'll probably try to go for the combat one as well."

This surprises the nearby Wu Ya and Chu Feng, "Are you serious?"

Yotsuba smiles, " You probably don't know, but Akihiko actually is really fierce. Although, not as fierce as Feng Ye, but definitely don't be fooled by his intellectual look."

Akihiko shakes his head, "Haha, you overpraise. I do have some experience and feel that this would be quite interesting. How about you Feng Ye? Are you going to do some combat?"

Feng Ye nearby shakes his head. "We'll see. I am more so interested in the swimming event. If possible, perhaps, I will try to apply for more than one quote though that would pretty much be just attracting hate."

The group laughs.

Wu Ya interjects, "Well, you probably can choose whatever event you want. Pretty much in the bag for you. I'll also try the swimming. In my country, I think I was quite quick."

At this time, each group member's phone buzzes with the exception of Haruta's. As every group member's pocket felt a buzz, Haruta's phone loudly sounds out, "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru….NANI!?"

Awkwardly, Haruta smiles. "Yea, I am quite fond of this phrase and thus set it as my notification sound."

"You have quite an interesting taste of notification sounds." Chu Feng jokes.

Akihiko takes look at the notification. "It is an email regarding the qualifiers competitions. They are all held next week. Each one is on a separate day. The details are all included."

Feng Ye takes a look at his phone. It shows that swimming will be on the Monday of the following week. The next day, running will be held. Combat is on Wednesday. Each start time is at 9:00am. Classes are all cancelled during these three days and students who don't participate are encouraged to support.

Chu Feng glances at it quickly. "Classes are cancelled. Nice. Unfortunately, it's next week. Today is Monday so we still have to complete 4 more days of classes. RIP. Anyways, we should probably go head home. Don't want to miss this transit or else we'll have to wait an additional 15 minutes."

Wu Ya nods, "Yea. we should get going."

"Alright. See you all later." Feng Ye nods and bids his farewell to Haruta, Akihiko, and Yotsuba.

"See you later."


The trio consisting of Feng Ye, Chu Feng, and Wu Ya head to the transit and board. At this time, Feng Ye recalls his attribute panel and takes a look.


Host Attributes

SP Remaining: 0 Utilize Stat Points(SP) to increase host attributes.

AP Remaining: 4 Utilize Ability Points(AP) to Strengthen abilities

STR 40



VIT 54


Hidden Wanderer (LVL 3)- The ability to disguise as another individual perfectly.

Limitations: Only applies to the everyday individuals with no peculiar abilities.

Upgrading this skill permits host to disguise as individuals who are stronger than the everyday individual. Next upgrade requires 20 AP.

Halo of Recovery (LVL 4)- The ability to slowly recover from physical and mental wounds. It also shortens the recovery time when host is under abnormal status conditions. (ie. dizziness, unconsciousness, poison). Upgrading this skill increases the rate of recovery. Next upgrade requires 50 AP

Spiritual Awareness (Esper): Increased mental fortitude. Allows exchange of consciousness and mental communication with others. Allows Shira Takeover condition in which the system controls the host's body. Under this condition, all attributes (+200%) and all abilities (+2 levels).

Development: Unknown

Vibration (Esper): Vibrate/Sonicate objects nearby.

Development: Unknown

Host Inventory

*Note: After Host Attributes Total 200 Adjustments (Sum of STR/INT/SPD/VIT), Adjustments made in SP and AP conversion rates.


Looking at these stats, it is adequate to completely crush any competitors. It is pretty broken. Perhaps, he may be able to be pleasantly surprised from some competitors at other schools, although, it is highly unlikely.

The transit arrives quickly at the Aven Tower. The trio takes the elevator up together and part ways.

As Feng Ye enters the sliding doors in his suite, he sees two unexpected guests sitting around the living room area. These two unexpected guests were Akeno and Kotori Kotomi who are accompanying Kotori Miku.

"Uh. Hi." Feng Ye greets.