Fenrir (3)

"Come here you fool"

The commander slowly and bowing his head, moved closer to the lord of the castle.

"Raise your head."

"My lord"

The commander said as he raised his face slightly to look at the lord.


His face swung sideways as the lord's sharp claws slashed his cheek. The commander immediately bowed his head again not having a second to cry as purple blood dripped down his cheek.

"Raise your damn head"

He shakily obeyed the lord's order.


The second slap was intense and louder than the first–the commander's face swung to the side and his body followed, he stayed on his knee to regain his senses but hurriedly kowtowed as the lord began to speak.

"Find me Volmak and find out what is wrong with the Fenrir before I change my mind and kill you on spot"

The lord's red eyes exuded murderous intent that made the soldiers behind him shudder and shrink, wishing they could just disappear.