
The past few days have come and gone very quickly. Among the students is an air of excitement as today is the day in which the official qualifiers begin. Qualifiers, the opportunity to grasp benefits and as the institute's key training focus.

Feng Ye and the rest have early arrived at the location for this swimming qualifiers. As classes are all cancelled the week until the qualifiers are over, everyone is free to watch or stay at home, etc. Today, particularly, Feng Ye and Wu Ya will be competing for the first year quota which is limited to two. Naturally, the rest of the group which is more than idle would come out to support.

The location of the qualifiers is at a huge swim recreational complex which features a pool of 50 metres in length with an attached diving area. The diving area is connected directly to the 50 metres, however, large bulk heads separate the water and boundaries of the designated 50 metre area. A lot of seating is available.

Feng Ye nods. "Kami Institute has a nice pool."

Akihiko adjusts his glasses and adds, "I heard that the city one is one that is on a much grander scale."

"Nice." Wu Ya says thoughtlessly as she makes her way to the changing rooms. "I'll head off first. As warm up will begin soon."

"Alright, see you in a bit.I should also probably get going." Feng Ye replies. He nods to the rest of the group and also departs.

Akihiko and the remaining look at each other.

Haruta expresses suddenly, "It's so early and they have like an hour of warm ups, then a bunch of preliminaries, and finally the final. Long day today. Want to go get breakfast?"

Chu Feng nods, "Yea, let's go get something to eat. Hopefully, some good places around here."

Meanwhile, Feng Ye heads into the changing room for males. He sighs as he reminisces about his life in his world. He used to be a competitive swimmer after all, however, after highschool he had stopped to further pursue his studies.

He mutters to himself," Who would have thought I would come back to experience this once again."

Feng Ye heads to the washroom first in which he is greeted by a large room with about 20 urinals. Without hesitation he heads to do his business in the one furthest from the entrance. Essentially, the last urinal. It is actually pretty quiet as most competitors are already warming in the pool, thus, the large washroom is quiet.

As Feng Ye is doing his business, a rather pale skin fellow walks in. This individual is about half a head shorter than Feng Ye. He has a pair of sunglasses on and is dressed in a dark blue hoodie with dark colored pants. This individual after walking into the washroom area notices Feng Ye in the corner doing his business and walks toward him.

Feng Ye noticing this random walking towards him knits his brows.

The individual walks to the urinal right next to Feng Ye and starts to unzip and do his business.

Feng Ye is cursing in his mind. Dafuq. There's like 18 other options available, and you choose this one. Screw this guy. However, Feng Ye felt an interesting aura on this individual. He can feel that the guy next to him is actually very pale. A cool feeling emits from the individual. Despite the rather warm weather, this individual seems to be emitting outwards a cold temperature. Quite strange.

The individual nonchalantly nods to Feng Ye and starts to comment. "It feels rather cold today. Deceptive sun isn't really making it warm."

Feng Ye nods but doesn't comment. "Probably a mental illness…" Feng Ye thinks to himself.

The individual continues to loudly do his business next to Feng Ye and sighs. "I hope I made the right decision…" The individual finishes up and goes to the sink to wash his hands.

Feng Ye also is finished at this time and quickly heads to a sink a few sinks away from the individual. He decides to might as probe this weird one.

Thoughtlessly, Feng Ye asks, "What decision would that be?"

The individual seemed to be in a trance state and unexpectedly replied, "Sigh, yeah.. To get stronger I bought some sustenance. Although, I feel my physique got stronger, I feel oddly stra-.." He stopped mid sentence suddenly and his body stiffened. He looks at Feng Ye and comments.

"Sorry, I am still too sleepy, so forget the nonsense I just spoke." With that he went out of the washroom. Surprisingly, to Feng Ye, the guy's footsteps had essentially no sound in contrast to when the guy was walking in.

"Strange." Feng Ye mutters. He notes down this occurrence and sends a text message to Akeno.

After quickly changing into his swimsuit, Feng Ye heads out to begin warm up.