It’s only the beginning!

Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka continue to suppress the enemy in the black t-shirt. The enemy continues to ruthlessly throw multiple energy balls scattering them at the surroundings as well.

"Argh, this guy! Immediately try to prevent him damaging the surroundings too much. I'll leave that to you Honoka. Watabi, you and I will need to drag it out with close combat until support arrives."Suzi shouts.

"Yes!" Watabi and Honka nods.

Suzi immediately starts to wave her fan-shaped weapon creating a series of air currents. Each air current rotates quickly like a spinning blade. The air currents accumulate as they stack on each other forming a sharp rotating cyclone. The difference between this and a normal cyclone is that if one touches it, they will be immediately blown by an onslaught of cuts caused by the combination of wind and daggers mixed within. Suzi immediately forms several of these and continue to increase it's rotating speed. She cannot immediately use them as she awaits for the perfect opportunity.

Watabi immediately reinforces himself and prepares to engage the enemy headon to try to allow for an opening for Suzi. What is different this time, is a hazy, semi-transparent weapon begins to form on his back as part of his armor. Reaching behind him, he wields the transparent blade similar to a fully armed samurai. He charges in towards the enemy and immediately. As soon as he nears the enemy he completes a yoko giri which is a side cut in which the sword grip is held in both hands to the right side of the body.The right elbow and left elbow are slightly bent. The blade immediately turns sideways as the sword arcs from the side with a powerful outward swing in a horizontal slashing movement.

This immediately makes contact with the black t-shirt man's abdomen. "ARGH!" The enemy shouts. Watabi follows up with an overhead cut in which he cuts directly in front of him in an arcing slashing motion.

The two hit combo that Watabi was able to complete had delayed sufficient time for Suzi to send her several cyclones of sharp rotating mixture of wind and blades directly at the enemy. Honoka immediately utilizes all her mental concentration to restrict the enemy's movement while throwing debris to block the enemy's line of sight.

As the enemy's line of sight had been blocked by the debris, he hadn't noticed Suzi's approaching attack. Immediately he covers his fists with the dark energy and pounds towards Watabi's face.

Noticing the change of attack, Watabi immediately withdraws. Assuming that Watabi was showing weakness, the enemy pursues only to be met by the onslaught of Suzi's cyclone attack.

The enemy's pupils widen as he curses. Unwillingly and desperately, he pounds his fists covered with dark energy towards the cyclones. With a booming sound, three of the seven cyclones disintegrate. The remaining four however immediately make contact with the trunk of the enemy resulting in the a series of lacerations.

"ARGH!!!" The enemy roars.

"Watabi Go!" Suzi yells. Watabi immediately completes another overhead cut successfully cutting of one of the enemy's arms.

Suzi immediately also approaches the enemy and uses her fan-shaped weapon to produce empowered wind cuts directly on the enemy's legs to successfully disable him further. Noticing Suzi's action, the enemy while resisting the four cyclones which are continuously chipping away at his flesh, pounds the ground to try to disrupt Suzi's approach.

Unfortunately for him, Honoka immediately uses the debris from underneath him to pound upwards, thus, further aggravating his injury. This causes the enemy to be slightly disoriented.

Suzi, seizing this opportunity, successfully is able to leave two deep wounds on the enemy's thighs. After doing so, Watabi and Suzi immediately fall back.

The debris clears as the enemy falls to his knees. "It's only the beginning!" He yells, however, he immediately collapses.

At this time, the student enforcer team is around 85% percent of the way there..still some time until they can arrive as they rush.