Dungeon Raid (3)

[You have killed 1 Black panther]

The feeling was amazing. The monster began to melt with just one touch and the only thing that was left of it was its core.

The downside to this skill was that it leaves nothing of the carcasses of the monsters

But who cares.

[You have gained 10 cosmotic energy]


Raith's lips arched upward with his eyes slit.

"Come to me! You crazy bastards!!"

Raith sprung forward, running through the panthers. All he just needed to do was touch them long enough for the melt to start spreading and even when there was an opening he didn't care about it because of the defense ability of the skill.

It served as a great trapping scheme to conveniently melt the panther to magma.

[You have killed 10 monsters]

[You have gained +1 speed stat]

The clear progress was a motivation to Raith. But there were no monsters around anymore.

[You have gained +10 cosmotic energy]