Se no!

Feng Ye, Haruta, Chu Feng, Wu Ya, Akihiko, and Yotsuba after entering were directed away from the other VIP guests due to their VIP+ status. A staff member had indicated for their group to follow him.

As the staff member led the group further into the building, the noises from outside slowly diminish until it becomes quiet and peaceful. The staff member leads the group to a modern air conditioned lounge which has several couches, and tables along with a fountain at the centre of the room. A few tables stocked with dessert is present. On the far right, there's a fountain drink dispenser with a stack of complementary plastic cups.

"Please rest here for some time as the concert will be in an hour. We will lead you to the VIP area when it is closer and when most of the venue has been seated. Feel free to enjoy any of our complementary services." The staff member explains while indicating to the nearby.

"Thanks." Haruta replies. Feng Ye and the rest also give their thanks.

The staff member nods with a smile. "No problem, if you need any assistance, just tap that red button on the wall. Enjoy your time here."

The staff member then exits leaving the group of six on their own.

Chu Feng looking around at all the complimentary food exclaims, "Well damn, no one told me about complementary food. Let's dig in lol."

Haruta sadly complains, "Damn, I shouldn't have eaten before! Argh!"

"Just relax haha." Yotsuba laughs as he pats Haruta's shoulder.

Akihiko nearby smiles and walks over to get a drink from the fountain drink dispenser. Wu Ya and Feng Ye take a seat on the couch and stare at the ceiling. The six members alternate between lounging around, getting food, or getting drinks as time passes by.

Around 5 minutes after the staff member left, three individuals walk into the lounge.

Kana Hanazawa, her manager, and the staff member who had initially led them.

The manager leads Kana into the lounge and smiles towards Feng Ye and the others, "These six are our VIP+ guests."

Kana, upon seeing Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and Chu Feng, is a little startled. However, as Kana has been in this field of work for quite some time and is considered an experienced veteran in the field, she quickly recovered.

With a smile on her face, she greets the three familiar faces and the additional three new faces. "Hello, thanks for your support!"

"Miss Kana! I'm a big fan!" Haruta exclaims excitedly. On the scene, no one is as excited as Haruta. Truly a pleasant surprise.

Yotsuba also showing an excited expression on his face smiles widely.

Chu Feng laughs, "What a surprise! I didn't expect these passes to also be able to see you so quickly!"

Kana smiles. "Who would have thought you three were unexpectedly VIP+"

Wu Ya smiles and replies, "Ah, our friend Haruta was able to snag the grand prize. Truly a lucky one." Wu Ya continues to introduce the members of the group.

"I'm Wu Ya, besides me is Feng Ye, and Chu Feng. We met you yesterday. Over on my left is Haruta, Yotsuba, and Akihiko."

Kana nods and turns towards Haruta, Yotsuba, and Akihiko and greets with them. Following greetings, the group chats about some questions Haruta wanted to ask in regards to Kana's new anime or album, release dates, whatnot and conclude with group photos.

"I'm thankful for all your support and hope you will enjoy the concert! I will be on my way to get ready. See you all soon." Kana smiles as the meeting comes to a conclusion.

"We'll be rooting for you." Haruta replies with a grin.

"Looking forward to it." Feng Ye replies.

"See you later!" Chu Feng also says.

Yotsuba nods with Akihiko, while Wu Ya also waves goodbye.

After Kana and the manager had left, the staff member who had accompanied the two had given some information.

"In around 30 minutes or so, I'll be back to lead you to the VIP+ area. Please enjoy yourselves." As the staff member finishes his sentence, he steps out and leaves.

30 minutes passes very quickly. Feng Ye and the others were led by the staff member into the large concert hall to a VIP seating area. As they enter the concert hall, which is packed with people to the brim, loud chattering can be heard as the atmosphere is filled with excitement from Kana's supporters. The VIP area is quite close to the stage. Some of the seats are filled already as the other VIP holders which Feng Ye's group recognizes from the bus had already been seated and discussing with each other. Each of them were given foam sticks which light up as they had entered the concert hall.

The concert hall was huge. It consisted of a stage surrounded by three walls connected in such a way to form a trapezoid with the large base being where the stage is. Some interesting technology can be seen on the left and right sides of the stage which Feng Ye couldn't recognize. It seemed to be some kind of hologram projector.

After taking their seats and chatting it up with some of the other VIP badge holders, five minutes pass quickly. The lights slowly dim to a pale blue. As the majority in the crowd lights up their foam sticks waving them around, the crowd hushes from its noisy state. Looking around the concert hall, Feng Ye can see a huge wave of multiple blue foam batons waving about in excitement as a chant starts to form from the crowd. The crowd chanting in unison and excitement as they await the start of the concert sound like a battle cry.

At this time, the light choreography begins. As on the front stage where a screen is shown, a countdown begins. The crowd cheers loudly waving their batons of blue light excitedly as they chant the decreasing numbers.

The large number 10 is shown on the main stage and decreases along with the crowd's countdown.

10 ! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! As the countdown hits zero, the lights completely darken and the crowd becomes a little quieter. A spark is seen on the mainstage. A very pale blue spark that is created with the choreography which then slowly becomes a fire. Moments later, this fire slowly becomes an anime character which Kana had played for in the past. The anime girl was a girl holding a bookbag in her school uniform as she smiles and waves at the crowd.

Cheers break out from the crowd. This anime character is unexpectedly a projection which utilizes augmented reality technology. On the other side, another female anime character appears, this one holding a broadsword and massive shield. This event repeats as more augmented reality anime characters appear which seem to be characters which Kana had voice acted for in the past. The amount of AR characters on the stage dazzles the crowd.

At this time, a dry ice fog effect occurs, and the anime characters all beam with excitement as they look at the empty centre of the stage where no light has shone.

A door suddenly appears which was done with the digital light choreography. The crowd cheers frantically as the door opens and kana can be found standing behind. She walks out slowly waving with a smile. With a smile she puts a finger on her lips indicating with a gesture to the crowd to quiet down. The cheers slowly quiet in which a brief moment of silence occurs as Kana starts her popular song, Renai Circulation.

"Se no!"

As the initial lyrics have started, a second of silence occurs, however, Kana immediately sings the next set of lyrics. As the next line of lyrics happen, the crowd bursts into cheers waving their foam batons of blue light in unison. The music also starts to complement Kana's singing. The numerous AR anime characters on the stage also seem to be dancing to the beat along with Kana.

"Awesome." Feng Ye mutters as he takes a broad look at the main stage with the numerous AR characters and Kana who are performing in unison.

Nearby Haruta can be seen singing along with Kana as is most of the crowd. Truly a very exciting fun atmosphere.

Feng Ye thinks to himself, "Perhaps, being transmigrated to another world isn't all that bad. A scene he never would have seen or experienced and atmosphere he would have never felt…"

Seemingly enlightened, Feng Ye also sings along as he immerses himself with the lively atmosphere. For once, he felt like he had integrated with this world and may not necessarily have to feel that he's the outsider.

A series of other songs have also been sung following this first performance. Feng Ye and the others were enveloped and truly immersed with the liveliness. The feeling of forgetting all worries and to truly live in the moment was experienced by all but one present there. A certain young girl five seats away from Feng Ye occasionally take a look at Feng Ye's group. Naturally, as Feng Ye's group was immersed in the exciting atmosphere, they didn't notice.

Haruta, Wu Ya, Chu Feng, Akihiko, and Yotsuba all enjoy this moment together as they listen to amazing live music and take a look at the interesting Kana and AR anime characters.

Feng Ye thought to himself, "This is really fun. I'm glad I came." With a smile, he continues to loudly sing along with his close friends he had met and bonded with ever since arriving.


At this time, back at Aven city, a huge explosion suddenly is heard near the entrance to the Aven Institute of Technology. If Feng Ye and Chu Feng were present at the scene, they would recall that this was where the large gate surrounding the entire campus grounds was. It was one of the designated entrances in which a security id check was required to pass in.

Numerous security are present and student enforcer team espers are at the scene trying to solve the explosion. However, a moment later, another entrance seemed to have another explosion. Numerous explosions occur in different areas of the large gate. In addition, the appearance of masked individuals also to rush forward as though trying to break through.

Akeno seeing the live reports and feedback from the student enforcer team sighs. "They have started."