Hey! I love your cosplay! Can I get a picture with you?

Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and Chu Feng head over to the area in which a variety of booths, stalls, vendors, and tables are set up. Essentially, this area would be what one would call the exhibitor hall at a convention.

Many individuals with the different tiers of badges around their necks wander about checking out the stalls, listening to specific booth staff, or generally lining up to try out some events offered. Others are asking to take pictures with some of the cosplayers at specific booths, while others are spending their time trying the demos offered for tablet/mobile games.

A key aspect that Feng Ye had noticed in this world was that mobile gaming is incredibly more popular that PC and console. This significant change can be found anywhere as most would rather play on mobile. This is quite odd as back in Aven City, more people would prefer hanging out at the gaming cafes. Perhaps, this difference is due to the environment, however, every other place prefers mobile games over any other platform.

As Feng Ye's group passes by a cosplay group which seemed to be having their meetup nearby, sudden gasps can be heard from the crowd. Within the cosplay group, a male dressed as a ninja inquiries the young female next to him who is wearing some school uniform outfit.

"Hey, hey, doesn't that guy look like Yuta from Kimi no Yūrei? (Your Ghost)" The male inquiries.

"He does! Wow, this is probably one of the best cosplay I have seen for this character!" The female replies.

The surrounding cosplay group members also hear this small discussion and have their interest piqued.

"Interesting, that's pretty good."

"Wow, it almost seems as though they are legit the 3d version of the 2d character!"

Naturally, this doesn't really concern Feng Ye's group, thus, they continue to pass by. Finally, someone from the group dressed in a maid outfit with a colorful blue wig runs over.

"Please wait!" She requests. Confused, Feng Ye, Wu Ya and Chu Feng, look at this young girl who is around her twenties in the maid outfit.

"What's up?" Chu Feng asks.

"Hey! I love your cosplay! Can I get a picture with you?" She inquiries.

"Huh?" Chu Feng is surprised.

"..?" Feng Ye and Wu Ya are just as confused. Looking at each other in confusion, Chu Feng then nods and replies, "Uh.. Sure."

"Thanks!" The girl replies. She takes her mobile phone and sets it to selfie mode.

*click* After taking the selfie with Chu Feng, she inquiries, "I love your cosplay, where did you buy your contacts from?"

"They were custom made." Chu Feng replies. Naturally, his ability is a rather sensitive topic, thus, it was important to not casually divulge this info.

"Ah..I see. Thanks for the picture! Yuta from Kimi no Yūrei is my favorite character!" The girl replies.

"No problem. See you around!" Chu Feng replies.

"Byebye!" The girl in the maid outfit waves goodbye and runs back to the cosplay group.

Feng Ye, Chu Feng, and Wu Ya proceed to head towards the events. A quick search on the Internet in regards to Yuta from Kimi no Yūrei shows pictures that actually look pretty much like an anime version of Chu Feng.

"!!" Chu Feng exclaims and is startled. "Dafuq? It seems like after awakened, it seems as though my makings and my look can be said to look like this anime guy…."

"Kimi no Yūrei is apart of the genres horror, thriller, and mystery...It deals with the protagonist solving supernatural cases… haha it does sound like something you may potentially do in the future!" Wu Ya analyzes.

"I would rather not meet another ghost again…" Chu Feng sighs.

"Anyways, let's try the series of events ahead. We have some good amount of time and could probably try out quite a variety."

The next few hours, Feng Ye, Chu Feng, and Wu Ya have visited a variety of booths ranging from mobile game startups, to a large corporate booths.

The group had experienced a variety of events and activities such as an artificial rock climbing wall, augmented reality with touch and feel experience demos, along with a variety of carnival style games.


At this time, at the location where Feng Ye and the others had registered, a young girl with the necklace containing the pendant with a -1 engraving is called to the registration booth.

"Give me the VIP badge." She mutters to the male employee who is currently handing out the badges and checking for verification of the confirmation emails. As this employee hears the young girl's words, it seemed as though his mind was assaulted. This feeling that coursed through him was essentially similar to the shock to a person's nerves during "brainfreeze." After this quick sensation passes, a subtle change had occurred in which it seemed that in the male employee's pupil, a dull look can be seen.

"Understood." The employee replies and hands over the VIP badge with the associated complementary VIP items.

The young girl takes the badge and items and walks off.

The employee was in a daze as he had started to stare into space.

"Hey! Can I get registered?" Someone in line yells to the employee who was in a daze.

"Right! Next in line, please register here!" The male employee yells. It seems that he had recovered, however, he couldn't remember what he was doing the last 5 minutes.

Dismissing it as though it had been just him being tired, the employee continues to work.


At this time, Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and Chu Feng had decided to meetup once again with Haruta's group as it is around the time to head to the concert location.

After a quick call, Feng Ye's group meets Haruta's group at a stall selling hotdogs. After eating a quick snack, the six head to the concert location.

Heading to the VIP entrance, Feng Ye notices a young girl who also had the VIP badge standing in line where they have been waiting to enter. This girl wasn't present in the bus, perhaps, she came late… Feng Ye didn't think any further on this.

Quickly, the line for the VIP entrance was cleared quickly as the several individuals in front of their group had all entered after a quick badge check by the security.

In no time at all, the six individuals were able to enter this concert hall.